Chapter 20: The Ruins of Alph

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Chapter 20: The Ruins of Alph

The three of us walked to the Ruins of Alph carrying Beedrill. After a while, we found some berries and fed him some. He had woken up with a "Huh?" and we were on our way.

It was very silent as we walked. Everyone was nervous of what might happen at the ruins. Would the ritual hurt anyone? Would someone try and stop us? I wasn't quite sure, but we had to do this. For Johto.

"I guess we're here." said Metapod boredly as we got to the ruins. A huge cave stood before us, surrounded by more ruins. I nodded. "Come on. Let's do this." I said in a nervous tone. We hesitantly walked in.

Time to finish this.

Inside, there were two more ways to go. Great. I loved it when that happened. "Let's split up." said Misdreavus. "Metapod and Beedrill will go that way. Charlie and I will go this way."

So Misdreavus and I went to the left while Metapod and Beedrill went to the right. The two of us walked through the dark cave, looking back every once in a while to see if there was anyone or anything behind us. "This is creepy." Misdreavus finally said.

I looked back again. "Yeah, I know. Don't you just feel like you're being watched?" I said to her. She just gave an uneasy look.

Then there were two more paths. It looked exactly the same as the other fork. "Where to now?" I asked.

Meanwhile, Metapod and Beedrill were walking through their part of the cave. For once, Metapod didn't seem so bored. It was so dark and scary, he thought a Gastly or something would pop up at any minute. Not a fun time in his opinion.

Beedrill, on the other hand, wasn't so scared. Ever since he had evolved, he always felt so adventurous. He wished everyone else would join in and have some fun, but he used to be scared of things too.

Then they came up to a fork in the path. "Oh great, now where?" asked Metapod worriedly. No path looked encouraging. "We'll split up." said Beedrill. "I'll go right, you go left."

Metapod was not happy about this. "Oh... fine. Let's get this over with." he said. As they started their seperate ways, Beedrill could have sworn he saw the Blue Shard flash faintly on Metapod's neck. He ended up shrugging it off and travelled farther into the cave.

Misdreavus and I had decided to split up. Misdreavus, being a ghost, wasn't too scared about this, but she did seem unhappy. I didn't like the idea either. I would be all alone in the terrifying dark. But this wasn't about me, and I didn't plan on whining about it, so I stuck to it.

It was quite dark, much like the path Misdreavus and I had just taken together. Was that a Haunter? No, just a rock. Was that a Shuppet? No, just the wall. Was that Beedrill!? Oh no, it was just a light... A light!?

I ran for it. I felt so warm, just to see light. When I got there, I was completely surrounded in white. What the... I thought, but then everything went black, and a deep voice spoke, shaking the cave. "Go back! You shall not destroy it! Go back!" It boomed.

I tried to run, but it was pitch black now, and I couldn't see anything. I ended up smashing into a wall and landed on the ground. Would I ever get out of here?

Some distance away, Metapod felt a sharp pain shoot through his body. He winced and fell to the ground. "Ow!!" he shouted, and it was then that he realized the shard around his neck was glowing.

Metapod suddenly stood up without meaning to do it. He then started inching his way through the cave, turning at forks in the path without trying to. He just seemed to know where he wanted to go.

But then he stopped in a large, open area. There was an altar in the middle and Unown writing on the walls. Metapod's body started burning on the inside. He tried to wince in pain, but he couldn't move his body. Then he blacked out.

Misdreavus navigated through the cave alone. She was not scared of the dark, but she hated having no company. Nonetheless, her gut always seemed to tell her which way to go. She soon saw a huge open space with an altar in the middle. As she walked in, everything went pitch black, and a familiar yet deeper voice filled the entire room. "YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED. YOU WILL ALL DIE."

I was still trapped in the pitch black room. I could find no way out and I was all alone. I started to cry, but a familiar voice came into my head. Do not cry. You will find your way out. it said soothingly.

Then that same odd feeling pulsed through me, and I started to glow, lighting up the whole room. I could see now, and I headed out of the large room. "Who are you?" I asked aloud.

I am your aid. Something went wrong, and I must help you. the voice replied. Well that didn't help. "Yeah, but what's your name?" I asked, annoyed.

You will find this out in time, Charlie. the voice said vaguely. I gave up and continued to search for what might be the place to perform this ritual. My body still glowed and gave me a huge advantage to the darkness. Then I heard someone.

"Charlie? Is that you?" it asked. It was Beedrill. "Yeah, right over here!" I shouted back. Beedrill came up from behind a corner. "How are you glowing like that?" he asked. I shook my head. "I don't know."

I was finally back with one of my friends. We walked endlessly through the cave, searching for whatever looked like what the Ledian had described. He was quite mysterious, that's for sure.

Then we found it.

We stood in a large room with an altar in the middle and writing on the walls. The thing that caught my eye, however was Metapod standing above an unconsious Misdreavus. "Hey Metapod! What happened to Misdreavus?" I said to them.

Metapod turned, but it was not Metapod. To my horror, I saw a Metapod with those same piercing blue eyes as all the other victims of the Blue Shard.

Then he spoke in a deeper voice than usual. "So you have come. You will not succeed in destroying the shard."


It's the afterword!

So Metapod has been possessed by the Blue Shard, and right when it was about to end! It has finally happened, and now Charlie and his friends must stop it.

And what happened to Misdreavus? Has Metapod killed her? If so, how? He only knows Harden!

Also, who spoke to Charlie in the open room? And still who is communicating telepathically with Charlie? Some of these questions will be answered in the finale chapter of Mystery of the Blue Shard, but don't worry if it was a short story. This isn't the last of Charlie's adventures.

Of course, I will talk about the CCC again, only because I like to bug you, and I would like some more characters. I don't want to have to choose from two entries.

Lastly, I give my warm thanks to all that enjoy this book. Charlie would too, but he's busy being petrified with fear right now.


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