Chapter 8: Secrets

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Chapter 8: Secrets

"Okay, it definitely went that way." said a boy's voice. "Let's go in!" said a girl's voice.

When I awoke, I saw a lush green park. Oh no, I thought, we're still in the past. "He's awake!" shouted Caterpie's voice in my ears.

I looked up to see Celebi and my friends staring down at me. "You were asleep for quite a while." said Kakuna. "Oh yeah! Check what I learned how to do!" he added. Kakuna faced a tree and jumped at it. He viciously bit it, as if it were a monster. "See? Bug Bite!" he said.

"I have returned you all to your time." said Celebi. "Thank you for your help." We didn't really do much of anything back there. "But we didn't really help back there." I said. Celebi smiled. "Well I still enjoyed the company. Maybe I'll visit your time again," he said. "but I must go now. Goodbye."

He made another portal and jumped through it, leaving the four of us in the National Park.

"Well now that that's over, why don't we have some real fun?" said Caterpie with a smile. We all agreed and went to explore the park. Everyone except Misdreavus, that is, who seemed to be deep in thought.

I went over to her. "What's the matter?" I asked her. She quickly looked up at me, surprised at my presence. "I was just thinking about... stuff." she said. I frowned. "What kind of stuff?" I asked her. She let out a deep sigh. "Well, something just doesn't feel right." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. She sighed. "Just... Forget about it... It's stupid."

I smiled. "Nothing is stupid to me." I said. Misdreavus opened her mouth to talk when Caterpie came up behind us. "Hey, everyone's ready to leave guys!" he shouted. "You guys comin' or what?"

We were back on the road to Ecruteak City. The sun was in the sky. There were no weather conditions. It was perfect, except that Misdreavus didn't seem to be talking as much and was still deep in thought.

It was a short walk, as Ecruteak City was almost right next to the National Park. When we got to the city, I was amazed by what I saw. Everything looked so... ancient, and traditional.

"Wow. This city is amazing!" said Caterpie in awe. The rest of us agreed.

Then, by a tall tower, which seemed to be burned down, I saw none other than Paul from the National Park.

I ran over to him, ignoring the calls of 'where are you going?' and nudged him in the leg.

"Oh, hello, Charlie. Good to see you again." said Paul, looking back. Hold on, did he just call me Charlie!? "What?" I asked, confused.

"I said hello, Charlie." he said again. "Oh, sorry! I forgot to tell you. I've been gifted with the ability to understand pokemon. People say I'm crazy, but I know what you're saying. Hmm... am I getting it right?" he asked. "Uh... yeah." I said, also nodding to make sure he knew.

"Oh, great." Paul said back. "You seem to be quite interesting. You're not like other pokemon." he added. "Yeah, it's a long story..." I said.

"Oh, your friends seem to be coming. Hello." said Paul, waving to my friends, who were walking towards me. "Hey, what is he saying?" asked Kakuna. "Well apparently, he can understand pokemon, and he can." I said to him.

"Oh, right. Most pokemon can't understand human speech." said Paul. "Hey, how come you can?" he asked me. "I swear, it's an incredibly long story." I said to him. "I don't have anything else to do but listen to people's problems anyways." he said back.

I don't know why, but I trusted him, so I told him everything.

"That's amazing." Paul said when I was finished. "I should tell some scientists. Maybe they could help you." I shook my head. "No! Who knows what they'll do to me? And besides, I don't really want to many people to get involved with this, you know?" I said.

"I understand," said Paul, "but if you change your mind, come see me." He winked at me. "You can rest at my house for tonight." he said.

So we went to Paul's house for the night and had a good night sleep, where I dreamed about my Lillipup, Fuzzy, and a steaming Pecha Berry Pie.


Heyo! Devon here. Time for the afterword and such.

Did anyone notice anything... different about Misdreavus in this chapter? What does she want to tell Charlie? What sparked her different behaviour?

Character creation still up for grabs. Zero entries. Thanks.

Do you want to know what a Pecha Berry Pie is? Wait for the next chapter. Do you want to know more about Paul? Wait for the next chapter. Do you want a guinea pig? Wait for the next chapter.

Keep on reading, and I will keep on writing, folks!


Fun fact. I was originally going to bring Team Rocket into the story, but decided not to. I've now erased how Charlie was hearing hushed whispers of this 'deme prockit'. XD

Edit 2:

My god, I make quite possibly the stupidest metaphors in this chapter. I was so ashamed that they're erased now, and replaced with a short line of text. Also, I changed some of the stuff with Charlie and Paul's conversation.

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