Hearts Don't Break Around Here (part 2)

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This is part two of my One Shot inspired by Ed Sheeran's song "Hearts Don't Break Around Here."
All words in italics are not mine and yes they are not all the exact Ed lyrics I know. I had to alter them a bit. But please enjoy and leave comments okay thank you!!!!

I've never been the type of person to reach out to an ex. There are plenty of people like him who always want back the love they pushed aside. What they do not realize is people like me are going forever when we say goodbye.

I could not help but laugh at his impromptu meeting place. It was none other than the Piazza Navona in Rome, the very restaurant we dined way back during that magical June summer. I had to say the whole thing was bittersweet.

As the gentlemen he always was he had arrived earlier than I had. He stood there waiting, his eyes a dazzling blue. For a moment as he pulled my chair out and helped me in it felt as though nothing had ever changed. Or perhaps I was reliving that midsummer's night all over again. I considered pinching myself expecting to wake up from a dream or an intense deja vu but no it was all happening right here, right now. And I did not want this moment to ever end.
"Thank you for coming."
"Thank you for reaching out."
"You know, if we are being honest with each other," he gave a small pause displaying those dimples I use to adore. "I never believed you would actually come."
"Well it was a demanding request. To fly out to Rome when I'm in the middle of developing an album."
"Then what made you come?"
I stoped, carefully crafting each response as if the wrong answer would have me slain.
"I guess you are worth the trouble."
I spoke without emotion. Very careful not to let my guard down. That was not happening. Not this time.
I had spent the following winter and spring romanticizing our beautiful summer together. It soon became the stuff of fairytales and just like that I conjured the two deadly factors of love I mentioned earlier.
I know boys are not suppose to be beautiful but oh my, he was. I was captivated by his smile and sweet accent. Most men had deep tones but his was so soft it had its own cadence to it, it was its own melody. I would give anything to capture it in song.
We spent the rest of our lunch catching each other up on our lives since our separation in late September. He was busy as always but was proud to announce he finally took my advice and was taking a long break.
He asked how my new album was coming along. I loved the way he listened. He was always so invested in what I had to say. I would never be able to detect if he was bored or secretly uninterested in my talk because it never showed.
"If you would allow me. I hoped to take you on a little stroll down Rome."
He paused a bit. And then extended his arm for me to wrap mine around. I feel safe when he's holding me near.
For the first time I sensed the fear in his tone. I never thought of him being nervous about our meeting but now I realized he was probably terrified of my every word. Especially with the flat defensive tone I was displaying. Oh but how I loved the way that you conquer your fear. He had to have built a lot of courage for this trip.
"You know, for old time's sake?"
I giggled at his response and decided to play along as I grasped onto his arm.

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