Chapter 10

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"Concrete, concrete and look! More concrete!" Rodney said sarcastically as he looked through a small pile of rubble.

"Rodney, I know you'd rather be at the facility, but if we do find anything here you are the most qualified to repair or salvage it" Radek said, instantly regretting it.

Rodney turned to face him with a huge smile, opening his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by something. "Radek, Rodney, its been a while" A voice came from the door.

Rodney turned and smiled at the person the voice came from, "Carson!", He waved him over, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, ever since Atlantis brought us back, I've been working at Area 51 with my own team trying to perfect the retro-virus. But due to recent events, we've been disbanded and I am waiting to be reassigned." He explained.

"In that case, why don't you help us out with sorting through all this worthless crap?" Rodney said.

"OK, I'll go and look around the huge pile and see if anything catches my eye"

"That should take him a while" Rodney said with a grin, as Carson turned his back and started to walk around the side of the heap of rubbish.

"I think I've found something!" Carson shouted, from behind the mountain of rubble.

Rodney and Radek, both jumped to their feet and rushed towards where the voice was coming from. When they arrived they saw Carson holding a few crystals in his hands, some cracked, others with fragments missing and a few that appeared to be intact.

"But how did you find all these so fast?"  Rodney said.

"What's that in your other hand?" Radek asked.

Carson lifted his other hand to show them his find, it was a small device that appeared to be in one piece, but none of the three of them had ever seen it before.

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