Chapter 19

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Belle's POV:

Light shines through the curtain and next to me the bed  dips, "Hey princess, time to wake up." Tobias looks at me and smiles softly.

I smile still sleepy, "Morning." I sit up with my hair a mess, but Tobias still looks at me as if I'm the most amazing thing he's ever seen. I hide my face with the blanket, making him laugh.

Tobias is wearing a black shirt and a pair of jeans. His hair is messy, and at this moment he doesn't look like the misfit king of rouges, he looks like a young, handsome, free prince without a care in the world. He was incongruously perfect. He walks towards his walk-in closet, and I notice that half of his closet is empty. He disappears into the wondrous door, then reappears only minutes later with a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He hands the clothing to me and tells me to get ready for the day.

After I take a shower I walk down the stairs. Tobias is sitting on the small table papers surrounding him, and a cup of coffee in his right hand. "Do the clothes fit alright?" The shirt is big and baggy on me, and the jeans are only a little big on me, but Tobias's belt helps keep them on my waist.

I walk to the counter and grab an apple, "Uh yeah, they're fine. Where did you get the jeans?"

He smiles and looks up from a piece of paper to look at me, "What? Do you not believe those could be mine?" I look at him and roll my eyes. I am half his size, so there is no way that his jeans would ever fit me.

"I didn't know you were a fan of skinny jeans."

His eyes smile and he takes a sip of coffee, "Yeah Isaac lent you the pants, we can go shopping later today if you'd like."

"Yeah, I'd like that." He focuses back to the paper in his left hand, and his facial features change. I can't tell what he's thinking, but whatever is on that paper must be important.

"What's that?" I motion towards the paper, and finish my apple. He looks up as if I've broken him out of a trance.

He puts down the paper, "Nothing important. Hey, how about we go downstairs, I bet Isaac is dying to talk to you." I grab his hand and he leads me out of his room, back to the living room, where we were last night.

"Belle! Hey, finally you're up!" When I was staying with Alexander, he would have me wake up at six o'clock each morning, no later. It felt nice to sleep in a few extra hours for once.

Isaac's arms wrap around me and a comforting warmth blankets me. Tobias whispers in my ear telling me he'll be in his office and leaves Isaac and I alone. We sit in silence, and the world seems to become still and peaceful. I can see a bird fly onto a branch of a tree outside. Soon another comes and they sit on the branch together. They don't do anything but sit there. They have no worries, all they do is rest on that branch, and enjoy life.

Finally the silence is broken, "So how are you feeling?" His hand rests on mine, and his blue-grey eyes gaze at me with concern.

"Well I'm alive." I mean for it to be playful, but I guess it's too soon for jokes. Isaac looks at me with empathy, he looks so guilty.

"I'm so sorry Belle. I- I really did not expect that from him. I'm glad you're here now."

"Yeah me too." Suddenly a thought hits me. "Isaac, not to sound rude, but why are you here?"

Immediately Isaac's eyes light up, but then he becomes nervous. "Well, I have something to tell you. You'll never believe it. I mean it's just so crazy. I never expected this to happen. I mean it's just unbelievable-"

"Gah, the suspense is killing me. Tell me!"

He takes a big breath, and the anticipation builds. "I found my mate." I'm so happy for him, when I hug him he almost falls off the sofa. I congratulate him, and he quietly thanks me.

"Who is it? I have to meet your mate!"

He pauses. He looks so nervous, making me worried. "It's... Duncan, Tobais's beta." He bites his lip anxiously, waiting for my response.

I jump up, a hug smile covering my face. "Well where is he? Duncan!"

Brown hair pops out from behind the wall and he slowly walks towards us. "I'm so happy for you two." I hug them both and I can hear Isaac let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, but if you hurt my beloved Isaac, you shall deal with my wrath." I smile, and try to look serious and intimidating, but completely fail.

He smiles and hugs Isaac, "Okay." They look at each other with a gaze that makes my heart swell.

"Aww, okay you can leave now!" We laugh, and Duncan returns back to what I assume is the kitchen.

We sat back down, and Isaac no longer looks worried. "I was afraid you were going to judge me."

"Oh, of course not Isaac. I'm so glad you found your mate, and I'm actually really glad it's Duncan. He seems like a good guy, and if you two weren't mates I'd be here alone right now."

"Yeah, I'm glad I found him too. And I'm glad you have Tobias."

"Yeah, me too."

"So, what's with the skinny jeans?" I point to the pants I'm wearing and Isaac cringes and laughs.

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