Chapter 3: Mirajane's Plan D

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Mirajane's POV

Am I the only one noticing the problem between Erza, Gray and Juvia? Weird but, I don't think I should go in their problem but I think I must also help them find a solution to solve their problem.

Then I heard a familiar voice

"I'm back!" Lucy said. Then she hurriedly went to me. "Hi, Lucy!" I greeted

"Yo, Mira-san."she greeted back to me.

Then Levy butted in, "Psychologists say that if a person speaks less, but speaks fast it means that the person keeps secrets."

"I know there is...Why don't you tell us?" I asked Lucy.

"Am I speaking less but fast?" Lucy asked

"Mmhmm!" Levy said. "Now, tell us...PLEASE" Levy had her cute eyes.

"I want it in a private place." Lucy blinked then looked besides.

"I know a place!" I said. "Come!" then I led them at the backyard then I used my demon spell. We jumped in a portal that led to a silent world. "Ta Da!" I presented them

"Mira-san, I can't believe that's a new trick!" levy said.

Then Lucy started, she said everything that Juvia said.

"I thought of a plan D Lucy, but it might not work... I think you should let Juvia in at Fairy Tail. Then we would have a celebration for a fake birthday party, in one of the games, we should group ourselves into 4. One of the groups should have Juvia, Gray, Erza and you Lucy." I said. "But the problem is we don't know what game to choose." I continued.

" Hmmm.... Ha!" Levy pointed her finger up. "I know a game we used to play. It's the game ' Honey I love You', here's the mechanics: Your group should be sitting in a circle again with one person in the middle. The person in the middle can go to anyone in the circle and say "Honey I love you, won't you give me a smile?" The person who was asked the question has to answer back "Honey I love you, but I just can't smile" (without smiling.) The person in the middle can do anything to the other person to make them smile except touch them. You have to be the judge as to what you call smiling."

"That's great! Who should have the birthday?" Lucy asked. "I should'nt because they know that my birthday is on July 1 and it's still August 3." Lucy continued.

"How about Mirajane or I?" Levy asked.

"How about You and I?" I said.

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