chapter three

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"And I spin for you like your favorite records used to"
Favorite Record ~Fall Out Boy

I started seeing her more often. She was very different from the girl I met only a month ago. She seemed removed. Struggling to grasp her past or at least the past seven weeks.
She had invited me over for dinner at her home in New York. I agreed, I could not let her down. She had taken a liking to my company and could not deny I felt the same. I tried to justify my means as simply helping her get through her breakup. Nothing more.
I gave a small tap on her door. The process to get inside the building was laborious. Taylor had set up an entire separate entrance for my purpose, in order to make sure no ever saw me come and go. It was an odd thought. It was only until this extreme gesture that she highlighted for me just how in control of her image she was. It was an intimidating thought really, how much power she had.
She opened the door with a smile. I grabbed her delicate hand and brought it my lips. She gushed. She deserved the friendly gesture. Although I knew she would probably mistake my kindness for flirtation. Most people did.
"Hello." She said calmly.
"Your house smells amazing darling."
"Thank you for saying that."
She then led me to her kitchen where she displayed all the wonderful things I was smelling. It was a pasta dish with chicken and oregano. I watched her as she explained with a hint of passion on how she made the dish. I could tell she liked to cook.
Next I found myself taking a tour of her apartment. It was beautifully decorated and very intimate for a person who spent most her nights in hotels, traveling the world. I had mad respect for her musical talents, I always had, but little did I know she had so many others. She showed me paintings and needlework and photographs. I was starting to think there was nothing in this world she could not do.
Finally we sat down at wooden small table out looking a giant glass wall. You could look down the street and see the city lights. It was all very picturesque.
She served me a delicious dish of pasta and chicken and salad. I could tell she had been hard at work in the kitchen for hours.
"I hope it's not too much."
She said as she specified the lighting in the room.
"Its lovely, thank you."
She gave a small smile, she wanted to impress, the way she did for anyone.
Ever since we got in touch again after that visit at the coffee shop, after I saw how miserable she looked, I had made it my personal endeavor to try and cheer her spirits. The real reasoning behind the matter I could not tell you. I just knew it was right. I found myself to be the lucky man in the situation to get time to myself with her. She had been on my mind for a few months now, just a topic of my fascination. She was so prominent. Everywhere she went and everything she did would turn the world toward her attention. It was as though the world was at her command.
I was surprised when she made her break up so public. It was out her style, out of really any celebrity's style.
"What do you think? Instagram worthy?" She started suggesting to her plate.
"I personally chose not to seek social media."
I stated simply. She shrugged.
"I like it. It keeps me informed. On news or my fans or whatever really."
"The idea, although brilliant, is fatally corrupt."
She shrugged again and took a bite of her salad. She was intriguing like that, she had her own opinions but would rarely argue them.
We continued to banter over Twitter and Instagram for a while. I enjoyed hearing her stories of finding fans online and stalking or more accurately "taylurking" as her fans called it, on their pages making their day. The idea was very sweet natured. She was always thinking of ways to make others happy. I was tempted to ask when was the last time someone worked so hard to make her that happy.

Wow two updates in one night you guys are so lucky lol

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