chapter twelve

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"And all the wrongs she committed. She was numb and she was so co-dependent. She was young and all she had was the city"
In The Night ~The Weeknd

*flashback to May 2nd, 2016

The night of the Met Gala I was seated at his table. I felt a little more in my element what with my friends besides me and at a concert dinner dance party. Tonight I had brought Karlie and Selena and few other members of my squad. I would catch glimpses of him from the corner of my eye. He was across the table accompanied by a group of what I assumed were his friends or co workers. Anna Wintour approached our table and chatted with us happily.
"So where's Calvin Taylor I though he was accompanying you?"
It was an innocent question but it felt like a stab to the heart. I gave a sigh.
"He couldn't make it. Work stuff." I brought my face to hers and faked a smile.
"That's unfortunate. This is a big year for you. Your first year as a co chair! I could not be more proud."
"Thank you Anna."
After she left Karlie looked over at me. She knew something was up.
"Is everything okay?" She asked knowing better.
"We're kind of in a rough patch that's all."
That's as far as I wanted to go on the situation. I did not feel like making a long pity party for myself. She hugged me.
"Well let's party like crazy tonight and make him sorry he missed out!" Selena added upon hearing our conversation. We all laughed.
We dined on our rich dinner and had a few drinks by the time the main entertainment began. Tonight it was The Weeknd which was one of my favorites.
It was then I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I almost jumped out of my seat when I turned around to see none other than Tom Hiddleston take a seat next to me.
"Hey" he started a bit awkwardly.
"Hi." I did not want to admit I was avoiding him all night but I kind of was. I was too nervous to approach him. I was enjoying myself admiring him from afar.
"You look beautiful tonight." He said. I began to question his politeness. Was he just being nice or was he flirting with me?
"Haha thank you."
Tonight Anna had chose for me a silver snake skin mini dress with dark lips and high strappy black heels. It was not my favorite look it but I did not complain.
We vinegar to talk a bit. He told me how he was temporarily living in Nashville for a movie he was filming. I told him about my home there.
Soon Karlie came and joined us. She had a huge smile plastered on her face. I introduced her to Tom.
"Oh my god he's so cute." She whispered in my ear. I could not help but laugh. He was indeed flattering. He had on a slick black suit. His accent was slowly melting me.
"We should dance!" I said to no one in particular.
"But no one is dancing." Selena pointed out. And she was right there was no one dancing.
"Well that's a shame. As a musician myself I would be very offended if no was was dancing during my set. We must dance for The Weeknd!"
I stood up from the table and I noticed Tom stand too. Was he going to dance?
"Shall we?" He said as he extended his hand to mine. I could not believe he wanted to dance. Adam would never in a million years get up and embarrass himself like this.
"Led the way Mr. Hiddleston."
Together and accompanied by my friends we all got up and began dancing ridiculously.
I laughed as he spun me around and we danced with really no coordination. I noticed Karlie stop to grab her phone.
"This is snapchat worthy!"
And so we took some videos and laughed and danced and drank. I felt the alcohol begin to surge throughout me. I felt so alive. Pretty soon we were all tipsy and more people were dancing now thanks to us.
I felt myself begin to brush up against him more carelessly as my swings became less structured due to the buzz in my head. We did not stop dancing until The Weeknd's set was finished. I laughed as I fell back into my seat exhausted from the movement.
"Well that was wild!" Karlie laughed.
"Hey does anyone have after party plans?" Selena asked.
"I heard someone was throwing a party atop the hotel but I could not remember who."
Lily my other friend spoke.
"Let's go!" I chimed. I did not want the night to end.
I turned to Tom who was still next to me. I was so happy he was accompanying me it felt weird like a school crush who got lucky at the prom. But I shouldn't be thinking that. You have Adam, Taylor I thought to myself. No I could not be catching feelings for anyone. But the thought of Adam was so painful, so full of anger. I almost wanted to nurse this crush in spite of him.
"Will you be going to the after party?" I asked him innocently with a hint of lust in my voice. I could not help myself. The alcohol in my system had brought out my confidence. And now that I was drunk I only felt angrier about Adam.
"Why not? I have no where else to go." He laughed. I was secretly happy he was going.
