Confessions by the Fire

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And this is probably the one everyone knows as a cringe nightmare. But to me it's not as cringey as the original script for the lakeside kiss scene, that was definitely not in the movie haha. But yeah this scene was a damn mess, and left so many questions. Why were they just randomly sitting there in the dark talking all deep and personal? Why was Padmé looking super thotty? I did a complete clean up. Anakin is not an emo creeper and Padmé is not an insensitive know it all. Anakin is mature but vulnerable. Padmé is the same and understanding of his feelings.

PADMÉ had spent the evening dining alone as ANAKIN did not make an appearance. After she hastily finished her meal, she worked up the courage to go talk with him.

After trying his room, which he now left open and empty, PADMÉ walks into the loft and finds ANAKIN sitting by the open hearth, staring at the flames in deep thought.

PADMÉ hesitates to speak.
You didn't come to supper.

I wasn't really hungry.

You know I'm not going to believe that.

She walks over and sits by him.

Please talk to me.

ANAKIN looks down, exhales.
I've been thinking about how we spoke of ourselves out there...

He turns to face her fully and confesses.

When I got to know you long ago, I couldn't help but feel an attraction towards you.

PADMÉ smiles lightly.
It's ok Anakin, I did too.

You did?

Couldn't you tell? I thought it was a silly little crush that would pass in time. Then you came back...and now it's happening all over again. I led you to it out there and I should not have done that.

I should not have given you that kiss.

Ten years ago I kissed you on the cheek, you've made us even now.

ANAKIN grins slightly as he remembers.

PADMÉ feeling tempted again
I wanted so much more...

ANAKIN smile fading.
I don't know that I can feel this way for you any longer. Something is holding me back now that never has before.

The Jedi code?

ANAKIN looks back at the fire, and disdainfully quotes his mandate.

There is no emotion, there is no passion, only peace...

PADMÉ reconsiders.
Maybe it is wrong. You're a Jedi, I'm a senator. It was so easy to forget about all of that when it's just the two of us.

ANAKIN looks at her.
It was, more than anything. But what isn't easy is dismissing these feelings, because of our differences. Believe me, I've tried many times, but I can't just erase you. Not even ten years worth of trying could do that.

PADMÉ'S stares at him empathetically.

...But it doesn't matter anyhow.

Yes it does. You don't have to forget about me, we'll be able see each other more often now...right?

ANAKIN slips away and stands in front the hearth.

You and I are committed to dangerous roles in the galaxy. I know now just how dangerous yours is, being hunted down by some assassin...and me? If things do not go accordingly, it won't be long before I must take part in battle. (Looks back to her) What should happen if one of us were to die?

We are strong enough to handle our roles. I may be a target as of now, but it's never stopped me before. You are a promising Jedi, stronger than you've ever been. Don't think like that.

ANAKIN looks back at her.
But I must! Don't you see Padmé? How can we ever be strong, if we are each other's weaknesses?

PADME thinks hard, but she couldn't answer him.

I'm not just protecting you because I was ordered to, I'm doing it because I need you.

Every word of his made PADMÉ'S heart sink. He looked at her helplessly. She stands up.

PADMÈ in declaration
I want to be with you, Anakin.

ANAKIN almost lights up hearing her say this. His heart is pounding but he tries to ignore it. She walks over to him.

I'm not hiding that anymore.

ANAKIN conflicted.
Don't make this any more difficult for me, I will literally give up everything for you.

She takes his hand in both of hers.

We shouldn't have to suffer over something that is clearly mutual. I see no such "peace" in this.

ANAKIN sighs.
Or is it just the way things are meant to be?

She pauses for a moment, then looks down in defeat. ANAKIN slowly releases his hand from her grasp and reluctantly turns his back to her once more.

PADMÉ closes her eyes.
Our paths have crossed a second time, and they will keep crossing until we make one of our own, please...

ANAKIN doesn't answer as he stares down into the flames, her words cloud his clarity, he tries to focus on the intended purpose of his future. She made sense, she was easy on his ears, but she was corruption. PADMÉ turns and walks to the doorway.

I'm going to bed now, I hope you do the same...

ANAKIN is stiff and silent as a statue. She begins to walk away, wishing something could be done to spare them the pain.

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