Chapter 1: A Whole New World

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ATTENTION, READERS: I appreciate your interest in this story, but at the time I'm working on rewriting it to suck less. Find "Pokemon - Enigmatic Echoes" on my profile if you want to read the same thing but better.

If not, continue.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, Kanto, Johto, Unova, Pikachu, etc. These all belong to Nintendo. However, the plot, characters, etc. belong to me.

Also, I once attempted to make this book, but I didn't plan it, and it ended up failing. To read the old, bad version, (Which does have a slightly different plot) go to: (But don't read it until you've read the first... five chapters)

Chapter 1: A Whole New World

I stood in nothingness. Everything was white. A kid with a Pokemon was there. He pointed at me and laughed. Everyone gets a Pokemon but me... I thought.

I woke up from my dream. It was this reocurring dream I always had. Someone with a Pokemon, laughing at me. I would never get one. It was too risky to see the professor in Nuvema Town, what with all the wild Pokemon.

I slowly opened my eyes. There was more sunlight than I expected there to be. I looked around for a bit. Hold on, that wasn't my dresser... and that's not my closet... and that is definately not my bed! I was sorrounded by trees and grass. I saw a flock of Pidgey being led by a Pidgeotto. Wait, how did Pidgeotto get to the Unova Region!?

I stood up. "What's going on?" I asked myself. My voice came out a lot more hoarse than I expected it to be. I started to panic. "Hey!! Someone!! Anyone!!!" I shouted, but no one answered. "Where am I!?!" I screamed.

Suddenly, a Caterpie walked out of some trees in front of me. "Hmmm... Where is...? Oh!" he said, noticing me. "What are you doing in the Ilex-" I cut him off. "Y-you can t-talk?" I choked. "Of course I can!" said the Caterpie, giving me a confused look. "All Pokemon can understand each other!"

"B-but I'm a h-human...!" I said, practically choking on my heart. Caterpie gave me a confused look. "Uhh... Unless I have really bad eyesight, I'm pretty sure you're an Eevee."

My heart stopped. If I had to name that moment, I'd name it Super Ultra Omega Panic Mode, or something like that. I quickly ran over to a nearby lake. What I saw wasn't a black haired, ten-year-old boy, but a terrified Eevee staring back at me. How did this happen!? Come to think of it, I couldn't remember anything from the day before.

"I'm a... I mean I was a human before! I have no idea how I bacame an Eevee, but I swear I was a human! You've gotta help me!" I pleaded to Caterpie. He looked taken aback, but then started laughing. "Oh, I get it! Good joke!" he said. "No, I'm serious!" I said back. Caterpie slowly stopped laughing. "Yeah yeah, suuuuuure. Anyways, let's get you back to the town." he said. I had no choice but to go with him. I was hopelessly lost.

We walked through a couple of trees. Where are we going? I thought. A town? What town? But then my question was answered.

We stood in a huge plaza with buildings and Pokemon everywhere. It looked like a normal town, but for Pokemon. "Welcome to Treasure Town!" said Caterpie. "Would you like a tour, then?" he asked. I did the pokemon equivelent of a shrug. "S-sure, I guess." I replied. "And it's Charlie."

Caterpie looked surprised. "Oh, well not many Pokemon actually have names. That's pretty cool, though!" he said. "Anyways, let the tour begin!"

So Caterpie led me through the village. I was, of course, a little uneasy the whole time, but he seemed to be a nice Pokemon. "That is the Kekleon Shop." he said, pointing to a small stand. "They came from very far away, actually. That there is Pidgeot's Delivery." said Caterpie, pointing to a building with a huge Pidgeot billboard. "Their top quality Pidgeys deliver mail to the Pokemon they need to get to." Then he pointed to a brick, professional-looking building. "And finally, that there is the town hall." he said. "There, you can sign up to be an explorer!" he looked back at me. "Oh yeah! There's someone I want you to meet!" he said excitedly. "Okay." I said, just going with the flow.

We went through an array of buildings. They were town buildings. We then stopped at a smaller house, which was very messy and made of stone. "Here we are!" said Caterpie happily. "Weedle's house!"

Caterpie knocked on the door of 'Weedle's house' and in a short few seconds, a Weedle came out. "Oh, hey Caterpie. Who's the friend?" he asked, noticing me. "This is Charlie." said Caterpie. "I found him in the Ilex Forest." The Weedle raised his eyebrows at this and said, "The Ilex Forest? There are a lot of creepy things there." he shivered at his last sentence.

"So, let's cut to the chase." said Caterpie. "We three should become... an exploration team! How about it? Obviously, Weedle and I are too weak to do it alone, but the three of us will be unstoppable!" he said. "Oooh! And we should name our team after a type of berry! Am I creative or what?"

Weedle butted in. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You just met Charlie! Shouldn't he decide if he wants to come along." he said to Caterpie. I was left to decide. This would be the perfect way to explore and possibly find out what happened to me. "Yeah!" I shouted, actually getting excited. This adventure could be pretty fun!

"Then it's settled!" said Caterpie. "I guess we should think of a name first." We all thought for a bit. "Team Pecha." I said. My sister's name was Pecha, and I'd like a little part of home with me.

"Awesome! I guess I'll sign papers!" said Caterpie. We knew the next days would be eventful.

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