Chapter 12: New Troops

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Chapter 12: New Troops

That night, I had a nightmare. I saw Lavender as a Pikachu getting chomped up by a swarm of Diglett and Dugtrio. She screamed out for help. I tried to go to her, but I could only walk in slow motion. The swarm targeted me. They came over to me and started ripping me apart and eating me like they had done to Lavender. I couldn't even scream, I was so terrified.

I awoke with a start, still in my grass bed. I looked around to see Caterpie, Kakuna, and Misdreavus still sleeping in their grass beds. Come on, wake up... I thought to myself, checking for any sight of blue eyed pokemon. Of course, Misdreavus woke up at this thought, as she always seemed to wake up right after me.

"Hrrmm... Hey, what's wrong?" she asked me, noticing my terrified face. I instantly felt better at the sound of her voice. "Oh, you know... Nightmare." I replied.

"Was it about those Diglett and Dugtrio?" asked Misdreavus with a 'please say yes' face. "Yeah," I said, "those guys terrify me..."

"I know. They're so creepy..." said Misdreavus back. Right then, Heracross jumped in front of us. "Ha! I found you!" he said with a grin. "Let's battle!"

I sighed, but agreed to battle, as he would just make me. I took the first move and tried my Bite. It was a little stonger than my Quick Attack, but not as, well, quick.

Heracross dove right into a Horn Attack. Unlike usual, I managed to dodge it with Quick Attack and hit him. I decided to use a move I'd never used before. I'd always known it at the back of my head, but never tried it. I used Growl, and his attack power dropped a little. I could tell by how much weaker his Night Slash was.

I finally KO'd him with Bite, and he ran off shouting, "I'll get you next time!" That was a pretty quick battle, and there was no time to waste. Someone was still waiting at Tohjo Falls, and that someone was my only hope.

When everyone woke up, the four of us headed down the path to Mahogany Town. It was a long walk, and there were just as many trainers here as there were on the other path. This was going to be a tiresome journey.

When we finally got to Mahogany Town, I'm sure everyone was sick of Kakuna's constant questions of "How much further is it?" It was still midday, so we decided to explore the town. Everyone went out to have fun except me. I decided to prepare for the night and make some grass beds.

But I saw something on the ground. A book of some sort. I flipped it over to see it was a phone book. Yes! I had wanted to call Paul ever since I left Ecruteak City, but I had forgotten to ask him his number. But wait, how was I going to call him? I was so stupid!

I looked in the phone book anyways. I eventually found Paul's name and phone number. I would remember it for when I got out of this mess. Well, if I got out of this mess.

For the rest of the day, I made beds and picked berries. As it was starting to get dark out, the gang came back from their day out. We all went to sleep without arguing. We needed rest for tomorrow. I heard the Ice Cave on the way to Blackthorn City was not just a cakewalk.

I had another one of my strange dreams, but this time I saw the boy and girl. The boy was me. How hadn't I recognized my voice? Well, my dreams did sound kind of muffled. And the girl was someone who I'd never seen before.

 We were in a cave. I could tell we were looking for something. "It's this way, trust me." said my human self. I pointed to a the left path of the fork in the road we had just come to. The girl next to me nodded. We went down that path and I waited to see what was down it, but my dream ended.

I awoke to see Kakuna awake. "Hey, you woke up! You were sleep talking!" he said. I got up from my grass bed. "Yeah... funny dream..." I replied.

"Mkay. I was just lying here awake for a while." said Kakuna back. I frowned. "Why were you awake?" I asked him, but before he could answer, Misdreavus woke up. Every single time. I thougt to myself.

"Oh, hey guys." she said tiredly. "What's up?" I smiled. Misdreavus always made everyone happy. Even though she was a ghost, she had this happy vibe emitting from her. "Nothing much. I just woke up too." I said.

Then came Caterpie. "Hrm... Everyone's awake?" he asked. I gave him a 'duh' look. "Okay then, let's go!" he shouted excitedly, but I butted in. "Wait! I want to do something here first!" I blurted out.

We headed to the pokemon center, as I had asked. I went straight for the phone. "Okay, can you use your powers to press these buttons?" I asked Misdreavus. "Yeah, I can do that!" she said happily. I called out the digits in Paul's phone number. Once that was done, Misdreavus pressed the 'call' button. The phone rang for a bit, and Paul picked up.

"Hello?" he said, answering the phone. Then he saw it was me. "Oh, Charlie! How'd you use the phone?" he asked, and I told him about Misdreavus' powers. "Oh, that's cool, so what did you call me for?"

"I was just hoping you could back me up when I get to Unova. I just want to know I have someone on my side." I replied. Paul smiled. "Of course I'm on your side." he answered. "I'll come any time you call me." I sighed, relieved. I had a translator, and I knew he would find some way to prove it to my mom. "Oh, thanks. That means a lot to me." I said back to him.

"Well your welcome, and I guess I'll see you later." Paul said, waving good bye. The screen turned off. I felt great now. I had made a great friend.

We started walking through to Blackthorn City, but we knew we would have to face a great danger first. The Ice Cavern wasn't going to be easy. A maze full of ice. Two things I hated quite a bit.

It was going to be far from easy.


Afterword time. Yeah.

So in this chapter, Charlie confirms his new ally. Paul would play a great role later on in his adventure.

Also, Charlie seems to be quite intent on getting back home. He is quite brave, actually. Misdreavus also seems to have accepted Charlie as her friend, as she now is able to talk properly in front of him.

Again, I will note the CCC. There has only been one entry! Oh, and if your character is a pokemon, you should specify which pokemon.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading what I enjoy writing. In the next chapter, the gang will... Wait, I shouldn't spoil that for you. Keep reading to find out!


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz