Chapter 16

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Tobias's POV

Everything starts to turn red. She lays limp in my arms and Alexander looks unaffected. I can feel my wolf surfacing. "You... How could you do this." I hold onto Belle trying to listen to her weak heartbeat.

I can feel two men pulling me away from Belle, and I loose control of my wolf. I attack the closest man next to me shifting and tearing him to bits. More guards join us in the hallway, but once I see Alexander holding my Belle, I head straight for him.

I power through the guards protecting him, and try to ignore the stinging sensations shooting through my back. I can feel the wolfs bane slowly flowing through my blood, and my eyes become heavy. I'm seeing three of Alexander, then he's gone. I tell my wolf not to give in, and he tries his hardest to power through, but the wolfs bane wins, taking us down.

"Take him to his beta, and tell them to leave. The king doesn't want him to ever come back."

"I don't care!" I punch the wall next to me not able to control my wolf. He's been off the rails ever since the incident at the ball. It's been days since Belle passed out, and for some reason she won't wake up.

I grab a hold of Duncan's shirt my wolf creeping through, "I want him dead."

"I know, he should pay for what he's done, but we can't kill off the king. Who knows what the elders will do to you, to this pack... to Belle." I flinch at the thought, and my wolf backs down.

"I need to see her." My head spins, and I lean against the wall. Against what I wanted, Belle is being treated at the palace. It was what was best for her but my wolf can't handle knowing she's hurt, and living under the same roof as the one who hurt her.

"Alpha, I understand but how on earth am I supposed to get you in the palace. I checked on her this morning, and even Alexander said he doesn't want me going in there anymore. If you set foot in that palace he'll kill you."

Not if I kill him first. My wolf growls, and I try my hardest to keep him under control. Duncan slowly steps back knowing my wolf is reading to lash out any second.

"Call the elders, tell them I have an urgent problem that needs attending to know." Duncan nods and quickly rushes out of the room.

I sit and try to close my eyes, only to see images of Alexander and Belle. I haven't been able to sleep well for days, whenever I close my eyes I get these nightmares of the two. Most of them consist of Belle dying at the hands of Alexander, driving my wolf even more mad.

Alexander's POV:

A slow tear trails down my cheek, and I stare at Belle's sleeping figure. I trail my hand through her hair to move it out of her face. She was almost mine, fully. If Tobias hadn't of come, none of this would've ever happened. I never intended for any of this to happen, I just needed my queen by my side. If only Tobias hadn't of ruined that for me. When Belle wakes up I'm going to crush Tobias and his pathetic rouge pack, then Belle and I can be happy, ruling side by side.

The door of the room slams open, and I stand ready to fight the intruder. My warrior Jacob looks at me, "I apologize Alpha, we tried but-" He's shoved out of the way and Tobias stands in the doorframe making my wolf rise to the surface.

I keep my wolf under control, but according to the golden eyes in front of me, it's evident Tobias hasn't done the same. He stands tall and stares at me waiting for a challenge.

"What are you doing here?" I grit through my teeth, but he keeps any emotion from showing.

"I'm here to take what's mine." His words make my wolf and I growl and he only smirks, pulling out some papers from the pocket of his suit. "These are some copies I have from the elders, it's regarding werewolves with the possibility of two mates."

"I know the law, if one is to have two mates she can choose." He looks at me impressed but I continue, "It also says that if one of those mates happens to be a king then they are inevitably paired with them for the sake of our community, meaning she is to be with me." I smirk triumphantly, but Tobias only looks at me sternly.

"Well that's were you're wrong." What does he mean by that? I know the laws, I'm king! "I was talking to the elders and they settled on that fact that since I'm technically the king by birthright, there will be no loss if Belle chose to not mate with you, but with me instead. And since they believe there is no reason for her to not want to mate with you..." He motions towards my unconscious mate and then quickly averts his gaze towards me, "then there would be no problem letting her choose whom she'd like to be mated to."

Worry and uncertainty fills me as I look at the black collar placed on her nightstand. Is what he's saying true? If she does choose Tobias then that doesn't just mean I lose my mate, I lose my queen, my title, and my whole pack will loose our rank to him. His pathetic excuse of a pack is still large in number and could easily replace us. His pack of rouges can turn into the royal pack of Canada.

He shoves the papers in my chest then makes his way to Belle. I stare at the floor dazed and confused, afraid for what my future will become if Belle doesn't choose me.

Tobias' wolf still in control of Tobias' body, sits in my seat and runs his hand through her hair. He looks at her longingly making my wolf growl. Without looking at me he speaks, "And until she makes her decision, I am able to see her whenever I please. " I clench my fist and walk to the other side of the bed and stand, watching my mate sleep, thinking of a way to get her to forgive me.

The proximity of the two makes me my wolf very uneasy. "Can I speak to you, outside?"

He looks at me, then stands up walking out of the room. I follow him down the hall, until he stops abruptly waiting for me to speak.

"I'd like to talk to Tobias." He looks at me defiantly, then his eyes start to shimmer from blue to gold. I wait until finally they settle to blue, and Tobias looks at me coldly.

"What do you want Alexander?"

"Well, brother, I want to negotiate with you. If what you say is true, then I believe we should make it fair and have her spend a week with both of us separately before she makes her decision."

"Why? Afraid she might not choose you? I wonder what would ever make you think that?"

"I don't tolerate sarcasm Tobias, especially not from a mutt like you!" His eyes turn black and he takes a threatening step towards me. I stand tall, and growl back showing him I won't back down. Tobias regains composure, his eyes becoming glossy, letting me know he's talking to his wolf.

"I say we let Belle make that decision." With that he leaves, giving me no room to argue. I follow him back to my room, where Belle is, and once we walk into the room Belle starts to stir. Her brown eyes flutter open and I stop in my tracks.


~ Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the super long wait. I've kind of been at a bit of a writers block lately, and it's tough with school. I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment who you think Belle should choose.~

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