Chapter 6

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General Landry sat at the end of the table in the briefing room. John, Rodney and Sam were already there, waiting for him. "I really need to get back to the facility, I..." Rodney was interrupted.
"I have already given the Atlantis orders to dispatch another science team to get the Z.P.M. facility fully operational." General Landry explained.
"But it would go faster if I was..." Rodney attempted to argue again, and was interrupted.
" We have a more important job for you here, once you have finished you will be aloud to go back to the Pegasus galaxy and help with the facility" Landry said.
"What job could possibly be more important than upgrading our fleet with Z.P.M power and possibly getting the planetary shield operational?" Rodney continued to argue.
"There are another seven Ha'taks on their way, it will take them five hours to get here" Landry explained.
"The Apollo could take care of them easily" John said, finally taking part in the conversation.
"Yes, it probably could, but we're going to use this opportunity to test a new weapon, if it fails then the Apollo can deal with the ships." Landry said.
"What new weapon?" Sam asked.
"The PBWDN" Landry answered, everyone looked confused, "It's the planetary beam weapon defence network." Landry continued, Rodney was the only one who looked like he understood," It's a network of small satellites in orbit that are powered by Mark III naquadah generators, each is armed with a single automated beam weapon, which is a cross between Asgard and Ancient technology."
"Don't they have shields? Because they'll be pretty easy to destroy." Rodney said.
"The team of scientists working on them said that with shields the generator wouldn't be able to power the weapon. So instead, they will be protected by the planetary shield once it is operational." Landry finished explaining.
"Then what do I do?" Rodney asked.
"Well the automated targeting system isn't working properly and the team of scientists don't know what's happening " Landry answered.
"Oh ok, I'll get working on it then" Rodney said, as he stood up and left the room.
"What should we do General?" Sam asked.
" I need you to be ready to take out the Ha'taks in case something goes wrong" Landry replied.
Sam and John stood up and left, they were beamed back to the Apollo where they began making a few minor repairs.

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