Chapter 7

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I open my eyes, and I'm back at the gazebo. Tobias walks into the gazebo with a smile on his face. "Hello dove."

I smile butterflies erupting in my stomach, "Hi." I take his hand and he walks me over to the spot we were standing during diner.

"What are we doing here?" I look at him confused and he just smiles.

"I promised you I'd see you again. Considering Alexander most likely wont let you leave without him I can't exactly meet you in person, but I can certainly see you while you dream." It must be a part of the mate bond.

"So, why don't we get to know each other a bit more? Twenty questions?"

"Sure." I smile and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, awaiting the first question.

He smiles as I try to keep myself from laughing. My face burns red, but he just stares at me lovingly. "You have to go now my dove." I look at him, and my wolf whimpers, not ready to leave him yet.

I look down at my feet and shake my head agreeing. He sighs, and cups my face with his hand. "I wish you were just mine." His face is sad and sincere and I look away fearing that if I look at him I'll break.

"I'm sorry." A tear slips from my face, as I force myself to wake up.

Alexander slides a strand of hair out of my face and stares at me adoringly. I sit up and smile at him, "Morning."

"Morning gorgeous, how'd you sleep?" I think about how Tobias and I talked all night making me smile, but looking at Alexander my heart pings in guilt, "Good; you?"

"Good." He smiles and plays with my hair. "Let's eat." I nod my head and follow him down the stairs. I feel almost nervous as if somehow he'd know that I was dreaming about his twin brother, but we entered the kitchen with no problems. Isaac is once again sitting at the island, and once I wave at him and go to greet him, Alexander grabs me by the waist and pulls me to his side. I look at him ready to argue but he just looks at me as if daring me to object. I hate this stupid deal we made, I can't even greet the only friend I've made because I don't have Alexander's permission.

I sit down, and Alexander goes to make breakfast. His tight shirt hugs his muscles as he moves around the kitchen, making me food. I hum absentmindedly, and I forget everything. I forget that he made me come here. I forget how short tempered he is. I forget that he bought a collar for me. I forget about being mates with his twin brother. Now, it's just him and I sitting in the kitchen about to eat breakfast together.

He looks over his shoulder, and smirks at me. I smile, and because of our bond I just want to wrap my arms around him. I don't though, and Isaac comes to sit next to me. "Seems like you guys are getting along huh?"

I shrug and smile, "Yeah, I hope so." I whisper, and Isaac smiles glad his best friend is behaving.

"So, how do you like it here?" He almost looks nervous; he desperately wants his Luna to feel at home.

I sigh, "Uh, I mean I haven't had a chance to fully settle, but so far it's okay. It's awfully quiet though, where are all of the pack members?"

"Ah yes, this is just the king's palace. The pack lives in their own houses around the property."

"Oh, so you live hear too?"

"No, he just likes to use up my food and bother me all the time." I look at Alexander, and he smirks as he sends our plates to me. He picks me up and sets me on his lap, and it almost feels normal. Isaac laughs, and snatches a piece of my bacon. Ugh not the bacon... I glare at him playfully and he just shrugs, smiling.

"Isaac..." Alexander growls, and wide eyed, Isaac salutes jokingly and leaves.

Alexander shuffles through his papers completely focused. I'm so bored. We've been in his office ever since he got bored of the movie we were watching. I stand up and observe his office. The walls are white and covered by bookshelves. Most of the books and trinkets on the shelves are dusty, and it makes the room even more gloomy and boring. I reach for a book and knock one of the trinkets on the shelves off in the process. I quickly catch the small black object and place it back on the shelf. It topples over, bumping the things next to it and I quickly rearrange them all.

"Sit down Belle!" His voice is cold and irritated, and fear strikes my heart. I race to my seat and quietly apologize.

His papers look like they've got him troubled, and I almost feel tempted to ask him what's bothering him. I'm probably the problem though, not the papers. "Would-" He looks at me, stone faced and I cough and stand up, "Would it be okay if I go rest for a moment?"

"Yeah, that'll be fine." He goes back to reading his paperwork, and I thank him quietly before exiting the room.

At the stairs I run into Isaac, and his smile grows wide. "Hey Belle, what are you doing?"

"Uh, I'm going to take a short nap." I near him and whisper, "I had to get out of that office, it's so boring." He chuckles, his eyes smiling.

"Yeah I get it, hey once you're done taking a nap, maybe the king will let us go out shopping or something." He smirks, and waves his hand in the air, not sure if I'd like the idea. Me and him shopping? Why would he want to go shopping with me?

"Wouldn't you get bored?" He gasps, and pretends to be offended.

"No, I actually enjoy going shopping for your information. I have this fun game where you try to find the worst set of clothes you can find and try them on. Alexander and I used to do it when we were little, you wouldn't believe the horrible types of clothes he would find." He smiles, and I giggle at the images of small Alexander and tiny Isaac playing dress up in the stores.

"Okay, sounds fun. Good luck convincing Alexander of that though."

"Ah, we'll manage." We? Yeah right, he would not listen to me, not a chance.

I shake my head, and turn towards Alexander'sroom. I enter the beautifully bland bedroom, and dive into the bed. I close myeyes, hoping that maybe, just maybe Tobias will appear    

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