Chapter 7: The Time Traveler

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Chapter 7: The Time Traveler

Walking to Ecruteak City was quite normal and uninterupted. (THANK GOODNESS) We walked, we ate, we slept. Nothing much, really... until we came to the National Park.

"Hey, why don't we go and have a little fun before we go on with the adventure?" Caterpie said. Everyone nodded, as everyone was sick of walking. "Then let's go!" he shouted, and we all ran into National Park's humungous gates.

Inside was a beautiful and natural park, in which many wild pokemon ran about. Lushious green grass, trees, and bushes.

Yeah, I wish that was what I saw.

In reality, it was a disaster. It looked as though a forest fire had spreaded through the National Park. No grass, broken benches, cut down trees. (with no leaves) That is what I saw.

"What happened here!?" said Misdreavus nervously. I felt something on my back and spun around to see a human boy sitting behind us. The others did the same. "Sorry guys. There was a forest fire a few months ago. You can't play here." he said. The boy stared at the lost National Park with a sad smile. "Hey, would you like to come with me?" he asked us.

Why did he have to ask that? I didn't want to be mean to him, but I couldn't just quit this. I backed off slowly. "That's okay," the boy said, "I understand. We can just be friends. My name is Paul." I smiled. "And my name is Charlie." I said, but knew he had no method of communicating with me.

"Well I should get going." said Paul. "I hope I meet you again sometime." He walked off, leaving us there in the park.

"Well what was that all about? You looked like you could were having a conversation with him." said Misdreavus. "Oh, you mean Paul?" I asked her. Wait, what are you thinking, Charlie!? She's gonna find out!

"Paul? He told you his name? How did you..." Misdreavus mumbled. "How can you understand humans?" I was obviously busted now. I sighed. "Do you really want to know the truth?" I asked her. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" she replied.

I sighed again. "Well, you see, the real reason we're going to Unova..." and I told her the whole story. The whole time her eyes were wide. "Okay, I believe you." she said when I was done. I gave her a 'what, that's it?' look. "Wait, you believe me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I actually have a secret of my own." said Misdreavus. "I've had the ability to tell if people are lying or not since I was born. It's a rare gift some ghost and psychic pokemon have." Wow. I didn't even know that, and I had been reading about pokemon since I was three. "Whoa, that's pretty cool actually." I said.

Misdreavus blushed like she always did. "Well you can speak to humans, and you used to be one. That's why you always look so... trapped." she said.

"I feel trapped." I said back quietly.

Suddenly, a portal appeared out of thin air. We all stared at it in shock. A small green pokemon flew out of it. "Okay, so it was sometime near hear..." It mumbled to itself. Then it noticed us. "Oh! You guys! Uh... I'm..." he said. Then he sighed. "I'm Celebi. I can travel through time." said the green pokemon. "I was trying to figure out when this happened-" he pointed to the forest. "-and I seem to have found out. You guys have to help me save this park! All nature must be preserved. You must come with me." Celebi opened another portal. "This time hole will take us four months into the past, when the forest fire started. Come on, jump in!" he said.

We all stared at the portal, still in shock. "Come on!!" shouted Celebi, and we all jumped in one by one.

On the other side of the portal, I saw the park I'd hoped to see the first time. You know, the one with the trees, grass, etc. It was swarming with wild pokemon, and a few trainers.

"Okay, this is where it happens." said Celebi "A Cyndaquil and a Bulbasaur will walk into the park in a short while. They will start fighting and the forest will catch on fire. We have to be ready... Wait, here they come!"

A Cyndaquil and a Bulbasaur came in smiling. They looked quite happy to be together. I could tell that the Cyndaquil was a girl and the Bulbasaur was a boy.

"...So Bulbasaur," the Cyndaquil was saying, "how does it look?" The Bulbasaur stared at the park in amazement. "It's... beautiful." said the Bulbasaur. The Cyndaquil smirked. "What did I tell you? There are so many amazing things to do and see in Johto! How about it? Will you come live here in Johto?" she asked.

The Bulbasaur put on a nervous look. "Oh... You know I can't move here." he said. "My parents just won't let me!" That was not what Cyndaquil wanted to hear. "Why do you keep bringing up that excuse!? Why do you keep delaying!? Is something Wrong!?" she boomed.

"This is it." said Celebi. He sighed. "This is not gonna be easy..."

He floated over to the couple, who were now fighting quite loudly. "Hey! There is no need to fight!" he said.

The couple looked that direction and their eyes widened. "Aren't you..." said the Bulbasaur in amazement. "Listen, I don't know who you are," said Cyndaquil, "but there is a perfectly good reason for fighting. Why would you let this perfect place go to waste?" She said the last part to Bulbasaur.

"No! YOU'LL be letting it go to waste! You will end up starting a forest fire if you two fight!" shouted Celebi. "You two just have to work it out!" He stopped floating and stood on the ground beneath him. "A forest fire? Yeah right. You can just predict the future now?" asked Cyndaquil.

"Actually, I can travel through time, but that's besides the point!" said Celebi. "You don't need to do this." I got ready for the fight.

"If you don't want me to fight him, then I'll just fight you instead!" shouted Cyndaquil. Now we jumped in. She let loose a flamethrower. It hit us all and gave Kakuna a severe burn. "Errr... No! This is not what I meant!" shouted Celebi angrily. His eyes glowed for a second and Cyndaquil winced in pain. "Hey! Don't hurt her!" shouted Bulbasaur, who had been watching in fear. He threw razor sharp leaves at Celebi and scored a direct hit, but luckily, it was innaffective, due to its type.

"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." said Celebi. "I'm sorry." He started singing a horribly eerie, screechy song. It rang inside my head and penetrated my mind. I grew instantly weak. I felt like I was going to die.

"You will... not... die, but... you will... be out for a while..." said Celebi, also growing weaker. At that point, everything went black.


Hey! Sup. So yeah, afterword... Yeah...

Misdreavus has now learned Charlie's secret, and so a huge burden is lifted off of his chest.

And like I promised, a long-ish chapter, where a lot happened. I thought it would be cool to do a chapter with Celebi, where the gang goes back in time, so it happened.

Again, character creation challenge. No entries. I'd really like it if you guys tried this. It would be cool to give the reader a chance to change what happens in the book.

If you're wondering what happened at the end, wait for the next chapter. If you want to know what the gang does next, wait for the next chapter. If you want a cheeseburger, wait for the next chapter.

Charlie hopes you guys enjoy reading his perilous adventure. This is only the beginning and things are about to get a lot different.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystery of the Blue Shard [Book 1] (Series Discont.)Where stories live. Discover now