Chapter 5: The Forest Cave

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Chapter 5: The Forest Cave

The four of us were inside the cave, and Electabuzz was right. It was pitch black. No, really. There was absolutely no light.

"Don't worry, I'll light it up..." mumbled Electabuzz. The two bulbs on his head sparked, and then lit up the entire cave by using Flash. "There! All better!" he said.

As we walked through the cave, I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. I don't know what it was, it just felt wrong.

"Hey, does anything feel... strange to you?" I asked Caterpie. "Not really." he replied. Okay, so it was just me. Good to know.

But just then, a Golbat swooped down from the ceiling. "You're trespassing in master's cave!" it shouted. Master? "Outta the way!" shouted Electabuzz, throwing a Thunder Punch at the Golbat. It was super effective and was a one hit KO. "Just wait until I tell master Crobat!" he shouted weakly as he flew away with a broken wing.

"I wonder who 'Master Crobat' is..." I said to myself. "Me too." said Caterpie, hearing me with his super sharp ears. "Let's get going!" said Weedle impatiently.

I walked with the others through the dark cave. Master Crobat... I could tell this was not a good thing. We found a ramp that led higher up. I didn't know it, but we had missed our passageway.

"Hmm... This doesn't seem right..." mumbled Electabuzz. "We must have missed something..." It was then that a Graveler rolled straight into us. "You're trying to mess with my master, aren't you!?" he shouted loudly. "Electabuzz, do something!" shouted Caterpie, scared.

"None of my attacks will affect him!" he shouted back. Oh no. We were doomed. "Fine! Let's try a String Shot!" said Weedle. A string of silk shot out of his tail and wrapped it up. "Hey, let me go!" he said, struggling to get out.

Basically, we all kept tackling him, as he couldn't move. They were innafective, but they would eventually defeat him. Weedle's last tackle did it. The Graveler laid on the ground, unconsious. "Master Golem will get you..." he said. Just defeating that terrible thing seemed to make Electabuzz's bulbs light up a lot more... but it wasn't Electabuzz.

I looked behind me to see Weedle's body glowing. It started to change shape and stretch out into a V-shaped coccoon. As he stopped glowing, I could see his surprised face, which everyone else also wore.

"I think I just... evolved!" he said. "Into a Kakuna, I see!" said Electabuzz. "Wow! That's awesome, Wee- I mean Kakuna!" shouted Caterpie with glee.

"Hmm... I can't really move... I could jump a little, but I can't really move..." mumbled Kakuna. "I guess I could carry you." Electabuzz said. He lifted Kakuna off the ground and said, "Alright, let's get outta here!"

"Hey, there's an opening over there!" I said, nodding towards a door shape in the wall. "Let's go then!" shouted Kakuna.

We walked through the opening and found not the exit, but a Crobat and Golem, who smiled at us as we walked in. "Hello there..." said the Crobat. "I heard what you did to our little minions..." said the Golem. "So how would you like a battle?" asked the Crobat. "Hey! Graveler! Come 'ere!" shouted the Graveler. A Graveler emerged from an opening behind him. "Golbat, come play with our... guests." said the Crobat, and a Golbat flew down from the ceiling. "First things first." said the Crobat. "Mean Look."

A barrier appeared and glowed for a second, and then became invisible. "Hey! No fair!" I shouted at them. "What? It's four on four, isn't it?" said Crobat in a mocking tone.

"That's it, time for a Thunder Punch!" shouted Electabuzz, hurtling his fist, which was now sparking, at Crobat. He dogded it. "Perhaps you would like this." he said calmly, and he formed a colorful ball and flung it straight towards me. "That's a Confuse Ray!" I heard Caterpie shout, but I was too late, and it hit me dead on.

For a moment, I just felt a strange sensation. Then I had this impulse to run into a wall. I tried to ignore it, but it was taking over. I charged towards the wall with tackle and hit it hard. 

"What are you doing!?" shouted Kakuna, who was now trying to dodge Graveler's Rollout attacks. I just kept ramming into walls. How does that feel!? I shouted at the wall in my head.

Electabuzz used Thunder Punch one more time and hit Crobat. I KO'd Crobat, and Golbat charged at Electabuzz, getting ready for a Wing Attack. Me? Oh, I just rammed into the walls, dooming my friends, but I couldn't help it. Something was just making me do it. The place shook every time I rammed the wall, making it more and more unstable. Parts of the ceiling started to fall off and the entire cave started shaking. Yep, we were doomed.

My friends, Electabuzz, and the rock type pokemon realized what was happening. (The flying types had been knocked out, courtesy of Electabuzz's electric attacks) "We have to get out of here!" shouted Electabuzz, picking me up. I struggled to get out of his arms, which now were carrying Kakuna and me. "LET ME GO!!!" I screamed. I kicked and squirmed, but he wouldn't let go.

Everyone ran through the opening Graveler had come through. It led to another ramp which led outside. The impulse to ram the walls slowly faded away. I realized I had caused real danger for everyone. Graveler jumped in the way of the ramp. "You won't hurt my master!" he said. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" shouted Golem madly. "I'll stop you all!" shouted Graveler. He started shaking violently. "Wait... NO!!!" shouted Golem.

That was the last thing I heard.

When I awoke from unconciousness, I saw the most terrifying sight I'd ever seen in my life. I was hanging off the edge of a cliff, and I was terribly scared of heights. The trees below looked like little ants. Someone was holding me by the tail. "Don't drop him!" I heard Caterpie say. I screamed. "DON'T LET GO!!! PLEASE DON'T LET GO!!!" I shouted insanely.

"Ooooooooh, looks like puppy woke up!" said Golem's voice. "Holy crap! He must be terrified of heights!" shouted Kakuna. "Just let him go! WAIT, NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I-" "As you wish." said Golem.

I felt the hand around my tail lose its grasp and I started falling to the ground. I screamed so loud, a sleeping Abra could have heard me. I shut my eyes and waited to hit the ground, but then I couldn't feel myself falling anymore. I opened my eyes to see a glowing Misdreavus smiling at me.

We floated to the ground together. When we touched it, the Misdreavus stopped glowing. "Hello." she said shyly. "You just... You just saved my life!" I said bewildered. She blushed. "Well I couldn't just leave you to fall after I saw that rock-head drop you. You also seem to have Acrophobia." she said. "Uh, yeah... It's just... terrifying, I guess..." I mumbled.

"Oh yeah!" I said. "Could you bring my friends here too?" Misdreavus smiled. "Sure! I'll be right back!" she said, flying off. I turned around. I didn't even notice it, but here i was at Goldenrod City. It looked quite busy and full of people. I wanted so badly to talk to them, tell them what happened. I felt so hopeless.

Misdreavus floated back with Caterpie and Kakuna. "Hey, Eevee! I brouht your friends! The yellow one said he didn't want to come though." she said. "Oh right, your name is Charlie. Not many pokemon have a name. Only pokemon who belong to trainers, really."

"Gee, thanks!" I said happily. She blushed again. "Your welcome." she said shyly. "We better take a breather in that town. I am hungry!" said Kakuna.

As we walked into Goldenrod City, Misdreavus, of course, followed us.

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