Chapter 27

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I'm not ready. This afternoon I finally have to go to Alexander's palace. I was supposed to go this morning but I'm not ready to leave just yet. I feel terrible, but I'm starting to regret agreeing to go in the first place. I feel so weak. What if I get there and he forces the color upon me again? What if he tries to get me to reject Tobias with it? I don't think I can suffer through that pain again.

"Belle?" I look up surprised to see Tobias's deep blue eyes. Ever since the incident yesterday, Xerxes has been in full control. It was nice spending time with him though, so I didn't mind. We spend the whole night cuddling and watching TV. I was surprised to see he was still in control when I woke up this morning though.

"Tobias?" He smiles and sits next to me on the couch.

"Hi princess. How are you?"

I lean into him, "Honestly? Scared." I know I have to do this. It's the only thing that's fair to all of our wolves.

Tobias sighs and brings me closer to him. "I know. But I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you. If anything happens and you want to come home, call me and I'll be there right away."

"I know. But I have to do this. Nothing bad will happen." We both knew I couldn't promise that, but I had to hope.

"Well we have two hours before we have to head out. What would you like to do?"

I sigh and lean against him, "Just lay with me."

We shuffle to get comfortable, and a peaceful silence fills the atmosphere. I wish I could truly relax and enjoy this time, but I can't help but think about what's to come. One thing has been crossing my mind a lot lately, "How did you know?"

"Know what dove?"

"The collar... How did you know so much about it?" I can feel him become tense, but he keeps his arms wrapped around me securely. He traces little shapes onto my skin giving me goosebumps and it goes quiet for a moment. It almost seems like he's forgotten about the question.

"My father... he didn't favor me very much. He would always tell me to be more like my dearest brother." He sighs, and I squeeze his hand to assure him it's okay. "In order to make me into the 'ideal son' he got a collar specially made just for me."

How could a father, our king, do that to his son? I shiver thinking of the pain I went through, and how hurt I was knowing it was because of my mate. For his own blood to do that must've been heart breaking. "Since I'm a royal my father had my collar's punishments be thrice as strong. When I was zapped welts were left on my skin, and the burns would leave scars that would last weeks. Luckily Miss Jo would help soothe my wounds afterwards and my healing abilities worked well or else they probably would've been permanent. Somehow the punishments wouldn't do the trick though. I never learned."

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Knowing he went through this much pain growing up helps me truly understand why he left. And what was Alexander doing while this happened? Why did his father spare him and not his brother?

"I'm sorry..." My voice cracks causing Tobias to quickly sit us up in order for him to look at me properly.

"Shh no love, it's not your fault. It's all in the past now. I'm just sorry you had to experience that pain as well." I felt safe while he took me into his embrace, but a part of me still yearned for Alexander's presence and his scent.

Tobias lifted my chin, urging me to look at him. I can't stop myself from glancing at his soft lips and blue eyes. I lean in and he quickly follows suit. Sparks spread through my lips, and my wolf hums in delight as we embrace in one last kiss. I'm surely going to miss my Tobias.

The drive to the royal pack had me on edge. I was nervous and afraid of the week that was to come, but at the same time my wolf was jumping with joy feeling the presence of our other mate becoming closer and closer. Tobias holds my hand in order to keep it from shaking as Dustin drives us. Isaac wanted to come with, but he wasn't sure if he could face his best friend and cold alpha.

There he stands at the front door of his empty palace. Stone faced, and chin held high, his brown eyes bore into mine as our car drove up the driveway. I couldn't stop the shiver from crawling down my spine as our eyes stayed locked. My wolf was going crazy with Tobias by my side and Alexander only a few feet away from us. It's as if she forgot all that he did to us as she urges me to jump into his arms.

"Belle." His voice is soft, but his expression becomes cold towards his brother's hand wrapped around my waist.

"Bell, you don't have to do this." Alexander growls at Tobias's words whispered into my ear. I know this is insane, but I do need to do this.

I squeeze Tobias's hand and whisper a goodbye, then make my way to Alexander's side. "Goodbye Tobias." His voice is harsh and strikes fear to my heart. Tobias takes a step towards him, but the desperation in my eyes stops him.

'Remember love, I'm just a phone call away.' All I can manage to do is nod in response, and with that he leaves.

"Belle... I have missed you." Alexander reaches for me and I try my hardest not to flinch. My wolf practically melts in his hold however and purrs in happiness. He embraces me in a hug but stiffens immediately.

'Oh no he's mad at us.' My wolf whimpers, with her tail in between her legs. What's gotten into her?

Is voice comes out stiff and frustrated, "You reek of him." He spits it out as if it tastes sour and I flinch.

I step away and bow my head, hanging it down low. "Sorry sir, let me change."

I make my way upstairs to his room knowing my clothes would still be in his closet. Everything that I bought is hung nicely and the blue dress Isaac bought me catches my eye. Suddenly a wave of sadness washes over me and I'm not even sure why.

Alexander's arms wrap around me from behind and my body instantly relaxes. "I've had a long day, and you seem tired. How about we just head to bed early?" I shake my head, not trusting my words and he hands me one of his t-shirts.

He gives me some privacy and I quickly change in his closet not wanting to keep him waiting. When I come out he is lying in bed in only his boxers. I take a quick intake of breath and struggle to keep my eyes off of him.

I slip into my side of the bed and turn to have my back face him. "Goodnight Belle."

"Goodnight." It's barely audible, and I'm not sure if he even heard me. I can hear him shuffle in bed to get comfortable and a single tear slides down my cheek as I let the darkness overcome me.   

~ Ahhh. Is Belle having second thoughts? 

Who thinks she should just call Tobias now and be with him?

Who thinks she should truly give poor Alexander a chance?

Thanks for reading! ~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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