chapter thirty-one

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"To be so small but feel so grand.
Exploring you, ignoring commands"
Kings and Queens ~Misterwives

After our long day of travel we finally arrived to my home in the evening.
"Ugh it's hot!" I complained. I had not been on the west coast in a long time and I was currently regretting my long black jeans and all black shirt.
I walked him to my front door. To my sheer delight there were many of paparazzi already there to greet us.
"Ooh a welcome home committee!" Tom whispered in my ear which made me smile.
I finally walked in and breathed in the smell of the place. It hit me like a truck that I had not stepped foot in this house since my break up with Adam. Everything was like I had left it. I had left so suddenly, so recklessly, I had left him the key to come collect his things. I wondered if he had returned it.
It had been over a month now but it seemed as though stepping inside this house reminded me of everything I felt back then. I took a deep breath. Not today Taylor.
I was interrupted by a cooing noise from
Tom I turned around to see my cats had come to greet him.
"Hello beautiful girl," He cooed as he stroked Olivia.
"Oh my god you haven't met my cats yet!" I practically screamed.
He laughed at my reaction as I went to scoop Meredith up in my arms so he could pet her. She, like always, was not as excited to see me unlike Olivia.
"I missed you guys." I spoke as I practically squeezed her in my arms. This got a loud meow from her which made us both break into laughter.
I set the struggling cat down and then picked up Olivia for a tight hug and set her down too. For the time being, the adorable fuzz balls, and Tom's laugh, distracted me from the gut feeling stepping foot into this house had brought me.
"Wow I haven't seen them in awhile..."
"You have not been here in a bit I take it?"
I shook my head. "No, not since..." I trailed off. I did not want to finish the sentence. I told myself I would not speak of my ex to him anymore.
"Since the break up." He finished for me anyways. I just nodded.
We unloaded our belongings and I took him on a tour of the house.
"Well Hiddleston I think you hold the record for only man to visit all four of my houses in only five weeks."
He gave a sweet laugh. His facial expression showing everything I wanted to see, love and excitement.
"You know, some would say I cannot get enough of you. How many days have I spent without you since we first kissed? I don't know? Two?"
I laughed. I laughed because he was telling the truth. I had not thought about it really but we had been basically living together for weeks now.
"I know, we're practically inseparable."
I met his gaze. I noticed for the first time how his eyes had a way of altering shades. One moment they could appear green, the next they were a deep blue.
"Are you going to kick me to a guest bedroom in this house too?" He asked with a playful smirk.
"Haha I would never dream of it."
He pulled me in with surprising force. I slammed into his chest and he roughly pushed his lips to mine. I greeted his force with an equally passionate kiss.
It scared me, what I would do for this man. He was my drug and I was so horrifically addicted. I would drop anything for him, give it all just to be with him. It was a terrifying thought really, what I was willing to sacrifice to be in his presence. It also terrifying how badly I needed him.
   The thing is, I know I'm going to be so fucked when he leaves. I've been pouring whatever is left of me into him and I know when I tear away it will hurt so much. But I do not care because I want him. The desire is so strong I cannot shake it. I want him, I've every way, in every shape and form.
I mean look at him he's perfect. He was so beautiful and cute and charming and romantic. He had it all in a way. And I don't know maybe it was my blindly in love heart that's speaking, maybe I can't see to his flaws yet, maybe he didn't have any. All I know is that I could not have chosen a better time to take a break from my song writing. Spending so much time with him is simply too good to be true. I was so lucky to have him.

Short little fluffy chapter because I don't know what should happen in the story next but YAY TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! AND I WAS BLESSED WITH NEW HIDDLESWIFT CANDIDS -ellie

Perfect StormsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora