Chapter 6: A Rival

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Chapter 6: A Rival

When we got to Goldenrod City, we made some grass beds and went to sleep right away. We were all incredibly tired from what had happened today.

When I woke up, I looked around for a second. Then I remembered me being an Eevee and slumped down. "You look confused." said Misdreavus beside me, making me jump. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." she said apologetically. "That's fine. I was kind of hoping someone would be awake when I woke up." I said back to her.

She smiled shyly and blushed. "Oh, okay." she said. "Um, Charlie... I... I want to tell you something." I frowned. "Hmm, what's that?" I asked. Her eyes widened. "I, uh... well, I kinda..." she said nervously. "Hey, what'cha guys talking about?" asked Caterpie, who had just woken up. "We're just talking about food!!" Misdreavous blurted out hurriedly.

We were now ready to head out on the path to Ecruteak City. We were standing by the path, ready to leave.

"Well I guess we'll be going now." I said to Misdreavus. "Maybe we'll see you some other time!" shouted Caterpie. "Bye!" we all said together. We started to walk away when I heard Misdreavus say, "Wait. I want to come with you!" Caterpie and Kakuna raised their eyebrows. "I'm so sick of the Ilex Forest. I want to try something new! A trip to Unova would be the perfect idea!" she said.

The three of us exchanged nervous glances. She would probably find out why we were really going to Unova. We had just told her it was to go sightseeing.

"Sure, you can come!" I finally said. The others gawked at me. "Thank you so much!" said Misdreavus. She was so happy.

So we ended up walking to Ecruteak City in a group of four. We only took about ten steps before a pokemon jumped in front of us. It was a Heracross. "Hey you! Battle me!" It said.

I jumped back and started saying, "Well I don't wanna-" but he flew up into the air and started flying at invisible speeds. "What the-" Then something slashed my arm. He had used Aerial Ace. "Hey! Owww..." I said.

"Now do you want to battle?" said Heracross calmly, appearing in front of me. "Fine then, bring it!" I snarled viciously, and dove into a tackle, but it wasn't a tackle. Suddenly, I was moving at blazing speeds and firing straight towards him. It was a dead on hit.

"Hey! Er... Oh yeah?" said Heracross, and then jumped at me and slashing me in the same spot as before, but with a Night Slash. It really hurt! I winced, but went straight into another tackle, or whatever it was, and succeeded to hit him again.

We were both very tired now. I think me more than him, but I wasn't ready to lose to this jerk. Man, all I knew was... whatever I had done. I got ready to attack again, but he charged at me with his horn before I knew what was happening. I performed another 'fast move' and we both collided... and I was flung over his horn onto the ground.

I was bruised everywhere. I knew because pain was everywhere. "Looks like I win!" said Heracross with a grin. "Well I'll be going then!" and he flew off.

"You okay, Charlie?" asked Misdreavus concernedly, picking me up off the ground with her 'powers'. "Yeah... I'm fine." I said back. I stood up. It hurt, but not bad enough that I couldn't walk.

"Alright, well let's go already." said Kakuna. We all nodded. "Here." said Caterpie, handing me a berry. I ate it and felt instantly better. I still wasn't quite sure how that worked, though.

We started down our next path. We were heading to Ecruteak City.


Hey! Short chapter, I know, but next chapter will be a long one. (By my standards :P) So yeah, it would be okay to read my bad version now. It's quite different after these five chapters. I have also decided to do an afterword, in case you didn't notice, but you don't have to read it.

In other news, I have also decided to let you change the book, somewhat. If you would like the team to meet someone, just say it in the comments below, and put their personality, AND make sure they are a pokemon found in Johto. If I were doing me, for example, I would put:

Devon. A lousy Igglybuff. A terrible coward. Scared of its own shadow. Boy that likes the color pink.

JK but it should go something along those lines. I will choose the best character and put him/her in my story to play a major role. You can give ideas for what role that may be, by the way. Good luck!

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