Chapter 7

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"They're still looking, they haven't found anything yet, they're already  halfway through" Eli said, trying to comfort Ginn.
"You can stop trying to cheer me up, we both know they'll never let me or Amanda out. If I'm lucky they'll send me into that virtual reality and this body will be destroyed" Ginn said as she lay back down on her uncomfortable bed.
There was a sudden blue/green flash in the corner of the containment room.
"I can help you with that" A familiar voice came from the same corner.
"How did you..." Eli couldn't finish the sentence.
"I can't explain too much, I'm really busy at the moment, but I have a software update for you, a bit of a medical breakthrough" Soturi said looking at Ginn.
Before either of them could say anything, Soturi pulled some kind of computer chip from his pocket and grabbed Ginn's arm, he put the chip in the palm of her hand and held it shut. "It's an update that allows the Nanites to replace themselves with living organic cells, the replaced nanites will shut down and leave the body. You won't feel a thing, other than your muscles being a little weaker." Soturi explained.
He opened Ginn's hand and the chip was gone. Soturi stood up and smiled as he was beamed back out of the room. Ginn and Eli looked at each other, Ginn lifted her hand and they watched some metallic, silver dust begin to fall from her fingers.

Amanda was stood in another room, similar to Ginn's room, with Rush, they were looking at something in his notepad when there was another flash of light from the corner. Soturi walked up to amanda and placed another chip in her hand, he explained the same things he said to Ginn and Eli. Then he stepped back and was beamed away again.

Rodney was in a lab in the SGC working with Sam, who had decided to beam down to help get the satellite system online, she had put John in control of the Apollo. Landry was standing in the door, he'd just asked for how long it would take but neither of them had even noticed he was in the room. He was about to raise his voice when there was another flash and Soturi appeared between him and Rodney and Sam. "Who the hell are you?" Landry asked, he was about to reach for the alarm.
Rodney and Sam turned around and instantly stood up staring at Soturi.
"Sorry, I forgot we have never actually met. I'm Soturi" he replied, trying to look as friendly as possible.
Landry moved his hand away from the alarm and instead went for a handshake. "Welcome to the SGC, I've heard all about the things you've done for the crew of the Destiny and I want to thank you for saving us from certain death at the hands of the wraith." Landry said as he violently shook Soturi's hand.
"Well I'm sorry but I can't stay long, I'm sending almost every ship I have out to search for a special element. I'm going with them. I came to say goodbye, for now and to give you this..." Soturi explained, handing Landry a piece of paper with a stargate address written on. "It's something you may find useful, a gift" Soturi said.
"What element are you looking for then?" Rodney asked, interested.
"It's rare in this cluster of galaxies, but further out I know there are worlds rich with it. It's called Vostronium." Soturi answered.
"What's so important about it that you have to send most of your ships out searching for it?" Rodney questioned, Sam elbowed him for asking too many questions.
Soturi smiled, "It's the key to building virtually indestructible ships." Soturi replied, Everyone in the room suddenly got more interested, "As much as I'd hate to admit it, the technology was inspired by the Wraith. Similar to the way their ships can regenerate their hulls, the technology is basically a system of mechanical veins throughout the entire ship full of nanites. If the hull is damaged, the veins will be damaged and the Nanites will be released to replicate and fill in the damage done."
"That's a great idea" Landry said.
"But it won't work" Rodney butted in, "Nanites don't work in the vacuum of space, any damage on the outside of the ship wouldn't be repaired."
"That's what the element is for, it blocks any effects of the harsh environment of space and is more dense so it's stronger." Soturi said, "I'm already running late, I have to go now, Bye."
Before anyone could say anything else, he was beamed away.
"It's a Pegasus address" Sam said, taking a closer look at the note.
"Rodney, looks like you've got another mission before you can get back to the facility" Landry said.
Rodney rolled his eyes and went back to working on his computer, Sam turned and went to sit next to him.
"You have one hour left" Landry said as he turned and left.

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