Part 1: Prolouge

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  My dear Adam Wiles, or should I say Calvin Harris, since you only allow those who know you best to use such a personal piece of you.

It has been a while and I miss you too much to be mad anymore. Although I promise most all my exes we will still keep in touch, we never do I expected nothing less of the two of us. I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that whether I like it or not I'll never be able to ask you about the weather when I already know your deepest secrets and every curve of your body.
But nonetheless I want to tell you that I am sorry. I'm sorry it took so long. The truth is; maybe I was never mad, just hurt. I was angry at you and maybe that was because I was desperately trying to defend myself from the pain. The pain of losing my best friend, my longest lover. After all, there is no other man who has loved me as long as you did. You came into my life and then did not leave for quite some time. Enough time to led me to believe you might actually be the one. How silly of me to forget I am always better off when I'm alone. I think you should be proud of that though. Every other man has called it quits before even a year but not you.
I'm sorry for accusing you of never loving me. Clearly I was wrong. You were right. If I have learned anything since you left me it is that you were completely right when saying people can fall out of love as easily as falling into it. Once again, maybe I was too hurt to understand. I remember the night we officially broke up. I yelled at you saying you betrayed me. That every "I love you" you told me was all a lie, that every promise you made me was broken. And you defended yourself saying there were times when you truly were in love with me just not anymore. But my broken naive heart did not believe you. And I yelled at you and called you my betrayer. Now I finally see the truth in your words. Yes people fall in and out of love. I guess my mind was clouded with the stuff of fairytales that state true love lasts forever. Now I know sometimes it does not. I'm sorry. You did love me. Just as I still love you. With time I soon will fall out of it too. One day I'll wake up and realize I don't love you anymore. And it will hurt. But I soon will move on just like you did, effortlessly.
Maybe this is selfish, but I hope you have not forgotten about me. I want to linger in your memory. I want you to think about me when you're driving down the street with some other girl in your passenger seat. I want you to wish I was there because she's not singing or telling you funny jokes she finds while scrolling through tumblr. I want you to think of me when you break down and finally have some take out meal that I would plead for, instead of your usual healthy stuff. I want you to think of me every time you're in your pool on that damn swan float, or at some fancy restaurant where you had to walk through the kitchen just to be seated and away from flashing cameras, or every Friday night you stay up late watching my favorite superhero tv shows I got you hooked on and you can't stop watching even though I'm longer laying on your shoulder. I want you to think of me every Saturday morning you spend in bed late, every time you choose coffee over water, every time you make love. Maybe this is asking for too much, but I hope it drives you crazy. How you can't get me out of your head because I was the best goddamn thing that ever happened to you.

And so ends another relationship. Do not worry in time you will hear of it again, maybe through my next album or another annoying tabloid that will never let you forgot who you once dated. After all, for now you are forever branded as my ex. But now you're just somebody that I use to know.

New fanfic finally! Hope you all love it! This time I'm staying on top of it and it will be a mix of fictional and realistic:) please leave nice comments thank you!!

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