Medical Facility

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Wishing everyone a merry Christmas night lol. I've been super MIA, I know, between seeing The Last Jedi and trying to be motivated for Christmas...I'm shooketh. As a late present, here's a final piece made up entirely by me that I've been working on for some time now.
So obviously after Anakin and Obi Wan fought Dooku, Anakin got his arm cut off, and Dooku gets away. Y'all know that. But Padmé and the clones never meet back up with them right after. So that's where my bit comes in.

It is the morning after the hiatus from the emerging battle on Geonosis. ANAKIN, OBI-WAN, and the rest have all returned to Coruscant. ANAKIN, still unconscious, was taken to the medical facility to be treated. He then woke up in a room, shirtless and white pants, with no memory of arrival.

He has since sat upright in his bed, staring at his mechno-arm; a now robotic prosthetic, in comparison to his other arm. He bends the elbow and flexes the fingers, it works just as a real one would. ANAKIN exhales, realizing this will be his arm for the rest of his life. He has paid the ultimate price for his ego thus far. Outside the glass wall of the room, his MEDICAL DROID returns.

How does you're arm feel?

ANAKIN hesitant.
Fine, this will take some getting used to, I guess.

MEDICAL DROID taking note of his condition.
No worries, what you're seeing is only the inside mechanisms. The outer skin will be attached later today. It's still being processed, it'll look just like your other arm.

ANAKIN thinks.
Is a man named Obi-Wan Kenobi here?

He and some others brought you here, and stayed until your operation was complete after we tended to his injuries. We had to make him leave.

ANAKIN wondered if OBI-WAN was disappointed in him for how he tried to handle DOOKU. A sense of disgust passes through him as he remembers the things he said about him back on TATOOINE.

He left a message for you, that Senator Amidala was committed here yesterday, some time before you, and is doing just fine.

ANAKIN feels his spirits rise.
She is? May I see her?

ANAKIN gets out of bed as the MEDICAL DROID hands him a robe to put on, then leads him to PADMÉ'S room. They have to take the elevator a few stories up from where he stayed, on a more quiet floor. They walk down a hall to double doors that slide open as they pass. There, behind the long glass wall before them, he sees her. They walk through sliding glass doors.

PADMÉ is laid upon a hovering metal bed, still sleeping. Her torso is wrapped in white bandaging from her chest down, and the bottom half of her is dressed in white, straight leg style pants. ANAKIN walks over to her instantly. PADMÉ'S MEDICAL DROID is in the corner, then hovers over to the other DROID.
They exit the room. ANAKIN glances at PADMÉ'S medical hologram, all appears to be well. Relief sustains him as he studies her; laid perfectly still, her bare arms by her sides, her legs straight, eyes shut, mouth closed. He gently takes hold of her hand and PADMÉ awakens slowly. She blinks a couple times and realizes it's him. She reaches her other hand to touch his face and he leans forward.

PADMÉ in a slight raspy voice.

ANAKIN smiles.
How do you feel?

PADMÉ shifts her body slightly, grunts.
Needless to say, Nexus are very unsanitary brutes, but we got here just in time.

ANAKIN dreading the thought of her demise.
Oh Padmé...

Attack of the Clones: Rewrittenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن