Chapter 8

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He began to regain consciousness, his memories slipping back from the void. His eyes opened, suddenly seeing clearer than he'd seen in a very long time. Realising the huge mistakes he'd made in the past, regretting most of the decisions he'd made. He took in his surroundings, familiar, but not in a good way. It was darker than he remembered, and colder, much colder. He sat up and looked around his cell, blood marks were across the wall to the far side. He wondered what happened here...'Oh', he remembered. He looked away, looking for any guards. Nobody there. He knew he had to get out, reaching in his boot he hoped he remembered correctly. Yes. He pulled the knife out. Struggling to his feet, he looked for the weak spot across the hall. He aimed. He threw. He hit his mark, the door melted open.

He wandered through the halls, this wasn't right, it was different. It wasn't like these places normally were, he knew his way around, but he couldn't find out what he was remembering wrong. He kept wandering around, trying to find a way out, ducking out the way of any soldiers walking around. Searching for hours.

It took six hours to find a way out, another eight to find his one way home. He dialed in the coordinates, and watched the lights come on. He pressed the final button and.... the lights suddenly turned off. He tried again. And again. Nothing. He remembered the rumors of the destruction of his home, so he decided to go somewhere else. He dialed it in and stepped into the light.

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