Chapter 14

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2 Weeks Later

My black hair falls over my shoulders in curls and I look at myself in the mirror. The simple yet elegant dress fits my body perfectly, and with how fancy I look I can hardly recognize myself. A few female pack members put my makeup on for me. They applied natural colored eye shadow, some black eyeliner, a bit of blush and a light coat of lipstick.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and my earrings sparkle from the light. I hear a whistle come from my door and see Isaac leaning against the doorway. "Wow Belle you look very swanky this evening."

I laugh, "Swanky?"

"Yes, swanky." He smiles and heads over to look at us both in the mirror. He fixes up his tie and smiles. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Ready?"

I laugh, "Not really."

He sighs and straightens his posture, "Well that's too bad because everyone is waiting in the ballroom and Alexander has sent for you."

I sigh, the thought of all of the Alphas in Canada being in the same building unnerves me. A thought pops into my head, "What I don't get is why we got an invitation to the ball if we're the ones hosting it..."

Isaac laughs, "Oh yeah, I have an invitation come to us too as a reminder for Alexander haha."

I roll my eyes and fix my dress. Isaac sighs, "Alexander's getting impatient."

I smile at myself in the mirror making sure I look like a future Queen. "Okay, I'm ready." I grab his arm and he leads me to the ballroom downstairs across the building.

We stop at the large doors to the ballroom. I've never really explored to these ends of Alexander's place, and for some reason my stomach suddenly ties in knots standing in front of the unopened door.

Isaac looks at me and smiles, "Don't worry you'll be fine. Alexander's right through those doors, and if he needs to leave for some reason just find me and I'll be there for you."

I smile, thankful for a friend like Isaac. He's been so great to me ever since we met. He's really helped me through some tough times. Whenever I get down in the dumps because I miss my parents he'd throw a movie night and we'd watch all of our favorite movies. He's like this brother I never had, and I love it. When the walls of this place feel like they're closing in on me he really tries to make me feel at home and I'm so thankful for that.

The doors open and the first thing I smell is Alexander. My wolf and I immediately search for Alexander and find him talking to an older man and woman. Isaac lets me go, and I head over to Alexander avoiding running into other people.

When I get close, Alexander's head turn to me and he smiles. He opens an arm towards me, inviting me to stand by his side. Once I'm close enough he pulls me closer his arm wrapped around me.

"Belle, this is Alpha David and his mate Elizabeth from the Silver Moon pack." I smile politely and greet the two.

"Wow, you're beautiful." Elizabeth smiles and shakes my hand.

"Oh, thank you. You are too." I smile and Alpha David laughs, hugging his Luna.

Other Alphas come to greet their King, and I smile politely as Alexander introduces me. A few pack members were talking to Alexander, making me zone out only being able to focus on Alexander's hand resting on my waist.

Isaac's voice snaps me out of my trace and I use my heightened hearing to see what he was saying to Alexander. "The elders are ready to talk to you. It sounded important."

Alexander nods, then leaves my side without a word. Isaac smiles at me apologizing, "Sorry Belle, I should see if he needs me."

I smile it him assuring him it's ok. I watch as the two people retreat, leaving the ballroom. I look around the large room; it's beautiful. There are so many people in marvelous gowns and suits. The room's chandeliers illuminate the giant ballroom making it seem like the world is always this bright.

I find some tables in the back and head over there to sit down. I watch as some of the Alphas communicate with each other and others dance to the soft music.

"Belle?" I look up to see Jake in a suit, with his chocolate brown hair combed nicely.

"Jake? Hi, how are you?"

"Good, I'm good. How are you?"

"Great, thanks." We stay there in silence for a while, with only the soft sound of the music in our ears.

"So, Luna queen... that's uh, that must be fun." Geez this conversation is awkward.

"Uh, yeah I guess." I smile and shift my hair to hide the collar to my best efforts. He doesn't seem to notice so I continue talking. "So, have you found your mate yet?"

"No, not yet. But I met this girl in my pack and she's agreed to be my chosen." I smile and congratulate him. The atmosphere becomes awkward, I beg for something, anything to save me from this awkwardness.

The music changes to something slow and everybody goes to the dance floor. Jake says goodbye then leaves. Finally I'm alone.

"May I have this dance?" His voice is soft and makes my heart skip a beat. His hair is combed nicely and he holds a hand out for me to grab. I stare into his ocean blue eyes speechless. I could get lost in his eyes forever. Subconsciously, I take his hand and let him lead us to the dance floor.

Once he puts his arms around me I snap out of my trance and stop. "We can't do this, won't we get in trouble?"

He smiles, "No of course not. It's common for others to ask to dance with their Luna Queen; it'd be rude to refuse. And if you're referring to my brother he's far too busy to know this ever happened."

That makes me a bit less nervous, but him being this close to me still makes my heart beat uncontrollably. He doesn't speak, he just pulls me in close and we dance to the slow music. I rest my head on him engulfing myself in his scent as we move around the dance floor.

Everything seems at peace, like it's just the two of us together. I forget about my family, my collar, Alexander; it's just me and Tobias.

The song ends too quick, and Tobias's lips brush my ear, "We need to talk."

He quickly walks away and I stand there confused. That was very mysterious of him...

"Ms. Allyn?" I turn to see a tall male with brown hair, brown eyes, and looks like he's in his early twenties.


He bows in respect, but then whispers in my ear, "I'm Tobias's beta." He stands up straight and smiles. "I was wondering if we could talk."

My heart beats and I'm not sure if it's out of excitement or nervousness. I smile and take his arm, "Of course."

He leads me out of the ballroom and down the hallway near some stairs. The closer we get the stronger the smell of crisp cold mountain air and campfire mixes in the air. My wolf becomes anxious and so do I, it's like Tobias's beta is finally taking me home.

Then I see him. He's leaning against the wall casually, and once he sees me he stands up straight and smiles. "Bel-"

"Belle?" I turn around wide-eyed and fear risesinto my lungs.    

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