The maze

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Ok so you need to listen. Before you read on, go follow NightStriker13 because I've had a couple conversations w// her in the comments and she's really cool. And read Her story's about Asomi Angeles, daughter of night. Yes I look at everyone's reads and if you work really hard we can get her to 650. That's what I'm saying as of August 5, 2016. Vote for her too. Now read on!

As we went up in the elevator I cried. Hard. Tears of sadness and joy. I was out of Tartarus , but I had to leave Bob behind. We all had different approaches at this. Annabeth was thinking of battle strategies and silently crying. Percy was rocking back and forth with me in his lap. He wasn't crying though, just rocking and stroking my hair. I had to tell him to not be so strong. It all was going to build up inside him, he'll go insane.
"Percy." I looked up at him and batted my eyes. "It's ok. You can cry. You're not superhuman."
"They-they think I am. I saved the world once and coincidently lived. I didn't do it. Luke sacrificed himself." Annabeth fell to her knees. I didn't even know about Luke. Annabeth must have been really close to him. "Now I'm in another war, with a little sister that I have to protect. Another child of Poseidon. You can't have to go through what I did. When we were twelve, we thought going to the underworld was super dangerous. We looked over Tartarus and got scared. Callie, you are the strongest person I know." He said. He was crying now.
  "It's ok Percy. I'm only here because of you. You are amazing. I love you." I said. The doors opened. We all get up. It looked like we were in the middle of a maze.
  "This is like the labyrinth." Annabeth said.
  "We need to split up. Cover more ground." Percy said.
  "Percy, go to the middle. Annabeth take the right, I'll take the left." I hugged them one last time, and we all ran off in our direction. I stopped after running for what seemed like forever so I could catch my breath. I started hearing a rumbling behind me.
  "Hello?" I said. The sound got louder. I started running again. I hung sharp right that I didn't notice until last minute. I was still running when the noise stopped, until something knocked me down when I fell I slid three feet back and jumped up. I walked over it and stood with my knife over its throat.
"Callie!" It screamed and rolled on top of me.
"What? Who are- Leo!" I yelled. He tackled me in a hug.
"Are you ok?" He asked. I shook my head no. He must have saw blood, because he rolled the side of my shirt up. "Oh my gods Callie!" He screamed. He stood up and got behind me. He pushed on my back to help me up. He bent down and let me on his back.
"Thanks." I said.
"Callie, are you ok? You're freezing." He asked.
"Well, I did get out of Tartarus 20 minutes ago. And you're helping, you're really warm, you know, being able to genarate fire and all." I laid my head on his shoulder."
"Thanks. Do you hear that? It sounds like a dog is growling." He said. I heard it two. I saw a shadow bouncing around.
"Orthrus. The brother of Cerberus." I breathed out.
"And that means?" Leo said.
"A two headed dog." I whispered. "Come here." He walked up to me. "Closer." We were chest to chest. "Here's the plan. You'll set one head on fire, and I'll drown the other." I said. "But there's no water." Leo whispered.
"I'm getting to that part. I'm going to use our body water. I don't know if this will hurt." I breathed out. I sat my hand on his stomach. I pulled my hand outwards. Water started following my fingertips. "It worked!" I exclaimed.
"You doubted this?" Leo laughed. "Well, atleast it didn't hurt." We didn't have time to talk anymore, because Orthrus came bouncing around the corner like a little puppy. He stopped about 100 feet away from us, and looked at me like I was a chew toy he was about to rip into 7000 pieces. Apparently he was desperate to get to his "chew toy", because he came bounding down the corridor. Soaring, flying, like Zac Efron in high school musical. But this Zac had bared teeth and two ugly heads.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Born ready." Leo smirked. I summoned water to my palms, and he did the same with fire. I pushed my hands out just as Orthrus approached us, and focused as hard as I could on pushing the water outward. After acouple minutes, Orthrus fell to the ground, and so did I. I felt like I was dead.
  "Callie!" Leo yelled. He dropped to his knees. "What have I done?" He muttered. "It's ok. Come here."
  "I... I can't." I whispered. I was breathing heavily. He picked me up and started running. I looked up at his scrawny face and curls. He gazed down at me and smiled. I heard a rumbling noise and Leo had to put me down. He started swinging his hammer and lighting his hands on fire. Something blurry started approaching me. He scorched it.
