chapter nine

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"I'm becoming my own salvation. Showing up, no more hiding. The light inside me is bursting, shining. It's my time to butterfly"
Revival ~Selena Gomez

The next day I heard a knock on my door which sent me practically flying across the house. I was so very excited for him to see this place.
"Good morning." He said cheerily sad I let him in with his things. He quickly set them on the ground and hugged me. I laced my arms around his neck breathing in his scent. It smelt of sweet cologne. Today he was wearing a light blue color rolled at the sleeves as he always did.  His pants were different, today they were black jeans. I wondered if this what he considered casual.
"Hi," I finally said after we pulled away from our embrace.
"This place is beautiful!"
"Well thanks. Want a tour?" I asked shyly. I don't know why I felt shy, maybe it was the butterflies. Oh the perfect butterflies that consumed me right now. They were laughable really. I had met so many people, nursed so many crushes, you would think I would be use to the feeling. But no he sent my heart aflutter and I couldn't tell you why.
I led him to the guest bedroom first so he could put his things down. I showed him how the shower worked and where to find towels. There was a weird feeling in my stomach when I thought about him staying the night. It was a weird mix of excitement and nervousness. I then proceeded down the hall to music rooms and craft rooms. Once we made it to the living room he stopped in amazement.
"Oh my god you have a pond." He exclaimed. I laughed.
"Remember I bought this house when I was 19."
"I think it's very neat."
He started messing with the fish inside. After that we seated ourselves on the couches in front of the koi pond. And we talked, about his work or our friends. And we laughed. I loved how excitable he was. He would laugh at anything with me. He found all my jokes funny and so did I with his. He was so genuine. He made me laugh harder than I had in a long time. That was when I knew I wanted to be with him. It just felt right. But I was terrified because Adam use to make me laugh like that, and look how we ended up.
It wasn't until the evening that I felt myself grow more at ease in his presence. Sure he was a genuine person, but there was nothing genuine about his presence. Watching him was like a movie. He had the perfect facial expression for everything. His eyes sparkled, almost too much. He was tall and lean and probably toned under his thin flannels. I quickly dismissed the thought.
As I walked toward the kitchen to prepare something for dinner I saw him looking at all the writings on the wall.
"These are beautiful. You did all this?"
"I did all the painting. The actual quotes come from authors." I stated simply as I looked into the fridge. Sadly there was barely anything.
"I see that." He said still fascinated by my art. "You're quite the Scott Fitzgerald enthusiast."
"Yes! I adore all his work! Especially his book This Side Of Paradise. Have you read it?"
"Of course I'm a huge of his as well. I actually portrayed him in a film once."
I looked up from the kitchen, giving up on dinner.
"No way! Which movie?"
"Midnight in Paris, lovely film."
He talked of his work so casually.
"That's really neat I want to see that movie!" I said enthusiastically.
"Fanboy's dream." He smiled as he walked over to me. I loved how we could be be excited over the same things. It made it so that everything I said actually mattered. That it wasn't mere busy talk but real opinions and passions.
He pulled me in and we kissed for the first time that day. I swear sparks flew in that little Nashville kitchen. I wanted to bottle everything of his and save and savor it for all eternity. His smile, his eyes, his laugh, his lips. All of it felt straight out of a dream.
"So what do you have planned for tonight love?" He said once we pulled apart. I watched him pull a strand of my hair back. Then place his palm on my cheek. An intimate touch but with consent.
"How do you feel about a Selena Gomez concert?" I asked a bit tentatively.
"Ah sounds fabulous!"
Later on Austin came over. He brought food after I had frantically texted him of my empty fridge situation. I was nervous for him to meet Tom. But unlike my friends, Austin being my brother, knew me and Adam had been over for a little while. So he was not surprised by the "quickness" of it all.
I sat back quietly, observantly as we ate dinner. I watched them interact. Tom didn't seemed bothered. I guess he of all people would be the one to relate to Austin. Growing up with only sisters he probably understood the over protective brother deal. Tom sat next to me on the couch be he didn't try throwing an arm around me or anything. We sat with space between us. I think that helped Austin's frame of mind.
"Ready to go?" Austin finally said.
"Yes! I'm so excited!" I basically squealed. Selena was my best friend, and I hadn't yet seen her tour. Of course I told all this to Tom on the car ride. About me and Selena's history as friends. I also told him about the other friends we'd be meeting. My friend since high school, Abi and her boyfriend Matt. As well as Kelsea.
"They all sound wonderful." He assured.
He got the hint I was in my element tonight. I just hoped he could keep up.
Finally we got to our seats, a reserved suite for us thanks to Selena. I introduced Tom as my boyfriend which to my relief everyone was fine with. No awkwardness. Although I got some side remarks from Abi about how hot he was or how "his British accent is killing me." They made blush.
By the time Selena was up to perform we had all had a few drinks and we're ready to dance.
"Be prepared I'm going to dance like a crazy person." I spoke in Tom's ear so he could hear me over the din of the music.
"I wouldn't expect anything less of you. And I can't wait to dance with you."
With that we danced the whole night. For most of it I was with my girls and we danced and laughed like crazy people who weren't really drunk but sure looked the part. On occasion a slow ballad would be sung. It was then I finally got to lace my arms around my lover and dance slowly to my best friend's beautiful lyrics.
"You look gorgeous." He said as we swayed slowly.
"Thanks for saying that."
Tonight I was wearing a pink two piece crop top and skirt that fell just above my ankles.
As we danced I noticed Tom's hand placement. They were on my hips but I noticed he was careful not to touch my exposed skin. He lay them softly on my sides away from my flesh. It would not have bothered me if he had done so, it wasn't even very sexual. But it just showed at great length how much respect he had for me, for all of me. I did not think he could be more of a gentleman but he always surprised me like that.
Once the song ended he pulled me in for a quick kiss and then gently brought my hand to his lips as well. This got a few awes from Abi and Kelsea behind me who partners had already parted. I felt myself grow extremely red.
"There's fans here who are taking pictures of us." I said as if to remind him.
"I know. But I don't care."
As Selena sang her final encore "Hands To Myself" we all danced together. It was my favorite song on the track and yes maybe it was a bit suggestive but all of us had fun with it. I did not want the night to end.
After the show we met with Selena back stage. We embraced tightly. I missed her like crazy. She was one of my only friends I ever opened up whole heartedly to. She had already known about me and Tom and greeted him with a warm hug. They had first met at the Gala too.
"He's so cute!" She finally exclaimed once I got her alone.
"Haha I know. Your show was amazing by the way. I will be back."
"Thank you! I think you got lucky this time Taylor."


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