Chapter 11: 16x^2 - y^2 - 6y - 9

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail :)))


Mirajane's POV

"Gray!" Erza-san shouted.

"Erza, I know you've been controlled by that sabertooth guy... We need to stop this" Gray said.

Suddenly, I had a bright idea. Then, I got the vial where I put the potions left at Minato's lab. I went to Levy, who was just videoing Gray and Erza.

"Yes Mirajane?" Levy said.

"I have a plan." She gave the videocam to Jet, who was on her left. Lucy joined us. I told the whole plan to them. "when we were in Minato's lab, I observed the ants carrying glowing crumbs of something, the ants were going to one particular place. When I was thinking a while ago, I thought that I think those weren't crumbs because crumbs aren't blue and glow. Now, my plan is... go to that place and follow the ants, I suppose they must be the road to Minato."

Then we creeped outside. No one noticed us because they're busy looking at Gray and erza-san.

"Levy, please help distinguish what potion is in the vial while Lucy and I would go to Minato's place." I said.

"Yes, mira san." She answered then walked away. Lucy and I ran as fast so that fairy tail wouldn't be harmed. Erza is strong. We went to Minato's Lab and saw many ants. MANIER than before. We followed the trail leading deeper at the forest where it's very quiet and dark we followed and followed then it led to a small cottage. We creeped quietly and hid to make sure that no one could harm us. I saw Lucy held her keys.

"Mirajane, how about camouflage?" I looked at her and was surprised she was wearing grass. I wore one too.

"Lucy, are you sure this is going to work?" I asked.

"Yes" she whispered.

We creeped closer then stopped, closer then stop , closer and stop. I peeked at the window and saw Minato shaking a vial.

Lucy's POV

Ow, my skin itches because of that grass camouflage thingy.

Wait, Mirajane?! she's lost... PANIC MODE. I peeked inside, no one was

"Mmmmm!!!!!" I shouted, someone covered my mouth, It was Minato.

"Fairy Tail Member spying huh?" he said.

Damn. What would I do...

"Stop." It was Mirajane!!!!!!!!!! She held minato's hand and tied it with a rope, then inserted a gag in his mouth. Awesome. Mirajane was in her satan soul.

"We would get lost when you tell us how Erza goes back to normal." Mirajane said. We went in the lab and secured Minato again inside. Mirajane got back the gag on Minato's mouth.

"Tell us." Mirajane said.

"Never." Minato answered. Then Mirajane got a knife in Minato's neck.

"no no no no no knives." Minato said. "Okay, okay, okay, here's the formula: 16x^2 - y^2 - 6y - 9" Minato continued.

"good. but you will remain untied unless we get erza back to normal." Mirajane said. I helped Mirajane secure Minato more.

Then we returned to the fairy tail guild to tell Levy about it. Wow, Erza and Gray were at the floor. Juvia was checking on Gray.


Guys, I'm so so so so so so sorry for the late upload. You know Sembreak :D
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