  "Nobody touches her!" He screamed loud enough for me to make out the words. I was freezing and I just got out of Tartarus, and if I didn't get back to the ship soon, I would be back in the underworld. Leo finally picked me back up and started running faster this time. He started spinning in my eyes, and he looked down. Suddenly there was this humongous bright light shining on me. 'The sun.' I thought. It's been 3 weeks since I saw light. Leo jumped onto the ship. He pushed a blob out of his way.
  "Fgylcf dukbf!" He yelled. Or something. I don't care. He laid me on a bed, and pulled down my jaw. He started fiddling around on the counter. He put this stuff in my mouth that felt like a brownie, and started moving my jaw up in down. I swallowed willingly. He stuck a straw in my mouth and I started sucking. I felt a lot better.
  "Callie, I have to take your shirt off. That gash is to big to heal while holding it up.
  "Ok." I said. I tried to push myself up, but I fell.
  "I got you." He said. He sat me on the bed. He grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt and started pulling it up. When he rubbed his hand over the gash tears welled in my eyes.
  "I'm so sorry." He said. He pulled my arms out of the holes and and the shirt over my head, leaving me in my blood soaked green sports bra.
  "Lay on your side and hold my hand. Jason is going to somewhat heal you, while Iris Messaging Will. Leo lied down beside me and took my hand. Jason walked in. I prayed to Iris and Will showed up.
  "Hey Will. Look, Callie's really hurt." He looked at my side.
  "Oh my gods. Ok so first you need to clean the wound. Grab the achol and pour it into the wound and around it." Will said.
  "Callie." Leo whispered to me. "squeeze my hand on three and just keep talking to me." I nodded my head.
  "One." Jason said. I squeezed my eyes shut.
  "Two." I opened them  and looked at Leo.
  "Three." Jason started pouring and I started crying. I squeezed my eyes closed. Leo told me to just keep talking to him but I couldn't. Apparently he gets it cause he pulled my head to his shoulder and I buried my face in the crick of his neck. He started stroking my hair.
  "I think you've broken all my fingers." He said.
  "And done!" Jason yelled. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.
  "Oh you're not done, that was just the cleaning. Next is the treating." Will said. I let out a groan. This was going to kill me. Leo started speaking
  "Callie they're going to put a cream around and in the wound." He whispered. It started to get cold and it burned, but not as bad as the cleaning.
  "Done with that." Leo said. "Now for the bandaging. Jason, I can do that own my own. Go rest up." Leo wrapped his arm around me and sat me up.
"Can you raise your arms?" He asked.
"Yeah." I mumbled. He started gauzing from the bottom of my sports bra to my waist.
  "Ok. Are you cold? You look cold. I'll go get one of my hoodies. I'll bring you with me. He picked me up and set me in a wheelchair. He started wheeling my fastly towards his cabin. Piper came out of hers and Leo just about ran me into her.
  "Hey Callie! Glad I caught you. I have some tights that will be more comfortable than those blood soaked blue jeans. They might be alittle big but that will be ok."
  "Ok. Thank you Piper." I took the black tights and Leo wheeled me into his cabin. He grabbed a red hoodie with white pull strings and helped me put it on. It was big, but warm and comfortable.
  "Hey! I'm changing. Shoo!" I told Leo.
  "Are you running me out of my own cabin?" He asked laughing.
  "Yes I am." I told him. He walked out. I pulled off my shorts and pulled me feet through the leggings. I pulled them over my bottom just as Leo walked in.
  "I got it." I said. He went to roll me back to the infirmary, but I stopped him.
"Leo, is it bad that I'm scared to sleep alone? Could I stay in you cabin?" I asked.
  "Yeah. Gladly." He wheeled me back through his door. After helping me into the bed he lied down beside me. Before I knew it, I was asleep, with Leo snoring beside me.

  Ayee people. Please get me to 200 reads! Wow I'm needy. But ok before you think Leo is showing affection to Callie, he's just helping out. I would have said Percy and Annabeth did it, but I pictured Frank healing Percy, Piper healing Annabeth, and Hazel going inbetween those two, where she was needed. And Callie trusted Leo most, Frank knew Percy better, and I just think of Annabeth and Piper as bff's. And Jason had to be somewhere. But YAY they're out of the house of Hades. Ok. Be ready for the next update. There's only 5 left!

Callie Jackson; a Percy Jackson fan fiction; Book 1✔️ Where stories live. Discover now