Entering Geonosis

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Haha I had to switch this up cuz the part where he grabs her arm like "you're not going that's final!" and she's like "let go of me!" And "I'm a senator you better know your place young man!" Wtf was all that? No way!

The Naboo starship descends onto a platform on Geonosis. ANAKIN switches off the engines.

I really think you should stay here and let me takeover, at least, if something goes wrong.

I'm not going to wait for you, if you can even find him.

It'd be a lot safer for you.

I know, but at this point I don't care about that anymore. With any luck we might run into this Count Dooku, and I'll give him a piece of my mind. R2, 3PO, stay with the ship.

ANAKIN is slightly stunned at her determination as she leaves the cockpit, then follows her. They walk through two large doors and enter a stalagmite hallway. As they walk, they hear the sounds of fluttering wings behind them, they stop and look at each other. Seeing nothing behind them, now silent, the slowly continue.

The noises return, PADMÉ turns around to see several Geonosians coming out from the walls, armed and aiming at them

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The noises return, PADMÉ turns around to see several Geonosians coming out from the walls, armed and aiming at them.


ANAKIN pulling out his lightsaber.
Run! Go!

PADMÉ takes off ahead of ANAKIN, who deflects the Geonosian's blasters, occasionally slashing any of the creatures that come close to him. PADMÉ opens a sliding door and watches for ANAKIN, not too far behind her now. He makes it past the door and it closes between him and the remaining Geonosians. He shuts off his lightsaber.

ANAKINThere will be more coming for us now

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There will be more coming for us now...

They are now standing on a short platform overlooking a factory, constructing battle droids for the Separatist army. The platform suddenly retracts, causing them to lose balance. ANAKIN grabs onto a handle beside the door, PADMÉ jerks forward with a shriek. Her hand barely grabs his as she falls down onto the moving conveyer belt below.


He watches as she gets to her feet, but stands there cluelessly looking up at him as it carries her forward, then he jumps down after her.

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