Chapter 15: The Guardian of the Falls

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Chapter 15: The Guardian of the Falls

We had finally gotten to Tohjo Falls, and we were all anxious to see who this 'L' was. We said our good byes to Dragonite and were on our way.

"I wonder where L is." said Metapod boredly, but at that point, a pokemon flew down from above. "Greetings... I have watched you all from afar..." he said. As he looked up, we saw that he was just a Ledian.

"Do not base my power off of my apearance. This is the look my master has chosen for me." he said, with a hint of despise for his look. "What do you know?" I asked him. He laughed. "I know everything, everything from your transformation, right down to how you feel about each of your friends." he said back to me.

"The point is," Ledian continued on, "the blue shard you have is, as you know, triggering some strange things. The Diglett and Dugtrio in Mt. Mortar were being controlled by it, along with Piloswine in the Ice Cavern. That Piloswine wasn't completely taken over, but it is still a problem. Many fights have also been happening, as pokemon are turning hostile, and against each other. I must ask you a favor. I don't expect you to do it, but I would suggest you do, unless you would like Johto to perish."

"You must go to the Ruins of Alph and perform a ritual which is written on the walls. It is an ancient performance and is the only way to destroy Lugia's source of power. I am asking this of you, and I do not expect you to do it. I only wish that you would consider what I have said." Ledian finished off. He stood there for a few seconds to let our astonished selves soak up what he just said.

"Okay, we'll do it." I said. If all of Johto could be affected, than I think it would be a good idea to help, whatever the cost. Unova would have to wait. This adventure wasn't all about me. "Good. I shall tell you more once you are finished. Go to the Ruins of Alph. You must succeed in your task." said Ledian, pointing off in the direction to New Bark Town. "Farewell."

As we all walked off, we knew that we had a lot to do. If Lugia was going to put up a fight, we would fight back. We were going to win, and this was not about me at all, I just needed to do what was right.

But the right thing is always the hardest.


It's time for, yep, you guessed it, the afterword!

This was quite a short chapter, but in the next chapter, we will again follow Pecha and her Snivy, Ribbons through their own journey.

Charlie and his friends have a difficult task ahead of them, but it is the right thing to do, and just because it is also a hard thing to do doesn't mean you should just ignore it and focus only on your own proplems. The right thing to do is a good thing to do.

CCC. That's all I'll say.

And of course, I hope you have a splendid time reading this story. Charlie loves that people can get to know what he is going through, and hopes you can understand him.

'Till next time! Bye!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz