Oceans and freakouts

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  "It's along way down child" Gaea taunted me as I saw flashes. Percy letting go, Annabeth being pulled away from our hug, tumbling down, Leo screaming at Jason to help us. I sat straight up and screamed, waking Leo up in the process. I started breathing heavily.
  "It's ok. You're ok." Leo whispered. He hugged me and rocked back and forth with my head in the crick of his neck. Jason, Frank, Piper, and Hazel came bounding in. I looked up, terrified. Hazel walked over to us
  "Are you ok?" She asked. Her gold eyes were alert and warm.
  "Yeah. I-I'm sorry for waking you all up." I mumbled.
  "It's ok. Percy and Annabeth are sleeping together and they both have nightmares and do the same thing you did." Frank said. I buried my face in Leo's neck. Again. I started crying. Everyone left.
  "Callie, what was your nightmare about?" Leo asked. He brushed the hair out of my face with his hand.
  "It was flashbacks. Of going to Tartarus at first, of all the monsters, of.. Of Bob." I started crying.
  "Hey... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Leo told me. "It's ok. You're ok." He cradled my head back and forth until I went to sleep.
  About an hour later Leo woke up the same way I did, except he didn't scream.
  "Leo what's wrong?" I asked.
  "That's MY nightmares." He huffed out
  "About what?" I asked.
  "My mom. She died in a fire when young." He whispered. I somewhat hugged him while lying down. One arm around the back of his neck and the other one thrown on his stomach. I laid my head on his chest.
  "It will be alright. I have nightmares almost every night, so I'll be ok." He said.
  "I can't sleep Leo. Could we go to the top deck?" I asked.
  "Yeah. I'll carry you since there's stairs. It will be a lot easier. But we have to be really quiet. Annabeth and Percy need sleep." He whispered. Leo scooped me up into his arms. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he started tiptoeing through the halls. He had grabbed his pillow, balled up tshirt, and two blankets. When we got up to the deck, he sat me down and start fixing the blanket and pillows so we could lay down. After what felt like an hour, he finally got situated. He picked me up and sat me on the blanket. I laid my head on his chest. The tshirt was for me to lay on, but it hurt my head. I looked up at the stars. I found some of the constellations. I was about asleep but I whispered to the stars.
  "Bob says hello." As a single tear ran down my cheek. I rested, but I couldn't go to sleep. The water splashing on the side of the both was relaxing and it reminded me of a song I had heard.
You called me out onto the waters
The great unknown
Where feet may fail
And there I found you in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in your embrace
For I am ours
And you are mine

It sounded like something Noah would sing. After all it was true. Finally the bell that signaled 6:00 am woke Leo up. It was just loud enough for him to hear.
"Oh. Um- I didn't think you would be up yet. Do you want to put on one of my camp shirts?" He asked.
"Yeah. I didn't know you woke up this early."
  He carried me to his cabin.
  "We're going swimming." He said. "Or, you are. Percy and Annabeth's injuries are very serious, so they can't go in. And we have to take care of them."
  "Ok. What time?" I asked. He threw me an orange shirt.
  "My gods you ask a lot of questions! About 1:00 o'clock though. Let's see if we need to change your bandages." He lifted up my shirt. I hadn't bleed through them, so he left them alone. I stripped of the sweatshirt and put on his camp shirt. I lied down on the bed and went to sleep. He woke me up at 8:00 am to go to breakfast. I got lost trying to maneuver my wheelchair around the ship. When I finally made it to the dining hall, everyone was about to start eating. I sat in between Percy and Leo, and across from Hazel. Percy was playing with his food while Leo fixed my plate.
  "Percy, what's wrong?"
  "I'll tell you later." He mumbled. He pushed his chair back and stood up.
  "No! Tell me now!" I yelled. I swung around and jumped on his back. He started laughing. That was the first time I had saw him since Tartarus, much less saw him laugh. It was one of the best things I've heard in a long time. He ran off to my cabin and threw me on the bed.
  "Now what's wrong?" I asked. He suddenly got serious.
  "I-I just can't stand that I let you and Annabeth get hurt. I shouldn't have let go of that ledge. You would have never been pulled in. And now Annabeth can't get out of bed and to get out you have to be carried. None of us can sleep alone because of nightmares. And it's all my fault." He let out.
  "None of this is your fault. Tartarus messes with your brain. I love you." I told him.
  "Thanks. I love you too." He picked me up and threw me on his shoulders. He started running and as he got to the top deck he jumped overboard. But as hitting the water, neither of us got wet.
  "I thought you couldn't get wet." I told him.
  "I'm not letting the water wet me." He said. I started searching around. We stayed down there about three hours and started to go back up. When we got to the ship, we were yelled at. Big time. 'We didn't tell anyone we were going' and 'we were both hurt' and we all heard chorus' of stuff like that. After getting lectured for about an hour, I told Leo I was going to sit on the shore. He said I could but to watch for monsters. (Ok so I'll tell you more about this at the end, but this one's for you Asomi!) I swam out and sat down. Conjuring up anything I could. Just tinkering with my powers. I started building up a wall. I was concentrating super hard. I watched the wall grow 10, 25, 45, 50 feet. Then I heard a scream. The wall came tumbling down like the wall of Jericho. I snapped my neck to the right to see who screamed and what was so important to make me break my concentration. It was my friend Asomi Angeles, daughter of Thanatos and Nico DiAngelo, son of Hades. I will get Nico back for this. But I liked Asomi. She was cool, and she didn't do anything. I summoned the biggest wave I could in just a few seconds. It was at least 90 feet tall, as he wasn't facing me, I summoned the wave at full speed at Nico. It hit him so fast it threw him 100 feet. Right before he hit the water that I was going to half-drown him in, he unfurled wings. By half drown I mean i wasn't going to kill him, but I was going to "drown him". I know, kinda brutal, but he deserved it. I was half dead, and that was really hard to build up. I was furious. But apparently, so was he. Skeletons were forming out of the ground while he stormed at me, and I had the waves pounding at the shore and water storming around my feet.
"You don't even say sorry for Drowning me!" He yelled. Stupid death boy, his dad is Hades. He would just come back.
"Well it wouldn't have happened if You didn't break my concentration!" I screamed back. He started raising more skeletons and I raised the whole sea about 15 feet of the bed and doused him again.
"Do Not anger a temperamental preteen girl, daughter of one of the most powerful gods, Poseidon, who's range is over 3/4 of this earth, who just got out of Tartarus, and her brother is the most powerful demigod that single handedly saved to world." I told him. But before he could reply, I jerked my head to look at Asomi, who was chanting Ancient Greek. I then fell into the water.

I woke up later with Percy standing over me. He got on his knees.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Well Nico screamed and made me lose my concentration while building a wall. I slammed a wave into him and we kinda about killed each other. Then Asomi solved the problem by putting us to sleep so we couldn't actually kill each other." I said.
"Callie, you need to control your temper!" Percy said.
"That wall was 50 feet in the air Percy! And he made me lose concentration over a crab!"
"Just don't do it again." He told me.
"Ok. Tell Nico not to sneak up on me again." I said.
"I will when we get back to camp." He said.
"Thank you." I said. I dove into the water and swam to the Argo.

  Ok, so about Asomi Angeles. Go follow NightStriker13 and read her stories. This crossover is in her story too, but I added a little more emotion from Callie. Please. She's really cool and the story is Awesome. That's all I had to say. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! I'll reply (trust me. You can asked NightStriker13 ☺️)

Callie Jackson; a Percy Jackson fan fiction; Book 1✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt