Chapter 4: The Forest Keeper

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Chapter 4: The Forest Keeper

Caterpie had taken a sack full of berries and his 'lucky stone', which shone a brilliant blue. We were standing at the entrance to the Ilex Forest. It looked pretty creepy, even from the outside. "Ohh... Why the Ilex Forest?" said Weedle. "Because we need to get to Olivine City." said Caterpie. "That's where the nearest dock is."

So we went in. Trees everywhere, blocking all light. Creepy. "Let's just get through here..." muttered Weedle. We walked through the forest for not long when a Sentret jumped out of some grass. "Wild Pokemon! RUN!!" I shouted, but no one ran. "How about a string attack?" said Caterpie, shooting silk from his tail.

Oh yeah, Pokemon had attacks, and that meant I had attacks!

"Poison sting!" shouted Weedle. I had to help, so I tried a tackle. Weedle and I hit the Sentret at the same time. It started to cry very loudly. Then a Furret jumped to the Sentret's aid. "What are you doing to my daughter!?" He shouted at us.

"Just back off and get out of this forest!" he shouted again. "No!" I shouted, getting angry. "We were attacking her becau-" "No excuses!" the Furret butted in. "I warned you!" "Bring it!" The Furret pulled back his fist, which started glowing purple. I dove straight into a tackle. "Wait! He's using sucker punch!" shouted Caterpie, but it was too late.

It was a direct hit. I flew backwards into a tree and slid down. "Let that be a warning to you!" shouted the Furret. He carried the Sentret into the forest. I tried to get up, put a sharp pain shot through my leg.

 "Oh no! Can you walk?" asked Caterpie. "Maybe we should go back." said Weedle. I stood up with the one back leg shifted so my toes were on the ground. "Err... No, we don't have to go back, I'll make it." I said, but I honestly wasn't sure, as the pain still wouldn't go away. "Oh! Why don't I just give you a berry..." said Caterpie, rummaging through a sack. "Hey, where are all the berries?" he asked.

At this, Weedle gave us a nervous look. "Well... I kinda, maybe, sorta... ate them all." he said shyly. "What!?" shouted Caterpie. "All of them!?" he looked back at me. "Well, you'll have to deal with your leg because we're already lost!"

So we kept on walking through the forest. It was way creepier going farther into it. I, of course, had to limp the whole way, which wasn't much fun.

But the pain started to intensify. It pulsed through my whole leg. "Are you okay?" Caterpie finally asked, seeing me wince in pain. "Yeah," I lied, "I'm fine."

We came to a fork... I mean a fork in the path, not a fork. One path led to a cave, and the other led into more forest. "Well which way should we go?" asked Weedle. Then I noticed something out in the distance. A yellow pokemon was heading our way. "Hey, look!" I shouted, pointing at the pokemon. I could see it now. It was an Electabuzz. We didn't just attack it this time. We'd learned not to do that earlier.

"Hey!" said the Electabuzz. "You guys lost?" "Yeah! We are!" shouted Caterpie. "Whoa, what's with the Eevee's leg?" asked the Electabuzz, looking at me. "Well there was this Sentret we thought was wild, and we attacked it, but I got pummeled by its father." I said nonchalantly. "Ah! The Forest Keeper!" said the Electabuzz. "You definately don't want to be enemies with him! Hmm, let me guide you to Goldenrod City!"

"That there is the long path." said Electabuzz, pointing to the forest path. "You'll want to take the cave. It's much shorter, but pitch black. I can help you get through that." he said. "Then let's go." I said back.

He led us down the path to the cave. It wasn't too long a walk, but it was definately torture, with my leg hurting how it was. As we got closer, I noticed a pile of berries. I swear I felt my face light up. Time to end this torture. I thought.

Then we got to the cave. "This is the cave!" said Electabuzz, proud of his work. I sank my teeth into a Sitrus berry. It tasted so good. "Wait! Don't-" started Electabuzz, but he was interrupted by the Sentret, who had just came out of the cave. I stared at her with wide eyes, as if to say, Please don't do it! "Daddy! He stole my food!" she cried.

The Furret from before came out of the cave. "You again!?" he shouted in anger. Caterpie tried to explain. "W-we didn't-" he stuttered, but was cut off by Furret, who shouted, "I don't care about your stories!" Electabuzz tried to help by saying "They didn't think the berries belonged to her!" But the Furret wouldn't listen. "Are you with them!?" he shouted. "Fine! I'll take you out too!"

"Run! I'll hold him off!" shouted Electabuzz. Caterpie and Weedle did as they were told, but I couldn't move. I was petrified with fear. I could see Sentret crying. She didn't want it to happen like this.

Electabuzz was in a fierce battle right now. He started charging up a Thunder Punch. "How'd you like some of this!?" he shouted. He launched the attack straight towards Furret, who countered with a sucker punch. Electabuzz's Thunder Punch easily won against it.

"Oh yeah!?" snarled Furret. "How about this!?" He concentrated hard and let loose a horrifying shout. It echoed throughout the whole forest. Electabuzz covered his ears, but Hyper Voice was eating on his insides. "Errr... let's try a... Thunder!" shouted Electabuzz, trying to perform the attack, but Furret was still using hyper voice.

Caterpie saw what was happening and charged Furret with a tackle. Electabuzz looked surprised at what Caterpie had done, but snapped back and unleashed a huge Thunder. The attack hit Furret directly. Now they were both panting. "Okay, then... I guess I have no choice..." said Electabuzz, panting. "You will not... disturb my... forest..." said Furret. "HYPER BEAM!!!" they both said together.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I saw the two beams zoom towards each other. To my horror, they collided, and a huge explosion followed.

Electabuzz and Furret laid on the ground, unconsious. How could I just let them lie there? I thought, and picked up two Sitrus Berries. I ran to them with my newly healed leg. I gave a berry to each one of them and forced them to swallow it.

"Hrmn... Huh?" said Furret, waking up. "Why did you help me? You're just a trouble maker...?" he said. As Electabuzz came around, he said, "They never meant to hurt your daughter. They thought she was going to attack them." Furret gave us a surprised look, then blushed. "I didn't... Oh, man... I'm sorry I hurt you, I just... I guess I was the one disturbing the forest..."

They both stood up. "That's fine. It was just a little pain." I said with a wink. "Yeah... Hmm, what are you doing in the Ilex Forest anyways?" Furret asked. I could've sworn I heard Weedle say something along the lines of 'I have no idea...' "We're heading to Olivine City!" shouted Caterpie happily.

"Oh! You should head through this cave then!" said Furret. "And take some of these berries, too!" As Caterpie was filling his bag with berries, Sentret said, "Sorry, you guys..." She was still crying. "It's okay. I hope you have fun here." I said to her.

We were ready to go into the cave, and to Goldenrod City. My friends, Electabuzz and I stood outside of the cave. We had no Idea what laid inside.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt