The Next Morning

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At sunrise PADMÉ quietly walks to ANAKIN'S room to check on him, she heard him having nightmares earlier in the night. She didn't find him in bed, but out on the balcony. He stands exactly the way she left him in front of the hearth; hands behind his back, feet apart. She goes to the doorway and watches him. ANAKIN has been meditating for the past hour, to no true avail. Feeling defeated in the search for words, she begins to leave.

Don't go...

She stops and looks back at him.

Your presence is soothing.

PADMÉ walking to his side.
You had a nightmare last night.

ANAKIN remains still, breathes in and out.
Jedi don't have nightmares.

I heard was about her wasn't it? Your mother?

He can't keep anything from her, she reads through him so accurately. He opens his eyes, and turns to her.

Last night I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She is suffering, Padmé. She is in pain...They're hurting her.

Who is?

I've yet to know...

This isn't the first time you dreamt about her?

...No. This has been happening for a long time.

When was the last time you saw her, is she ok?

I haven't seen her since I first left Tatooine.

PADMÉ is incredibly distraught by this.
What? That is unacceptable, why didn't you tell me?

Why would I tell you this? I'd rather spare you from baring the thought.

You are not a burden to me, Anakin.

ANAKIN paces slowly.
I know I'm disobeying my orders to protect you, but I must go. I have to find her.

I'll go with you.

ANAKIN turns to her
No, I told you. You know how harsh things are there. It's bad enough you were there once.

We may be safe here, but I'm truly safe so long as you're around. I will go with you, but I promise I will not get in your way. This is more important.

ANAKIN tilts his head back and winces, thinking of all the trouble he could get into if his masters knew of his whereabouts. He looks at her.

I'm sorry but I can't stand it any longer, I don't have a choice...

Attack of the Clones: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now