Chapter 16: The Big City

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Chapter 16: The Big City

Pecha finally got to Castelia City, the capital of Unova. Ribbons, her Snivy, was eager to explore it. The two walked down some streets, looking for a pokemon center. "Hmm... I wonder where it could be..." thought Pecha aloud.

They turned a couple corners and asked for directions, but still no pokemon center. This was one big city! "Maybe it's this way." Pecha said, confused, but right then, she heard a "Snivy!" She spun around to see some guy dressed in some pretty fancy clothing. Medevil? Come on.

"I am a member of Team Plasma, a corperation who wishes to seperate people from pokemon. It will all come in due time, but I will need that Snivy of yours." he said, taking out a pokeball. "Go, Purrloin!" The grunt threw the pokeball and out came a Purrloin, who didn't look too strong.

"Ribbons, use tackle!" shouted Pecha, and her Snivy obeyed, charging into the Purrloin at top speed. It hit Purrloin and caused a bit of damage. "Come on, Purrloin, use Scratch!" shouted the Plasma grunt. His Purrloin slashed at Ribbons and made a huge gash in her stomach. "Sni... viiii!!" she shouted, crying.

"Hey, stop! You're hurting Ribbons!" said Pecha worriedly, but the grunt did not stop. "Scratch, again!" he said, and his Purrloin slashed at Ribbons again, making an even bigger gash than before. She cried her eyes out.

"Stop that! She needs to get to a pokemon center!" Pecha shouted angrily. The Team Plasma grunt ran over and snatched Ribbons, taking her away. "Come back here! Ribbons!!" said Pecha, now also crying.

She chased the grunt down many streets and alleyways, until he ran inside a huge building. "Ha! You'll need a key to get in here! Oh no, where's the lock..." he said, mumbling the last part to himself. Pecha bursted through the door and kept chasing the grunt. She heard Ribbons screaming for help.

Then the grunt went through another door and closed it with a small click. "Ha! This one is definately locked!" he said, laughing. Pecha banged on the door, but knew it was no use. It was a very heavy iron door that couldn't just be kicked down.

The Plasma grunt was pleased with himself. He had finally managed to complete one of his jobs. He handed the Snivy, Ribbons, to the scientist, Dr. Wallogurts, and headed off to tell his boss the good news. As he was leaving, he completely forgot about the girl waiting on the other side, who knocked him out with one kick.

Pecha was now inside the door. Ribbons was screaming more than ever. "Sniiiivvyyyy!! SNIIIIIVVVVYYYY!!!" she could hear. Pecha quickly ran through a couple halls into a room with a scientist in it.

"Give Ribbons back!" she shouted, as the scientist looked up, alarmed. "No, don't touch her! She could become corrupted!" he said wheezily.

"Corrupted?" asked Pecha. The scientist rolled his eyes. "I am feeding this Snivy pure knowledge. It will know everything once the proccess is done, but It might become corrupted if the transfer isn't completed!" he said.

Ribbons looked like she was in absolute pain, strapped into a machine, being fed everything at once. It must've been torture. Pecha snatched her out of the machine. "I don't care! You're torturing her!" she shouted.

The scientist's jaw dropped like in an old cartoon. "You fool! You might've harmed your Snivy's brain! Give it to me at once!" he shouted. Pecha bolted out of the room and made her way out of the building, the whole time holding a petrified Ribbons, who just stared at whatever was ahead of her.

When they got out, Pecha laid Ribbons on the ground. "Are you okay!?" she asked her pokemon madly. Ribbons relaxed a little at the sight of being out of that building. "I'm fine." she said, and then put on a look of absolute bewilderment. "I-I can talk!?" she asked herself.

"You can talk!?" Pecha asked Ribbons, repeating what she had just said. "How can I..." mumbled Ribbons, trying to figure out what had happened. "I can understand you." she told Pecha.

She tried to get up, but the pain was unbearable. "Oooowwwww!!" she shouted. Pecha lifted her up. "Let's get you to a pokemon center. I promise never to put you through anything like that ever again."

Pecha carried Ribbons to a pokemon center, which surprisingly, wasn't that far. Everything had changed today. It wasn't just about finding Charlie anymore, but it was also about bonding with her pokemon. This was meant to be a rescue mission, but it was more than that.

This was an adventure.


Guess what, no afterword. Oh yeah, remember the CCC. See ya! I'm tired!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora