Chapter 18

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"Preperations have been made" A voice said over the radio, as John made his way through the corridors of the Atlantis to the cell holding Todd. 

The guard nodded as he approached and she swung open the heavily armoured door for him, as he stepped inside the familiar room. Todd stood near the door, already restrained with his arms attatched to his waist. "Time to go" John said, gesturing for Todd to walk ahead of him. Todd smiled and began to walk out and down the corridor, John close behind, guided him to the gate room.

Teyla and Ronan were waiting in the gate room, the stargate already activated, John and Todd went straight for the event horizon and stepped through, the others following closely behind.

On the other side was a team of Genii soldiers with Ladon, and Major Lornes team, in the distance a hive ship could be seen towering over the trees of the forest. Lorne reached out a hand to give Todd a push "We'll be taking you to the ship" he said, and Todd obediently followed, being led to the hive.

John and his team stayed behind to hand over the shield schematics, Ladon smiled and accepted the thick folder. He flicked through the pages, his smile growing wider, as his guards dialed the gate. "Thank you for honoring our deal, these shields will help save many lives" He said as he left with the guards.

Johns team had returned to the Atlantis, they stood in the control room with the General, waiting for the hive to arrive. "What do we do when we find out what's going on?" Ronan asked, impatient.

" I've already organised a meeting with Earth," Jack replied, and glanced at his watch, "which will begin in three hours, so once we tell them, we will be able to discuss the best way of dealing with it"

Before they could talk about anything else, a hyperspace window opened nearby, the hive had arrived and before long, Lorne's face greeted them on screen, "General, We're ready, Todd wants to leave as soon as possible so he's waiting to answer your questions." he said and stepped to the side to reveal Todd.

"Ok, you have your hive, now tell me everything you know of this new threat" Jack replied

" Very well" was Todds response, "I believe you already know him..."

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