Chapter 17

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"I see. Yes. Well it would slow our progress down an-" Jack was in the control room talking to his superiors on Earth, "Ok, I'll send them back immediately." He walked over to one of the other people in the room and said, "The next two ships to return for a resupply are to be sent back to Earth for a new mission. The Lucian alliance are growing stronger and we need a more powerful defence."

"Yes sir" The woman replied and turned to a nearby control panel.

Jack walked towards the bulkhead at the back of the room as it opened, "Colonel"

"General, you wanted to see me sir?" Sam replied.

"Yes, you are McKay's replacement, you will Join Colonel Sheppard's team on their next missions" The General explained.

Sam nodded as she turned and left, almost knocked over by John as he jogged up to the General, "Sir! There's something you should know!" John said, catching his breath.

"You need our hive? I thought I could trust you to help us and not just try to take away any power we gain" Ladon argued clearly annoyed by the Generals request. "However, from your tone of voice I can tell that you need it for something, what?"

Once John explained the situation to the General, Jack had decided to see what it would cost them to get the hive from the Genii. "We need it to trade for information" Jack explained most of the situation to Ladon over the radio, leaving out a few parts. "Then I'm sure we can come to an agreement, but I'm sure you will understand that a hive will cost a lot more than some C4" Ladon replied, after taking a moment to think about it.

"From the amount of time it took to reply, I'm guessing that you already know what the hive will cost"

"Indeed I do, shields. I'm sure you're familiar with the Wraith technique of bombarding planets from space. With shields we will be able to reduce the amount of damage done to our homes by these attacks and reduce casualties."

"I think I can do that, but I'll have to contact my superiors first" Jack said as the gate closed, ending the conversation.

"Are you sure about that sir? Giving people like the Genii any kind of technology can be dangerous" John said, he'd been standing there, listening in.

"Well, he didn't specify what kind of shields so, I'm sure they'll be fine with Goa'uld tech. And anyway, with what I've heard about their nuclear reactors, I doubt they will be able to power them properly anyway." Jack said, starting to smile. "It won't take long and I'm sure even the IOA will side with me on this one, so get your team and get ready to give Ladon a visit." John smiled as he walked away, "And Colonel, Don't forget Carter's going to be joining you until McKay comes back."

"Yes Sir" He replied, leaving the room.

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