Chapter 2

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"It worked!" Rodney yelled, carefully holding the zero point module in his hands, staring at it like a proud father.
"We did it!" Zalenka exclaimed, standing behind a console in the corner.
"About time!" John said as he walked into the room.
They were in the control room of the Z.P.M facility.
"How long did you say it would take you? Two weeks? It's been a month, what have you been doing Rodney?" John continued, annoyed because he wasn't aloud to go on any missions without Rodney and Teyla, she'd gone to help the Athosians getting organised.
"I'm sorry, the Ancients had really complicated security systems with very strict DNA locks. Which is probably why it took the Wraith a few years." Rodney explained.
"Well lucky for us, we have a perfect opportunity to test it out. The SGC told us the Lucian alliance are going to try and attack Earth again. Pack it up, we're going to the Apollo." John said, turning to the door.
"But we still need to run some tests to make sure it doesn't blow up when we connect it up." Rodney began to argue.
John turned to him and said, "You can test it on the way, now hurry up. You have five minutes." He turned back to the door and left before Rodney had a chance to argue another point.

On the Apollo, John walked onto the bridge where Sam was waiting. "Is he ready yet?" She asked.
"Almost, he wants to double check all the equipment he got together." John said.
"We haven't got time. Beam them up!" She said to a technician sitting at one of the consoles. "Ok let's go, we can't afford anymore delays." The Apollo jumped to hyperspace.

"Looks like you ran out of time" Radek said smiling, after he and Rodney had realised what had just happened.
"Ha Ha, very funny" Rodney said sarcastically as they got to work, testing the Z.P.M.

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