Chapter 13

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Women shuffle around Alexander's room, grabbing different materials and hold them up for show. I stand tall on the stool watching them surround me.

Issac sits back on the sofa, flipping through the channels. One leg over the other, the ends of his black slacks hang loosely over his bare feet. His white button up shirt has the sleeves lazily rolled up, and he almost looks comfortable. Unlike me of course.

I sigh frustrated as another women sends a weary glance towards my collar. They probably think I'm a horrible Luna if I'm needed to wear this thing around my neck.

"I thought you said we were going to go actual shopping for my dress."

Isaac sighs and continues his channel surfing. "I thought so too, but our dearest alpha didn't approve." I roll my eyes and flinch at the touch of other people's cold fingers touching my skin.

"So what's all of this for exactly?"

"Well it's pretty much just a gathering of all of the Alphas and Betas of the packs in Canada, and neighboring territories. Oh, and their mates of course." He explains, speaking over his shoulder not daring to look at me out of the respect of me only wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra.

"Ok, but why?"

"It's a way for the King, aka Alexander, to check up on the other packs to be sure they're doing their jobs. Besides if a pack has any beef with another pack it's a way for them to learn to deal with it. If you can party with them, then there's no reason to start a war against them ya know?"

"Uh, I guess?" The four ladies gather their things and exit the room quietly. I pull on one of Alexander's t-shirts and head over to sit with Isaac.

A few moments later Alexander walks in, wearing a suit. He looks stressed making me go to comfort him instinctively.

He breathes in my scent, and we stay like that for a while. "Hey buddy! How was the meeting?"

Alexander looks up at a comfortable looking Issac confused. "Isaac, what are you doing in my room?"

"Belle and I were trying on dresses for the ball."

"You tried on dresses?"

Isaac scoffs, "Yes Alexander, of course I did. I'm definitely planning on looking like a pretty little princess this year." I laugh at the sarcasm evident in his voice, and Alexander just rolls his eyes unamused.

"Whatever, get out Isaac." Isaac whines and slowly gets off of the sofa. He stomps his way out of the room like a child.

"Oh and Isaac?"

"Yeah?" He peaks his head through the door excited.

"Put on some socks in at least." Alexander points at his feet and Isaac rolls his eyes.

"Yes mother." Alexander growls, and Isaac bolts, making me laugh at his behavior. 

Taming the Alpha KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang