Negotiating with Dooku

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K let's pretend after they went through the droid factory, Anakin did NOT break his lightsaber, cuz it was stupid that all his hard work just got squashed and was handed another lightsaber like diddly squat. In the original they never even went through the droid factory, Dooku comes outta nowhere and arrests them. For an action movie, it sure is kinda boring without it. And let me just show you this cringe-tastic line by Padmé, when he asks her to get control of Anakin, "don't worry, he's housebroken"............MOVING ON.

After being captured by JANGO FETT in the droid factory, ANAKIN and PADMÉ are taken to a conference room where they see COUNT DOOKU sitting with a few other members of the Separatist Senate on the opposite end of the large round table, surrounded by several Geonosian guards. PADMÉ sits with ANAKIN standing to her back right, and JANGO FETT stands behind COUNT DOOKU.

Senator Amidala, I cannot say that I ever expected to see you here.

PADMÉ stern.
And I'm assuming you're Count Dooku?

May I ask what brings you to the far and desolate reaches of Geonosis?

You know exactly why I'm here. I believe you are holding a Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I am formally requesting you turn him over to me, now.

I'm sorry, but Obi-Wan has been convicted of espionage and will be executed in nearly an hour from now.

PADMÉ furrows her eyebrows.
He is an officer of the Republic, you have no authority to do that.

We don't recognise the Republic here, Senator. But if the planet of Naboo were to join our Alliance, I could easily hear your plea for clemency.

What makes you think we'd be so quick as to join your alliance? We certainly were in no mood the last time your filthy Viceroy tempered with me.

I don't wish to make you join our cause against your will, but you are a rational, honest representative of your people and you long for what's in their best interest. Are you not agitated by the corruption, the bureaucrats, the hypocrisy of it all?

The ideals are still alive, Dooku, even if the institution is failing.

Then you believe in the same ideals we believe in, the same ideals we are striving to make prominent.

If what you say is true, then you would stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things in order.

The Chancellor means well, but he is incompetent. He has promised to cut the bureaucracy, but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever, no? The Republic cannot be fixed, it is time to start over. The democratic process is a sham, a shell game played on the voters. It will not be long before the cult of greed, called the Republic, will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom. It wouldn't look very good on your position, would it?

I cannot believe that. I will not forsake all I have honoured and worked for to betray my place. I know of your treaties with the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guilds, and the others. What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by's business becoming government!

Who else would believe those accusations? Let me remind you Senator, without the co-operation of you..and your Jedi friend here, I can do nothing to stop this.

PADMÉ angered, at her wits end.
If our discussion has come to this...then you'll have to execute me as well.

ANAKIN'S heart stops. He looks at her, bewildered.

ANAKIN softly.
What are you doing?

DOOKU raises his eyebrows.
I wouldn't think of such an offence. But, there are individuals who have a strong interest in your demise, Senator. They have already paid great sums to have you assassinated, I'm sure they will push hard to have you included in the executions. If you are not going to co-operate, I must turn you over to the Geonosians for justice. I've done all I can for you.

You've done nothing.

JANGO FETT walks over to them.
I'll take your weapons.

ANAKIN and PADMÉ are hesitant.

We Separatists choose not to take risks.

JANGO attaches their weapons to his belt, next to his own blaster, and another lightsaber ANAKIN recognized to be OBI WAN'S. He eyes JANGO darkly. They follow him out of the conference room, and are then followed by the Geonosians and DOOKU. ANAKIN looks at PADMÉ in disbelief. There is nothing she can say to him.

ANAKIN and PADMÉ are taken to stand in the centre of a large courtroom before a tall, boxed-off area. Seated there is POGGLE THE LESSER, Archduke of Geonosis. He is accompanied by his underling, SUN RIT. Off to one side the Separatist Senators PO NUDU, TESSEK, and TOONBUCK TOORA. Next to them are the Commerce Dignitaries, SHU MAI, NUTE GUNRAY, PASSEL ARGENTE, WAT TAMBOR and SAN HILL of the Intergalactic Bank Clan. Along the wall about a HUNDRED GEONOSIANS wait for a verdict.

SUN RIT stands.
Senator Amidala, you have been charged and found guilty of Espionage.

PADMÉ rolls her eyes.

Have you anything to say before your sentence is carried out?

Yes, that you are committing an act of war, Archduke. I hope you are prepared for the bloody consequences.

POGGLE laughs. COUNT DOOKU simply smiles.

We build weapons, Senator. Of course we're prepared!

Get on with the sentence. I want to see her suffer.

This comment, coming from him, causes PADMÉ'S blood to boil. She spits in his direction, much to ANAKIN'S surprise.

Away with her!

FOUR GUARDS take hold of PADME and ANAKIN. They are escorted out of the chamber as PADMÉ stares each of them down with livid eyes, them turns the other way.

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