Chapter 3

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His eyes opened. He winced. He had the worst migrane imaginable, and his whole body ached. Drenched in sweat, he shivered, feeling like he was frozen. The intense pain all over his body grew, dark rings under his eyes grew darker, and sank deeper into his skull. He began to murmur to himself as he fully woke up.

Looking around, he saw his friends, weaker than him, they hadn't survived the process. But he couldn't decide if he was the one that was lucky, or them. He began to try and piece things together. Find out what happened to him.

Taking in his surroundings, he thought it looked strange. It was a mix of three familiar styles of architecture. He knew the different types of people that used each style, but in his condition, he could only name one. Wraith. But he remembered that this wasn't his first time, once his head cleared, he would know what to do. How to get away. If he could hold on for long enough.

An intense pounding began hammering at his skull, like someone was beating his ear drums with a stick. His ears adjusted and he realised it was an army of footsteps heading straight for him. It stopped. He looked up, straight into the faces of his enemy. They stood, watching him. He screamed, the pain surrounding his body continued to grow. The door to his cell melted away, as the barrier between them disappeared, he felt a sudden urge. An animal instinct taking over his body. His limitited energy building up in his weak muscles. He turned and leaped towards the nearest soldier. At the soldiers wrist. He grabbed the right arm of his foe and sank his teeth into it. The other soldiers pulled him away and beat him with their weapons. He was angry at himself, he missed the target. It would've given him the power to kill the guards and cleared his head. His vision blurred. He'd exhausted the last of his energy, he could feel himself slipping away. His eyes closed, he could feel the beating of his heart slow down. He sensed the soldiers move closer, they grabbed his arms and began to drag him away. He felt his heart stop. He exhaled, he wouldn't be needing any more oxygen. The pain around his body stopped and he felt his mind slowly drift away, into the darkness. Forgetting who he was, where he was and all his memories faded away.

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