He spent the rest of my evening at my side. At the after party me and my friends met more people and socialized and danced. I spent most the night talking to him. He was so smart and nice. He knew a great deal about a lot of things and our conversations quickly moved past first meeting talk and into deeper things.
The night began to come to a close around 2am. I said goodbye to a few of my friends.
"I don't want this night to end." I spoke to him as I was about to make my exit.
"It's been wonderful getting to know you." He replied. His eyes were a sparking blue.
"Hey" I started as I leaned in to whisper in his ear, "If you want you can come to my hotel. We can hang out a bit longer?"
I do not know if it was the alcohol or maybe I was going insane but in that moment I had an insane amount of crazy courage. I wanted to see him more. I thought it an innocent request. Just friends after all.
"Ha that sounds lovely." He said his voice a soft whisper. He pulled out his phone to which I typed my hotel room number in his notes.
"But no one can see me leave with you or they will think something else."
"I understand."
"I'll see you in 20."
After that Karlie and I made our exit where we were escorted to out fancy hotel across the street. We talked about the night and how much fun we had.
"I think he likes you." She smirked clearly trying to start that conversation.
"Don't be silly he could do better. Plus he knows I'm taken." I said coldly as if the very idea of Adam stung. And it did, I felt cold against him. He would have hated tonight no doubt but he should have been there. If he truly cares about me he would have come.
"Not going to lie I could have sworn he was married."
We both laughed.
"Oh please he's not that old!"
Once we arrived we said our goodbyes. We were staying in separate hotel rooms as she had to leave early the next day for her work.
Twenty minutes later I heard a small tap at my door. I quickly went to open it.
"I can't believe you came!" I spoke short of breath.
"Did you think I would leave you waiting love?" He spoke with such softness, there was a richness to his voice.
"Well it is rather scandalous." I smirked.
"No one has to know." He winked. His smile was so confident as he played along.
I brought out some wine from the mini kitchen and we sat on the couch in the main seating area. I was ordered a suite so it had three rooms, a living room, a kitchen and a master bedroom.
I loved the causality of the situation. At first I thought it would be tense. I did not know if he was the one night stand type of man but something told me he was not. Nonetheless I imagined he would be expecting something of me but he didn't. Instead we talked and it was not awkward at all. He was never suggestive unless we joked about it. I would make a joke about how tomorrow tabloids would think I was hooking up and he would laugh with me. He had such a natural humor to him. It never felt forced he was never stiff or holding an ego. I appreciated that. So many men these days held such a huge ego especially when they were as rich as he was.
As the night continued I felt myself grow more buzzed. Soon our bottle was gone and I knew I should probably be going to bed as it was now 4am but I did not want this night to ever end. I could not help but feel infatuated with him. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe I was tired, but as the night continued he grew more attractive. His smile was contagious, his laugh a sweet tune. I swear his eyes sparkled and he had the perfect dimples. I found myself wishing he was closer, close to me. I wanted to taste his drunk lips with mine.
"I can't help but find you so pretty." He spoke, the alcohol had suddenly done him justice as he spoke with a new found confidence. I allowed myself to move closer to him.
"I've been thinking the same about you all night." I felt my words slur. I knew I would not remember this in the morning and I would probably regret it but I was so caught in the moment. I felt him press his lips to mine. I greeted them happily and soon I was straddling his lap. We began to make out with passion. His lips tasted of alcohol. I felt his warm breath once he pulled away for air. I did not know whose air I was breathing. I felt him kiss my neck as he moved to my sweet spot. I ran my hands on his thighs and then to his chest. I shook off his coat as he brought his lips back to mine. I felt his tongue collide with mine as his hands began to roam. He was very good at this making out thing. I did not want him to stop. His hands rested on my hips as I adjusted myself on him. There was no more talking. Just bliss and lust.
I knew in that moment I had commit the deepest of sins. But Adam was so far from my thoughts. My mind was a drunken mess. All I could think about was how wonderful he tasted. And so when he began to touch me and I felt our clothes go lose I did not stop him.

Oooh plot twist! I bet you didn't see that coming. (Please keep in mind this is a fanfic I'm not accusing Taylor of cheating I'm just writing a story haha okay PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS THEY MAKE MY DAY!)

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