chapter eighteen

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"I waited so patiently for God to bring someone who's gonna be good to me.
And then he blessed my soul"
I Found You ~Alabama Shakes

What makes him different everyone would ask. It's a question I often contemplated myself. I spent so much time and effort trying to find ways to make my love for Tom different than the love I had for Adam. But, I no longer think that's how it works.
They say you never have the same love twice. Therefore I spent way too much of my time trying to make it different. But now I know that sometimes things can be the same. I can take Tom to L.A and enjoy the same places I did with Adam without thinking of Adam. I can relive the old memories and still make new ones too.
But if I had to pull him apart from any other boy I've dated and say one special thing I get from him that I've never felt from someone else and it's this.
Tom, he showed me one important thing that no other boy has ever been able to validate for me. Not that I'm simply beautiful, not that I'm smart, not that I'm sweet. Not for something as temporary as my looks. None of that. He showed me something more important than any of those things. He showed me that I'm important and that I have a strong effect in this world. He made me feel like the world was lucky to have me. He is not afraid of what I'm capable of or how I am bigger and better in my profession than he is. He embraces it. He's the one boy I have felt okay being around. Not having to belittle myself in order for him to feel he needs to be protective. He is, but he also knows I can take care of myself. He knows he doesn't complete me, I'm perfectly fine on my own. But I think we can both agree that having each other makes life a little more enjoyable.
I had woken to the feeling of him still sleeping besides me. I still lay on top of his chest, I could hear the soft beat of his heart. I smiled to myself as memories of last night flooded my sleep-fogged brain.
"Good morning love." His accent deep and raspy with sleep. He must have felt my stir.
"Morning." I said in an almost non-audible whisper. The extravagant room had a peaceful quiet to it. I could probably lay in bed with him here forever.
"Sleep well?"
"You mean the three hours of sleep we got? Yes, yes I did."
"Well you can go back to sleep if you want we do not have to leave for another hour."
"I would rather spend the time with you."
There was a silent pause. I knew that after this trip we would be parting ways. I would be going back to the states to prepare for my big Independence Day party. I did not think he would join me.
"Last night. It was-"
"Truly wonderful. Where have you been my entire life?"
We both giggled. I pulled myself up so that I could kiss him. We were both still in a sleepy daze and so we made out lazily.

"This isn't sometimes. Yeah, it's for always. If I'm gonna love you with all of my heart"

"What do you say about getting breakfast before we go?"
"Sounds wonderful."
Once we finally coaxed ourselves out of that blissful bed I took a shower and got ready for the day. I decided on all white. It wouldn't be as warm as yesterday according to the forecast so I wore white jeans and a sheer top.
I walked out of the room to see he was already dressed and showered.
"How do I look?" He said striking a dramatic pose. I could not help but laugh.
He looked stunning in a white flannel button up and grey-wash jeans. It was like he purposely had chosen to match my white.
"Some would say you look absolutely marvelous."
This got a booming laugh from him. I lived for that very laugh.
We arrived at a outdoor breakfast place known as Piazza Navona. I thought the name had a fun ring to it. He kindly helped me into my chair and then sat next to me. We had the place to ourselves mostly. I was still exuberant, just being here made me incredibly happy.
We ate and chatted about the highlights of the trip together. I loved the way we talked as if we had known each other our whole lives yet I still got the same butterflies that came with new love.

"I remember all them lonely days. I traveled out on my own. Then you brought me everything. You made my house a home"

"Oh I forgot." He said as our plates were cleared by our waiter. In that moment he pulled out a little box from his coat. I gave him a quizzical look.
"What's that?" I felt the anticipation rise like a child excited to receive a gift on Christmas.
"Oh just a little something I picked up while we were shopping last night down the streets of Rome."
Usually no one ever bought me gifts. I never expected them as I could have and buy anything in this world I wanted by myself. I was more wealthy than anyone I knew and I, and all my past lovers, knew no amount of fancy jewelry could impress/satisfy a girl who had everything.
He gently handed me the little box which I happily opened. Inside contained a beautiful sliver banded ring with an oval-shaped diamond. It was extravert, so extra, someone could easily mistake it for an engagement ring.
I began to shake my head in disbelief.
"This is so gorgeous like you didn't have to...? What is this for? It's so beautiful." I stammered.
He grabbed my hands in his and made me look look into his beautiful blue eyes.
"Think of it as nothing more than a little keepsake to remember our trip. It means nothing more, nothing less."
I let my nerves settle a bit. I thought it might be some type of promise ring. As much as this boy turned my world upside down, it was too soon for commitment.
He helped me by putting it on my index finger. Just for style nothing more.
"Do you like it? I didn't mean for you to be alarmed..."
"No no I love it! It's just, no one ever buys me such beautiful things."
He then kissed my fingers as he looked me in the eyes. That face could kill a girl I swear.
I lifted my hand up to see the ring sparkle. I was truly in love with it.
Adam never bought me jewelry. He never really bought me anything. He had a locket engraved for our one year anniversary but that was it. Sure I adored the locket and he did plan many nice dates but he was never a romantic.

"Well, I traveled a long way. And it took a long time to find you. But I finally found you..."

I forgot how much I loved and appreciated a man who was romantic. Tom was so attentive to me and made me feel loved and beautiful and did not mind all the sappy cheesy stuff that had to be endured to achieve such romance.
      The entire plane ride home I sat staring at the piece. It would forever be a reminder of our romantic trip to Rome. The lovely romantic stroll through the Coliseum, the movie perfect shopping spree, the night we first made love.
Of course this was the easy part. We were still in that "honeymoon" phase where everything was beautiful and perfect. I knew there would challenges ahead and they would be tougher than usual since he lived overseas. I knew what I had coming for me but it wasn't something I hadn't done before. My love for foreign men had been a thing ever since I was young. Long distance relationship? No problem.
I just knew I had to endure and fight. I did not fight for Adam when I had the chance. And because of that he is forever list to me. I would not make that same mistake twice.

So a lot of talk about Taylor and a new ring?? Thought I'd add it in😂 By the way I am declaring this song "I Found You" an officially hiddleswift ballad because it's perfect! You should listen to it. ANYWAYS COMMENT SOMETHING NICE

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