Shmi's Funeral

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The irony of me posting this scene on the same day of my Great Grandfather's funeral. He was a WWII veteran, lived 93 years until Friday. I'll miss him, but I know he's happy up there with my Great Grandma, who died 12yrs before him. Love ya Pop Pop.

ANAKIN, PADMÉ, CLIEGG, OWEN, and BERU are standing around Shmi's grave.

I know wherever you are, you're at peace. You were the most loving woman a man could ever ask for. I could never have shown the amount of courage your son has when he found you. Goodbye, my dearest wife. I can't give you enough thanks for sharing your last moments with me.

Brief pause. ANAKIN steps forward and drops in front her grave, grabbing the sand in his hands.

...I wasn't strong enough to save you, Mom, I wish that I was. There was so much I wanted to tell you. You were the only thing I cared about. All I wanted was to make you come back here, take you with me away from all this...somewhere we could be together again, and safe. Somewhere gentle, and cooler, where you didn't have to work a day in your life ever again. I will continue missing you for as long as I live, but I will never forget you, mom...

ANAKIN lets go of the sand and stands up, he and PADMÉ walk back to the garage. In the garage, R2 beeps.

What is it R2?


It seems he is carrying a message from someone called Obi-Wan Kenobi. Does that mean anything to you, Master Anakin?

A rough hologram of OBI-WAN is projected. They watch the flickering image.

...Alliance have pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an...attack! Wait...wait! I don't...ahh!

The hologram cuts off.

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