A Random Confession

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Hey. This is totally not part of the story, it's just me.

So I've been really hurt and angered just as many fans are (But I would never harass the actors like these hardcore fanboys are doing, I wish they didn't exist but sadly now that's how the world views ALL Star Wars fans thanks a lot assholes😒)

My arguments against The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi are the same as anyone else's, so I won't get into that. I want to explain why I even started this experiment. And while I'm here, yes, I'll be rewriting episode I and III 😁

I love Star Wars, or what it used to mean to me. Many of my best childhood memories are from Star Wars; the originals, the prequels, the video games. My absolute favorite character was, you guessed it, Padmé Amidala.

Words can't describe to you how near and dear her character has always been to me. She is the only character in any movie I've ever cared about. I've always had some kind of personal (and possibly spiritual) connection to Padmé.

I loved her hair, I loved her costumes, I loved that she was a queen of a beautiful, dreamy planet. I wanted to be her so bad y'all, I high-key still do. I remember trying to draw all my favorite costumes of hers, and design some of my own.

Can we talk about this f***ing dress?!  Underrated cinematic masterpiece by Trisha Biggar

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Can we talk about this f***ing dress?! Underrated cinematic masterpiece by Trisha Biggar. This was the hardest to draw, I couldn't do ombré with crayons 😭

I also was under the impression that I looked like her, so I always thought she was made for me. While I don't look entirely like Natalie Portman, I am Natalie Portman-ish.

Yes I was obsessed with the vanity aspect of Padmé. But I always thought she was good on the inside. Yet as I got older I realized the prequels did her character no justice. I realized she wasn't the woman I idolized when I was little. How could I see her as this ultimate heroine, when she was portrayed as set-in-her-ways, wooden, bossy, and then later on...oblivious and emotional?

Because I still loved who I believed she was, because her love story with Anakin was lame and because I was bored during the snowstorm of 2016, I decided to rewrite Attack of the Clones. I wanted to portray her in the only way I felt she should've been. I felt entitled to do this because of all I just explained above; Padmé is my boo.

 I felt entitled to do this because of all I just explained above; Padmé is my boo

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I remember bringing a magazine to elementary school with this picture in it. I showed it to my friend and she said it was weird. They never understood 😪

Padmé is a beautiful, smart and graceful woman. She doesn't believe in war, but that doesn't mean she won't do what she needs to when harm presents itself. When her planet was taken over by separatists, and her people's lives threatened, she was ultimately feeling hopeless, but she never let this show to her enemies.

Finally, inspired by the courage of a slave boy she met on Tatooine, and with the help of two Jedi, she takes charge and conjures a plan that goes against everything she stood for. She risked the lives of gungans by asking them to fight, something she never wanted anyone to do. She risked the lives of her people. She had no other option and no time to think of failure.

Ultimately, she takes back her palace and says to the Trade Federation "bitch I told you I ain't signing ya damn treaty. Now get tf out my house." And just like that, peace is restored on her planet, and she proved to everyone just how strong she could be.

We then see Padmé later on, targeted by assassins because the separatists don't want her to vote against the military creation act. She goes into hiding with Anakin, but then she finds out he's been having nightmares about his mother. Caring, she goes with him to Tatooine. Then they find out Obi-Wan is being held hostage on Geonosis by the separatists and will soon be executed.

What does she do? She insists on going to save him herself, because if it weren't for Obi-Wan's help she would not have made it out of the blockade. When they get there, they're captured by Count Dooku, who cannot be reasoned with, to Padmé's dismay. They too are sentenced to execution, for Padmé would rather die with her dignity than be a slave to their politics.

But what does she do when they are tied to pillars in the execution arena? BOOM! She does a full 180 on them hoes. "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me!" She unlocks her cuffs and climbs up the pillar, defying their hatred and fighting back. She's not trying to die! She played y'alls asses! She's not going down without a fight, she has to try everything before giving up. Even when her back was injured she still fought until help finally came.

If that isn't a strong female I don't know what is. But enough of that.

I just want to thank anyone who's read this rewrite. It means a lot. I can't wait to finish episode I and III. Star Wars as of today is going to hell basically, but I'll still remember it the way I always did. It sucks, it really does, but at least all us fans feel the same way and stick together. And Mark Hamill, I'm so sorry for the way they treated you and your amazing character who is a hero to all of us; boys AND girls. We 💖 you.

Attack of the Clones: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now