The End (So to speak)

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This is it. We were ready to fight the Giants. We had went through Tartarus and back for this. I was back to back with Leo, turning in circles, standing in battle stances. The Giants appeared. Leo and I broke apart to fight separate Giants. I ended up in front of one shorter than all the others, but it was still 4 times my size. I grabbed another gold dagger that fell from his black dreadlocks. I ran around his ankles in circles until I could get close enough to cut them on his Achilles heel. Then, after howling, he stabbed me.
"Ahh!" I screamed. This hurt more than anything else before, but I kept fighting. Just me and the giant. I looked over at Leo and Percy, fighting together. They just tackled the opponent perfectly. Then I noticed a super long chain behind them. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me over to it. Grabbing it and running, letting it unroll as I go, I started running around the Giant's ankles.
"Hey!" She bellowed. "Stop that." I ran between her feet and she followed, doing a front flip. I wrapped her body one last time, and sprints off. I went over to help Hazel. She was fighting some huge one with Frank. He was firing arrows at its eyes, as Hazel and I ran around, cutting at its ankles and legs. Frank shot it, and it fell to the ground, dead. That was all the Giants. Our father and the other gods were here. We all bowed before our parents. It was killing my stomach but I did it anyway.
"Hello Father." Percy and I said in sync.
"Hello my favorite children. I have missed you both, but for now you need to get to Camp Half Blood. You have another war to with against the Romans. Farewell." He glanced down at my stomach, and looked at me in pity. He noticed, but didn't care.  He wrapped us is his cloak, and traveled us to camp.

We landed on the shore of Long Island. Before I got up of my butt, I took in my surroundings. Man did it feel good to be back here. Jason and Piper were flying in the air, Leo was bursting into flames, Noah and Kat were running towards the top of the hill, and on top of half blood hill were the Romans. I decided to confront Noah and Kat first. I looked at Percy and nodded. We both jumped up and ran as fast as we could, sand flying behind us. I saw Noah and Kat noticing me running towards them because both pairs of their eyes lit up.
"Callie!" They both screamed. We did a group hug thing, until I jumped out of it.
"What's wrong?" Kat asked.
"My stomach. It's fine though." I said. I couldn't have them worrying about me. We had to fight these Romans. The whole camp was silent besides Percy and Reyna.
"Legion! Cuneum formate! Advance!" Reyna shouted.
"Greeks let's, um... Fight stuff!" Percy screamed. Yeah my brother, a true leader. Who has such an expanded vocabulary. But we charged anyways. All I heard was screaming and the clanging of metal. Noah, Kat, and I got back to back in a triangle. About 6 teenagers surrounded us, ranging from ages 13-17. Kat looked about fifteen, with her slender face and bright burgundy colored eyes, clouded with all the sorrows she has. Noah and I look about our age. A girl that targeted me defiantly looked the oldest. She was Asian, with a slender face like Kat's , a black bob cut hair, and almond eyes.
The boy looked about 15. He was kinda chunky, with a scar that went down the side of his cheek, short cropped brown hair, and blue eyes. He charged first. We sparred here and there. Noah and Kat jumping in to help me, I doing the same with them. But they stopped and looked down at Leo and Octavian. I started running down the hill. What was happening. Nobody was fighting, and everyone was silent. Then, Octavian flew through the air. Then a fiery explosion flew, with Leo in it.
"No! I screamed. "Leo! He's fire proof he can't be gone!" But before I could finish my statement. I fell flat on my back. I was bleeding out because of the wound from the giant.
"No! Callie!" Percy, Noah, Kat, and the rest of the seven were crowded around me. Will slid in on his knees beside me with everything he needs.
  "Why is this not working?!" Will yelled. The world was spinning.
  "Percy?" I asked.
  "I'm here Callie. Right here. Just stay with me." he whispered and pushed my hair out of my face.
  "I-I can't. Apparently Kymopoleia's prophecy was actually clear." I laughed. "I love you Percy. Tell mom I love her too." Then the world went white.

Percy's POV

"No!" I screamed. "Bring her back! Will, please!" I was holding back tears.
"Percy, I" Will choked up. "I can't."
"No. Callie please." Tears were streaming down my face "Wake up." I was holding her head to my chest.
"Addio Callie." Nico said
"Vale Callie." Hazel stepped up.
"Zai Jain Callie." Frank bellowed.
"Au revoir Callie." Piper said. Jason lowered his head, listening to my weeping.
"It should have been me." I bawled. "I love you Callie. I always will." But I knew her terrible fate. My sister, the 12 year old daughter of Poseidon, was dead and gone.

Callie Jackson; a Percy Jackson fan fiction; Book 1✔️ Where stories live. Discover now