Chapter 5

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Belle's POV

"Stop defying me baby." I look at him, and the choices run through my head. Either way he'll be ruling over me, but in a way one will give me my own free will to do so. By doing this I can gain his trust, and hopefully he can gain mine.

I nod my head, "Okay."

He smiles, "Good." He brings me into his chest and we sit there in silence, until my eyes get heavy and I start to fall asleep.

I wake up with Alexander's arms around me, and I have to admit that sleeping here was a lot better than sleeping on the floor. Alexander stirs and his arms tighten around my waist. I try freeing myself from his arms so I can free my bladder, but my struggles in doing so are unsuccessful.

"Mhm stop." I continue to squirm out of his arms, "Belle." His tone is warning me to stop moving and I do, not wanting to make him upset so early I the morning.

I wait a bit until, his breath becomes even again, and my bladder starts screaming at me to go pee. I have to go to the bathroom! I once again try to release his grip from my waist, and luckily I did. I run to the bathroom as if my pants were on fire, and I hear Alexander growl through the locked door. Yes, I locked the door. I don't like people in the bathroom with me while I pee, it's weird.

"Belle I suggest you open this door." His voice is rough from just waking up, making shivers roll down my spine. I quickly flush the toilet, and open the door before washing my hands.

His arms snake from behind me and he inhales my scent, "Don't ever lock me out."

I shut off the sink and dry my hands, "Okay, I'm sorry." I keep my tone soft not wanting to upset him. We stay there for a moment, then he leads me out of the bathroom.

"Are you hungry?"

I shrug, not sure if I should tell him that I don't normally eat breakfast. "A little yeah."

He smiles, and leads me downstairs. Once we get there I see Isaac eating a bowl of cereal. He sees us and waves, his mouth full of cheerios. I giggle at his appearance, and wave back. Alexander goes to grab food out of the fridge, and I walk to sit by Isaac.

"So how's it going smelly Belle?"

I hit his arm playfully, making him laugh. "I do not smell thank you very much. Geez Isaac." I roll my eyes dramatically only making him laugh at me more.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" I freeze forgetting that I'm technically not supposed to know Isaac.


"I brought food up to her yesterday while you were gone, I apologize alpha." He lowers his head in respect, and Alexander's eyes narrow.

"You went to see my mate without my permission?" Permission? Nobody needs his permission to see me.

I'm about to argue with him, but I remember the deal we made last night and think of my words carefully. "It's my fault." I lower my head, "I- I snuck out of your room while you were gone because I was hungry. Isaac here found me, and since I had left without your permission he insisted that he made me food and I go back upstairs."

I can see them through my eyelashes, Isaac looks fearful, and Alexander's face shows no emotion. "I'm sorry."

He sighs, and lightly grabs my arm, "I'm upset that you left and tried to keep it from me, but I suppose I should be glad that you returned and you're telling the truth now." By his words I feel even more like a child and I hate it.

He turns back to his ingredients for pancakes and puts them all away. He starts walking out of the kitchen, "I can assume that you can make yourself some cereal yes?"

"Yes." With that he leaves me there and my wolf whimpers wondering why he's acting this way.

Isaac and I sit in the theater room watching Star Trek when suddenly he pauses the movie and sniffs the atmosphere. He growls, and I sit there in fear. I sniff the air, not able to smell anything, the Isaac rushes to his feet.

"Come on, the alpha want's you upstairs." He urges me to walk faster as we exit the basement, and walk upstairs to the alpha's room.

As I quickly enter the room there's a man lying on my side of the bed. He looks exactly like Alexander; except his hair is combed in a messy style making my hands itch to run through them, and his smell is different. He's quickly in front of me, but before he can touch me I'm yanked away by Alexander.

Alexander growls, warning the intruder not to come near me. I steal a glance of the mysterious man, but I make sure not to look at him in the eyes.

"What are you doing here Tobias?"

"Ah what? I can't come visit the great alpha king and his beautiful mate?" Alexander growls at his words.

"No actually you can't."

He fakes an expression of hurt, placing his hand on his heart, "Alexander I'm deeply offended."

"What are you doing here Tobias?" His voice is low, evidently showing his impatience for this man.

He regains his posture towering over Alexander, "Well if you must know I'm here to invite you and your lovely new mate to diner tomorrow evening."

"No thank you." Alexander grits out of his teeth, seething with disgust and anger.

Tobias laughs, "Well to decline would be very unwise," He walks around the room as if it were his, " What would our packs think? You wouldn't really want my pack to think your refusing our attempts of peace now would you brother?" Brother?

"Fine, then I'll go alone." Alexander's grip on me tightens, but his stand confidently.

"Ah no, it'll beat the whole purpose of showing peace if you can't trust my pack to eat a meal with your mate now wouldn't it? Unless, of course, your mate doesn't want to."

He turns to me and my heads starts spinning, not allowing me to think clearly, "I, uh, it's fine I'd be honored to go." I try to smile politely, and try to ignore the queasiness I feel.

"Great! I'll see you guys tomorrow night, six o'clock." With that he leaves, and Alexander scowls at his retreating figure.

With the remains of his smell mixed in the room, I only get dizzier, and Alexander looks at me concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing,I'm just a bit tired that's all." I smile reassuring him I'm fine, and he goesto grab a shirt for me to change into.    

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