chapter nineteen

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"He doesn't look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when you were young"
When You Were Young ~The Killers

   A few days went by since our trip to Rome.  I missed him when we were away. I did the thing I always did, I spent way too much time with him in the beginning of our relationship and therefore got myself wildly attached. At least this past week I've been crazy busy arranging for my Fourth of July party here in Rhode Island. I had ordered flags and face paint and even purchased custom made rubber bracelets to hand out to my guests. There would be over fifty people here no doubt and most all of them were high profile celebrities which means complex driving and plane systems as well as hiring top notch security. I busily booked and made phone calls and baked. Sure I could have easily hired someone to throw the entire party for me but I would rather take on the challenge. The only person I ended up needing was someone to put up the giant slide in my backyard. I did not even want to image the water bill after my weekend here.
Soon everything was in place. A few of my bestirs were flying in early to hang out with me a day before. This morning I welcomed Selena who could only stay for today as she had a show in Phoenix the 5th.
"Hey!" She squealed. It meant a lot to me she flew all the way here just to spend a few hours with me on the 3rd of July.
Together we proceeded to decorate the house and bake cookies and have fun.
I pulled out the final box of decorations for the living room. This included festive little red white and blue relics such as flag coasters and striped tablecloths.
"Hey you got some picture frames in here should I put them out?" Selena asked innocently. Each year I bought a few frames and filled them with photos from previous Fourth of July parties. I used them as decorations because why not?
Together we unraveled the photo frames and laughed at the pictures.
"This ones my favorite." I laughed holding up the photo just previously captured at last year's party. It featured me holding up a flag to Ed who had come dressed in full British red coat type gear. We laughed as we pulled out others. I giggled at the photos from the year it rained and we built a slip-n-slide or the year I ordered everyone matching onsies. I stopped for a moment when I pulled out a small frame. Inside showed a picture of me and Adam from last year. I was riding on his back, we were both laughing. I trembled when I remembered I just recently had to delete that photo off my social media. This was only a year ago I thought to myself. It's crazy what a year can do to a person.
Around 1pm guests started arriving. I was extremely excited as I happily greeted everyone and showed them to their guest bedrooms.
A lot of people questioned why I ever bought the house. It was practically a castle and much too big for a girl who lived by herself. After the purchase I began to think I might regret it but ever since the house has repaid itself in more than one way.  It was a wonderful getaway where minimal media was and I had a whole estate to roam about in when I didn't feel like being seen. I also used it for work and when I was on tour I could home most all my crew. Furthermore I could throw fabulous parties and have as people as I liked spent the night. My Fourth of July parties here had become something of a tradition, to more than just me and my friends too.
The place wasn't exactly secret anymore. Paparazzi, and fans even, flooded here for the weekend. The beach was unusually crowded and along my street were filled with people taking photos. I tried to tell myself it did not matter but honestly I was very annoyed. I guess the party would have to be held mostly inside this year.
I tried not to allow the press to damped my spirits and confined to greeting people cheerfully. When I would hear a knock at the door it was my natural instinct to immediately look up to see who it was. I kept hoping it would be him.
He never really told me if he was coming. It was a question left unanswered. I knew it was because he did not want to get my hopes up. He was suppose to be in Australia for a movie shoot. Their first day on set was tomorrow. He told me he would try and rearrange his schedule. But I told him not to worry and that if he did not make it I would not be upset.
I knew better than anyone work came first. As much as I loved any of my friends I would usually put my career first unless of course it was a major situation. But just a party for a holiday of a country he did not even belong to? I could not blame him for wanting to go to set.
"You're waiting for him aren't you?" Selena finally asked after she noticed the way I scanned the door hopefully.
"Yeah just maybe,"
"Didn't he even tell you if he was coming?"
"I told him not to worry about it if he didn't have time in his schedule."
I dismissed it. The more I thought about it the more absurd him coming sounded. He was already in London which was half way to where he needed to be. Australia was already far as it is. Coming all the way back to the US would make his travel time twice as long as it needed to be. Furthermore this particular movie also happened to be his biggest franchise. He could not exactly skip out on an already predicted blockbuster and potential final film of the series. I decided not to let it bother me though because Fourth of July was my favorite and nothing would stop me from having the best day of summer ever.
  Earlier I had set up a face painting station in my kitchen which was now crowded with girls. We laughed as we tried to be creative. I would help draw flags and hearts on their arms or their cheeks. We all enjoyed the mess of it.

Absolutely love this song and I kind of thought it was hiddleswift af because it talks about a boy who changed her life and repairs all those broken pieces and idk I just thought it fit well.
hey everyone sorry for not updating in a bit! Hope you enjoy tonight's double update because I have no life lol.

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