chapter seventeen

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"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece. And now I'm tearing
through the pages and the ink"
Colors ~Halsey

***Warning the chapter contains some hiddleswift smut... Ya'll asked for it... I'm just warning you;) -Holly

I was in the constant loop hole of life. Life was so unpredictable and its most unpredictable player was always love. It was never stable it always acted on emotion which is an ever changing always revolving element of our human minds. You spend your whole trying to predict it. Make plans for your days, months, years in advance, but who are you to know you will even wake tomorrow? It's a strange thing yet it's a constant struggle by most everyone, to live in the moment, such a simple concept but incredibly hard to live out. Especially in today's culture whose obsessed with preserving memories and planning ahead. To fully live in the moment should be so simple, after all it's just letting go, yet it's the hardest thing to do.
It would seem every time I felt I was starting to figure my life out it would throw me back into the loop hole. Just three months ago I was so confident where my life was going, my life with Adam. But then I was thrown into the unpredictable whirlpool of life and somehow ended up meeting everything I never knew I needed. Perspective. It was always perspective. And this was a rollercoaster of emotions let me tell you. I fell so stupidly in love with this man. And it was not just because he was extremely attractive and it wasn't just the accent -although these were swoon worthy- but he constantly challenged me to be the best I could and to not care what others would think or how anyone other than me would feel.
It was not until late did we make it to our beautiful hotel room.
"Oh wow." I breathed. The placed was decked to the nines I could remember the last night I stayed in such a luxurious room.
"Too much?"
"No no it's beautiful."
I put my stuff down and took off my shoes and crashed into the massive king-sized bed.
"You know it's not too late if you would rather we not share a ro-"
"Tom it's fine." I told him trying to relax his nerves. I found it cute how he still got extremely nervous around me even though we had practically been living together for a week now.
"Come." I said as I followed and extended my arm to him. "Join me on this fabulous bed!"
He jumped on the bed with full force which made my squeal in surprise.
"Finally," he breathed his breath shallow from the jump, "I get you all to myself. Not even a body guard in sight."
"I guess we better make good use of that."
We began to make out. I felt him move himself to hover over my small frame on the large space.
"I don't think we should." He said out of breath.
"And why is that?" I said calmly although there was a bit of panic in my voice. I wondered what I had done to make him stop.
"Because if we do. I will not be able to stop."
I laughed at his cheesy comment but I knew what he meant. It was dangerous how addicted I was to him, to his presence and how he made me feel. I wanted to soak it up all at once but I had to be careful not to leave him dry. It was assuring to know he felt the same.
"I'm not going to take this any farther if you don't want me to." He said his gentleman like behavior taking over his own impulses. I could tell by his posture he was very turned on but he knew control he wanted consent. He did not know how much that meant to me but I did.
"No, I want this, I want you."
I sat up to give myself better control. I met his lips with a new passion. I was excited but my stomach also turned in anticipation. My emotions and senses were dialed to 10, I felt like a young teenager again. I was nervous but also filled with desire. The excessive amount of contradicting emotions was sure to death of me.
I laced my long arms around his neck as we kissed. I pressed my chest to his and shifted myself into his lap. It was to move the way I wanted. The little yellow dress was not meant to be stretched. It's material was not designed to be a snug fit but it definitely wasn't cotton either. He noticed my struggle to get comfortable and I felt him fumble with the buttons at my chest. I had absentmindedly chosen the best possible outfit for the occasion. The dress had buttons going down the whole front he just undo them and never have to worry about bringing the whole thing over my head.
We pulled away and he gave me a look as if once more asking for permission. I already felt my cheeks flush a bright red and nothing had really happened. I nodded as I then buried myself into the crook of his neck unable to make eye contact. I felt him kiss my neck lightly and then trail down to my chest as he softly peeled off my thin straps. He was so careful so delicate with his touch. I tried not to concentrate on it too much or I would get goosebumps. After he helped me out of his dress I took the liberty to unbutton his shirt as well. Like I had expected he was extremely toned. I softly ran my fingers down his frame. His skin was much paler than mine. I wondered if he burned easily.
"You are stunning." He remarked. I could tell he was impressed. He softly trailed kisses to my chest. I gave a soft whimper in pleasure from his touch.
"I'm no model..." I dismissed quickly. I had never been extremely confident with my body. I did not like showing it off. I never did revealing photoshoots and I rarely wore low tops. I leaves boys to their own fantasies. I would not flaunt myself to just anyone.
"But you could be." He stated simply.
He brought his lips back to mine and we made out passionate. I felt his hands roam up to my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair.
I slowly brought them down to his pants. I was a little more confident now. I wanted to take this further. This shouldn't be awkward. Why are you waiting? It's already happened before. Just go for it. Enjoy him. I thought.
What came after was a night of pure bliss. We made love until early in the morning. It was unlike anything I had ever felt. He was sweet and sensual. He went slow and it was passionate not hungry of filled with only lust. He reminded me how beautiful I was. He was so careful. Every touch so delicate. I tried to reciprocate the same delicacy but it was obvious who was dominant. And I did not mind, not for now. I let him take control. There was a difference between making love and fucking. And it was the type of difference that was felt it was small but the meant the world. Like the way he held my hand during our love making. Or by his soft kiss. The whispered "you're beautifuls." Like I had said before there was a million ways the body could say I love you without physically doing so. I knew in this moment he loved me. It was reassuring I wasn't the only one going insane. He was just as madly in love with me as I was with him.

Roman Holidays are the best holidays! What did you all think? More chapters like this? No more chapters like this? Happy fourth everyone!

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