Chapter 18: The Blue Shard

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Chapter 18: The Blue Shard

I ran back to the path, thinking nothing but worry. Would they really wait for me, even if I was captured? But my question was answered when I found my friends sadly eating berries.

"Hey guys!!" I shouted happily. Everyone looked up. "You're back! We knew you would escape!" said Beedrill, relieved. Misdreavus came and and cave me the ghost equivelent of a hug, which was pretty much just a nudge. "For a moment, I thought you weren't coming back."

"Well I kinda got lucky." I said to all of them, and then I told them all about my short adventure with Dylon. "Thank goodness Paul was there." said Metapod boredly. I shook my head. "Alright, we have better things to do! Let's get going!"

As we walked along the path, I happened to notice a lot of pokemon fighting for what seemed like no reason at all. This must've been the Blue Shard. We had to destroy it.

We walked into Cherrygrove City hurriedly. I'm sure everyone else noticed the fighting too, for they wanted to end it. Up 'till now, I hadn't really noticed anything was happening, but now it seemed signs of it were everywhere. Even in the city, people were fighting.

"This is madness..." said Beedrill. Misdreavus looked worried. "I hope we don't become like that." she said quietly. I looked into her eyes reasuringly. "Don't worry, we won't."

We ate some berries and rested in the city, as it was getting dark. I stayed awake, though. I didn't want to have anymore terrible nightmares. It seemed every time I went to sleep, something bad or strange would happen. i eventually gave up and closed my eyes, and I was in dream world.

I had that same dream where the pokemon jumped off of a cliff and I followed it, but this time, there was water at the bottom. We both splashed into the ocean and drowned.

I woke up sweating again. It was just getting light and everyone else was still asleep. I took a look around me to see if anyone was there. Nothing. Just then, of course, Misdreavus woke up. She also looked around her. "Oh, hello." she said. "You always seem to wake up before me. I'm lazy."

"Are you kidding?" I said back. "You always wake up right after me!" She smiled. "Well whatever," she said, "I'm weird, then."

I smiled. I could always count on Misdreavus to cheer me up. "Well I'll wake the others." I said drowsily.

After everyone was awake, it was time to go to Violet City, which was right next to the Ruins of Alph. I was so excited to get this over with and then finally go home.

As we walked to the city, people and pokemon were still fighting. We saw very few that weren't. "Let's hurry." I said quietly.

We continued to walk to the city. The fighting was getting worse by the minute. Did this mean Lugia was getting stronger? We just had to hurry.

All of a sudden, a Noctowl started attacking us. I turned and saw it had those same piercing blue eyes. It flew into the air and flew around in circles for a bit. "Not agian!" shouted a terrified Beedrill.

The Noctowl dove down in a Sky Attack and flew towards Metapod. Metapod used Harden to protect himself a little, but the attack still did some huge damage. "Hey, you don't hurt my friend!" I snarled, already charging at him with Quick Attack. Noctowl flew up in the air, making me miss. He looked into Beedrill's eyes just as Beedrill was about to attack, and Beedrill slowly fell asleep. Hypnosis.

Misdreavus formed a colorful ball of light and hurled her Confuse Ray at the Noctowl. He did a barrel roll and dodged the attack. I used Growl to try and lower his attack. That got his attention and he charged at me, ready to use Peck. I dodged and used Quick Attack on him while he was near the ground.

I tried to protect the others from Noctowl, but he used Hypnosis on Metapod. "Hey, stop that!" I shouted, and he looked at me. I shut my eyes tightly to avoid the attack. "Charlie... Finish him..." I heard Misdreavus say drowsily.

I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Misdreavus beside me. Now it was just me and Noctowl. I used Growl to lower his attack and try to make him come down. It worked, because he swooped down with another Peck. I used Quick Attack again to hit him. It hit very hard and Noctowl was done.

I went over to the others to see if my friends were okay. They were just sleeping, but not hurt. I sighed a breath of relief and started making some grass beds for them. They were gonna be sleeping for a while.


Hey, guys. It's the afterword.

Okay, this time I'm not gonna review what was in this chapter, because I don't feel like it. I will, however, remind you of the Character Creation Contest. (CCC) Make a character if you will. I'd like some more ideas.

So yeah, small afterword. See ya!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Where stories live. Discover now