Chapter 17

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Belle's POV

I look at the two brothers, my throat sore. As if Tobias knew, he hands me a glass of water, which was on the nightstand next to me. The cool liquid runs down my throat soothing the discomfort. I set the cup back, and my eyes freeze on a little black objet on the nightstand. My vision blurs and my hand instinctively reaches to touch my healed neck.

I can feel the tension in the room thicken. I take in my surroundings; why am I still at Alexander's place? The walls suddenly start to close in on me making me desperately want to escape.

"Belle?" I'm not sure exactly who said it, but looking at Tobias only five little words escape my lips.

"Get me out of here." He immediately reaches for me, but a growl fills the room. Alexander takes a step towards us, making me flinch. Pain flashes across his face but he covers it up when Tobias growls at him.

"We made a deal." Alexander's words confuse me. What kind of deal would Tobias make with him?

"I said we'd let Belle decide, and she has chosen." I can see the two visibly start to shake in fury, meaning their wolves were ready to shift and fight. I have to stop this, but how?

The next thing I know, I'm stepping between the two ignoring how terrifying this is. "Stop! Both of you." I look at the two, but their eyes show me that I'm no longer looking into the eyes of men, but in the eyes of their shifted wolves. Alexander takes a small step forward, making Tobias ready to snap. I look at Alexander, "If you attack Tobias you will not only start a war against his pack, but you will loose all respect from them and from me."

Tobias snarls at Alexander, making my heart race in fear. Tobias takes a step ready to attack, so I stand directly in his way. "Tobias! If you attack Alexander you'll be killing the king! They will not only kill you but they'll punish your pack. Please," I look at Alexander's chocolate brown wolf then back to Tobias' black wolf, "Just get me out of here... please."

I can tell he can hear the desperation and the pleading in my tone. He shifts back into his human form, not caring that his clothes were torn when he shifted, and he picked me up carrying me out of the large house of the infamous king. He ignored his surroundings; not saying a word, eager to get me out of the home his twin brother lives in.

We've been driving for a while, and I'm a little afraid to break the silence. By the stiff posture and dark eyes it's evident that Tobias' wolf is still in control. The dark green trees pass by in blurs, and little white flakes fall from the blue sky above. I check the time, 6:30. How long have I been asleep? What exactly happened after I passed out? Why did they keep me at the palace? And what deal was Alexander talking about?

The hem of my nightgown slips through my fingers, as I play with it nervously. It seems like we've been driving for hours. I feel bad for leaving without a second thought. Yes, what Alexander did upset me a lot, but he was still my mate. And I left Isaac there with no goodbye, nor did I thank him for treating me so well. He was the closest friend I've ever had, and I just abandoned him.

Lights illuminate from the glass windows, and shimmer through the trees surrounding the beautiful home. From here, you can see there are only two or maybe three stories to the wooden house. He parks the car, and before I can step out of the car he picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck, knowing I shouldn't argue with his wolf about something as silly as this.

He walks up the many stairs, and I just look at the greenery surrounding us, feeling a sort of comfort in it. He opens the door with ease and I'm greeted by a beautiful interior design. It's very simple but gives a comforting and homelike atmosphere to the place. "Welcome home." I look up to see him grinning, but I can see his wolf is still in control.

He walks me to the sofa, then finally sets me down gently. The flames of the fire dance in the fireplace, and the only noise you can hear is the crackling of the flames. Tobias grabs a blanket and drapes it over me. The lack of noise makes me anxious, and the idea of Tobias's wolf just watching me makes things very awkward.

"Can uh, can I talk to Tobias?? Please?" He sighs, but those dark eyes soon shift into the ocean blue that I've grown so fond of. He smiles and sits on the coffee table across form me.

"Hey princess."

"Hi." A blush creeps to my cheeks, and I play with the blanket to hide my face.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine..." My smile face and the guilt of leaving Isaac behind fills my thoughts.

Immediately Tobias is sitting next to me, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... I just was thinking about how suddenly I left. I feel bad-" Footsteps echo through the room, and Tobias's face grows stolid.

"Belle! You're here!" The happy, cheerful voice fills my ears. I turn to see smiling blue-grey eyes and messy dirty blonde hair. He's wearing a navy blue t-shirt, and faded blue jeans.

"Isaac?" I run over to him and embrace him in a giant hug. So many questions are running through my head right now, where do I start?

He pulls back still smiling, "I'm glad you're here." He leans down to whisper in my ear, "I have so much to tell you." He smiles and takes a few steps back. That's when I finally notice the other man in the room. He looks familiar, I think he's Tobias's beta. I smile and wave, and he smiles back.

"Well maybe we should let the two talk?" The beta looks at Isaac and smiles. Isaac nods, and turns and waves goodbye. I watch the two exit the room, leaving Tobias and I alone once again.

I turn to see him standing there with a stern look on his face. "Tobias?"

"You feel bad for leaving? Are you having second thoughts? Are you seriously choosing him over me?" His voice is cold and deadly. Those dark eyes stare into mine, making me forget how to breathe.

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