Chapter 10: Lavender and the Lost Pikachu

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Chapter 10: Lavender and the Lost Pikachu

My friends and I were walking down the path to Mt. Mortar. It was more tiring than I thought, what with all the trainers to avoid.

"How much longer is it?" asked Misdreavus shyly. "Actually... There it is!" said Caterpie, pointing at a large mountain that had suddenly came into view. "That's only half way there! On the other side of that mountain, there's even more path!" I said to everyone. They groaned. "Aww, come on..." said Caterpie in dissapointment.

But just then, Heracross jumped out of some bushes that were near us. "Haha! I wanna rematch!" he said, pointing to me. "Oh, not again." I muttered. "Fine, let's get this over with."

Heracross jumped at me and pulled back his arm to use Night Slash, but I dodged with Quick Attack, as Caterpie had called it. I directed my Quick Attack to Heracross. It was a direct hit. He looked surprised, but then smiled. "I see you've gotten stronger." he said.

Heracross charged at me with his horn to perform a Horn Attack. I tried to dodge it again, but I was too late, and I was flung to the ground. "I guess I win again!" said Heracross mockingly, but I stood up. I would not lose to this jerk again.

Something popped into my head, like I was remembering something I had forgotten long ago. I ran up to Heracross and used Bite without noticing what I was doing. He now looked very tired. I charged him with a Quick Attack, but he stood still. I hit him quite hard, but he still hung on.

"He used Endure!" I heard Caterpie shout. Heracross was on the verge of being KO'd. "Fine... You win... this time... I will see you... soon..." he said, limping away. Good. He got what he deserved.

"Good job, Charlie!" Misdreavus said to me with a shy smile. "You beat up that jerk!" shouted Kakuna happily. Caterpie came along. "Good job, Charlie, but we have to get through a mountain." he said. Everyone groaned again.

We finally got to the mountain, and there was a cave running through it. We all walked into the dark cave. It wasn't pitch black, but it was hard to see.

"Where's Electabuzz when you need him..." I muttered to myself. We walked through the cave, surrounded by rock. It seemed like we had been walking in there for hours, when I saw a light.

"I think that's the way out!" shouted Caterpie, running towards it. Everyone followed him to the light. What we saw was not the exit, but an Ampharos and a Deliberd, looking down at a scared looking Pichu.

"What's the matter?" the Ampharos asked her. "My mom... She's just... gone!" said the Pichu back to him. "Don't worry, we'll help you find your mom, Lavender." said the Ampharos softly. Then they noticed us. "Oh, who might you be?" asked Ampharos. I introduced everyone.

"Ah, okay. Lavender here says she lost her mother in this cave." said the Ampharos. "Poor Lavender. Can't find her mom." said the Deliberd. I smiled. "Hey, we can help you guys." I said. Lavender the Pichu looked up at me. "Really?" she asked. "Thanks.

"So where did you lose her?" asked Ampharos calmly. Lavender sniffed. "Follow me." she said.

The six of us followed Lavender through the mountain, going up ramps, turning corners. "This way." she would say every time there was a fork in the path. Then she finally stopped. "It was right here that I noticed she wasn't with me." she said. Ampharos smiled. "Don't worry, we'll find her." he said.

We looked throughout that area. Under rocks, behind corners, on the roof, nothing. We had all searched for a long time when Caterpie's voice echoed through the cave. "Come over here, I think I found something!"

We all walked over to him to see an overturned rock and a huge hole. I peered inside to see a huge, dizzying drop. I quickly backed off. "Down here, I think." said Caterpie.

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