chapter twenty-seven

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"You're my head start. You're my rugged heart. You're the pulse that
I've always needed"
Gone, Gone, Gone ~Phillip Phillips

I remember when she meant nothing to me. Only a few months ago I was not even aware of her existence. But now she's the reason I have this clenching feeling in my stomach when I see her. I lose sleep thinking about her. Its bizarre how a person could mean nothing to you but in a matter of hours, days, weeks, or months they could mean the world to you. They could be the reason for your smile and leave a hurricane of emotions surging through your veins.
She was a hurricane of course. She was a perfect storm. It was easy to feel intimidated by her. She was so big so loud, her presence brought along thousands of onlookers. It was something I would never be able to truly fathom.
We were released from set earlier than usual today. I smiled as I slid my watch back onto my wrist. Enough time to get dinner. As of lately I had been staying on set late. Being a few weeks in we had started with our fight scenes first thing after the past week which had been filled with nothing but intense training. Although I had my fair share of stunt doubles I still had to partake in a lot of it, and my character had a knack for getting beat up. Nonetheless I grabbed my glasses and told my security I was wanting to drive. I took my work very seriously and enjoyed doing so, but I needed to relax my mind before heading to bed. Or I would be up all night thinking about my character and what I was to perform next.
Thankfully the time I spent on set of Thor was always more easygoing, more fun spirited. The film was meant for fun and action, a lot more light hearted than my usual films. But I enjoyed the challenge and I was often praised for taking my role more seriously than perhaps needed. It was an art, filming making, I enjoyed embodying different characters and personalities. Being a false god of a made up universe was by far one of my more complex characters and I had become obsessed with him.
"So how's the temporary married life suiting you mate?"
My co-star Chris came to my side patting me firmly on the shoulder.
"I'm not married yet." I laughed but I knew what he meant. Chris was very much a family man especially now with his beautiful wife Elsa and their 3 lovely children, two of them being twins. Living with Taylor did indeed feel like I was married to her. I had never before spent so much time with any of my girlfriends, but she was easy to live with and I did not at all mind sharing a hotel with her.
"It's been a rough week." I said not really wanting to get in her business but knowing Chris wanted a deeper conversation. I don't know, maybe it was due to our character roles on set or maybe the fact he was already married and wiser than me but I had always thought of Chris like an older brother I never had.
"Ah well that's what you get for going out with the most popular girl around. You saw what happened to Liam."
He was talking about his brother who, like me, was dating a popular American musician. Of course their were many rough patches in their careers and relationships, some that even tore them apart. But they managed, as will I.
"I wish I just knew how to help."
"Just be there for her. Grab a drink and be there."
His words were simple but there was wisdom and experience behind them. Chris knew how to make relationships work and I trusted his advice.
After my day on set came to a close we said our goodbyes. I told my body guard I wanted to make a quick stop to the local market and pick up some take out. I decided tonight I would surprise her. I have been so engulfed in my work lately I have not had time to focus on her. But tonight I had gotten off a bit early and would have a late tomorrow so I fully intended to use up our cherished time together.
I walked in, balancing two things of wine and two bags of takeout in my arms. She laughed at the sight of me struggling and rushed to my aid.
"Oh you brought takeout my hero!"
"Surprise! I think we deserve a fun night tonight." She gave me a devious smirk. What was behind those eyes? Surprise? Gratitude? Lust?
We placed everything out on the coffee table below the gigantic tv in the main room. For someone so destroyed by the outside world she could not be happier. She had been advised to stay out of the public eye for a bit which I do not blame them for doing but I could not help but feel like she felt like a prisoner. Nonetheless she seemed content and greeted me with a bright smile. I was more than happy to be a part of the reason for that smile.
"How was your day love?" I asked genuinely as I watched her take a huge bit of the Italian takeout I had brought home to her.
"Awful I want to drink 'til I forget."
She stated casually in between bites. Although I could easily detect the truth and hurt behind her sarcasm. I had always been known to be an open book when it came to my emotions. Many would say my facial expressions were always too evident but with her, she was a master of a false face. I knew she was going through a lot but she would never let me know how badly it was affecting her. I wish I could open that wound up, know how she really felt, whether it be anger or pain, I wanted to help. But she would not let me see inside, maybe one day, but for now I could not try.
"Well it's a good thing I bought two bottles." I settled on playing along with her sarcasm. She laughed. I guess tonight I would just have to be content with leaving everything at surface level. Just be there. I remembered his words, tonight I was to be anything she needed, if it was someone to laugh and get drunk on wine with, so be it.
We finished our meal and curled up together for a lighthearted film with the rest of our wine. Maybe it was the electrifying buzz of the drink or maybe it was because the beautiful girl of my dreams was resting her head on me, but I could not at all focus on the movie.
I began running my fingers along her thigh and kissing her forehead. She was so precious, so innocent and much younger than me it made me feel the natural instinct to want to protect her from anything the world threw at her.
"Are you bored?" She asked suddenly.
"Um no... Why?"
"Because you can't keep your hands off of me." She spoke, her voice full of lust. I was never the one to make silly unrealistic comparisons but her voice was dropping of milk and honey. Her eyes sparkled. So big and blue, a soul could get lost in them. In this moment I swear she was the stuff poems were made of.
"Sorry," I mumbled digressing from my lovely trance and immediately removing my hand which at first I thought was soothing, but now knew might be making her uncomfortable.
"Have I ever told you how simply cute you look in glasses?"
She was flirting with me now, I felt my heart skip a beat. I just shook my head totally engulfed in her presence. And so when she kissed me for the first time that night I felt my stomach turn over inside of me, despite the fact we had done it a thousands times over, each one felt as enchanting as the first.
Her lips tasted of the sweet wine we had all but finished. Her touch was an addiction I craved.
Our kiss slowly turned into a make out as I could not bring myself to part with her lips. I grabbed her at the waist and helped boost her up into my arms. She straddled my hips as I felt her hands run through my hair. Her touch was simply electrifying and although I had been previously exhausted from my days work I felt a new adrenaline rush only her touch could possibly give.
It was such a guilty pleasure, to want a girl this much. It was boyish really, how dialed my senses were to her in this moment. I wanted her, all of her. I felt like I was 16 again, finally getting with my schoolboy crush. I pulled away for air with great reluctance. I wanted more, she always left me wanting more.
"Why are you still here?" She spoke her words a mere whisper.
If our bodies were not touching I might have missed it. I saw her eyes, for the first time that night they displayed a detectable emotion. One of fear and concern.
"You should leave, while you still can. You do not want to be entangled in this mess I've created for myself."
Her voice pained me. So much hurt and concern flowed through those words. Yet the words came familiar. Rehearsed, like she had said them to every lover before me. The quietness in her tone so soft and afraid. She warned me to leave but was terrified of me doing so. The phrase was nothing more than a beautiful paradox.
"I'm not leaving you for who the world says you are. I've had the pleasure of getting to know you, the real you. You have a beautiful soul," I paused. "Taylor I lo-"
She quickly and gracefully put a finger to my lips to shush them immediately. I was taken aback by her quick response.
"Don't say that. It's just a promise you can't keep."
I was offended by her words. I knew her actions were coming from a place of constant betrayal and hurt but who was she to assume I would be like all the rest? Maybe it was too soon. I sighed in defeat. I knew what I felt for her. And nothing going on around us, or anything in light of he current situation would make me think otherwise. I guess she just needed more time for me to prove it to her. Prove to her I was not like that other man. That I would not leave or be intimidated by her success. The thing is, I had made my mind up since the first day I laid eyes on her. It was one of those things you could not explain, you just felt. And she felt so right.

Okay so you all asked for a Tom POV so here you go! Also this chapter continues into some hiddleswift smut which was highly requested so.... be ready;)

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